Avoiding interlingual interference at different levels of the language system

Research article
Issue: № 7 (145), 2024
Submitted :


This article investigates the problem of interlanguage interference at different levels of the language system. The authors offer an overview of the main aspects of interference between different languages, from the phonological level to the syntactic level. The main aim of the study is to provide a detailed understanding of the phenomenon of interlanguage interference and to suggest methods and strategies for preventing and correcting this problem. The article also discusses the practical aspects of interference-sensitive language teaching and learning and offers recommendations for linguists, teachers and students aimed at effectively overcoming interlanguage interference. The article presents a number of interpretations of the term "interlingual interference" as well as a classification of this phenomenon. Based on the typology of interlingual interference, recommendations for its neutralization proposed by various methodologists and linguists have been analyzed. Interference is considered through the impact of the primary (native) language on the secondary (studied) language, the impact of the secondary language on the primary language, the differentiation of the impact at the level of language and at the level of speech, actions at the level of language and at the level of speech. The situation of language contact leads to the emergence of bilingualism, to the possession of two or more languages and their use depending on the conditions of speech communication.

1. Introduction

Learning foreign languages is a cognitive process that involves human perception, thinking and memory. However, one of the nuances that complicates the process is the negative transfer of the norms of the mother tongue system to the system of the language being learnt. In linguistics, this phenomenon is known as "interlingual interference"


2. Experimental

At present, there are several interpretations of the term "interlingual interference", proposed by both domestic and foreign philologists and linguists, who speak about the inevitability of the appearance of this phenomenon in the process of learning a foreign language.

The first mention of interference as a linguistic phenomenon belongs to the American linguist W. Weinreich, who noted in his work "Language contacts: state and problems of research" that interlinguistic interference is expressed in the deviation of norms of one language because of the possession of a person of several languages

. Russian linguist L. V. Shcherba believes that the process of interference consists in mutual adaptation of the speaker's language and the listener's language and corresponding change of norms of the contacting languages
. In the dictionary, Russian linguist L. P. Krysin notes that this scientist sees the essence of interference in the interaction of languages in their contact, "which leads to the penetration of elements and properties of one language into the other"
. Similarly, according to the Russian linguist S. A. Nikiforova, the possession of several foreign languages inevitably leads to their mutual influence on each other

As interlanguage interference is a cognitive process, it includes a number of thought complexes, which allows researchers to work on it includes a number of thought complexes, which allows researchers to work on its classification

. To date, the issue of classification of interlingual linguistic interference has been dealt with by such Russian and foreign linguists and scientists such as U. Weinreich, S. S. Sorokina, E. Haugen, V. V. Alimov, A. E. Karlinsky. Studying researches of these linguists, we have established that each of the proposed classifications are connected with each other by basic bases correlating with types of speech activity. This observation allows us to distinguish three main types of interlingual linguistic interference: phonetic, lexical and grammatical.

In order to realise quality teaching of foreign language phonetics, it is first of all necessary to provide students with a visual support for learning new phonetics skills. First of all, it is necessary to provide learners with a visual support for mastering new phonetic elements. The main principle of work in this case is to take into account peculiarities of the native language, as well as the demonstrative nature of the teacher's speech at the lessons of the foreign language. These principles allow pupils to fully master the basics of articulation. It is also necessary for the teacher to give the pupils an opportunity to work on individual sounds outside of text work, and to incorporate the work of pronunciation skills into the exercises aimed at developing lexical material.

In addition to the production of sounds, scholars talk about the appropriateness of mastering the intonation patterns through the use of dialogue unities, thus preparing students for communication in the target language.

3. Results and discussion

To prevent the emergence of language barriers, the researchers also recommend the significant use of choral work, which allows for the inclusion of each and every pupil, thus allowing them to emphasise their attention to the peculiarities of the articulation of certain phonemes

. Thus, the teaching of phonetics is based on the possibility of students to draw parallels with the phonetic norms of their native language, as well as constant training of articulation construction at foreign language lessons.

Table 1 - Phonetic interference


Methodological recommendations

Consideration of the peculiarities of the native language




Demonstrative nature of the teacher's speech

Considerable attention is paid to the production of articulation

Use of choral work

In order to reduce the risk of lexical interference, scientists suggest that it is suggested to pay special attention to the ways of semantisation of lexical units. According to B. B. Alieva, a Russian linguist, believes that the lexicon most prone to interference should be semanticised in terms of the principle of visibility. Interference-prone vocabulary should be semanticised from the point of view of the principle of visibility, expressed in contextualisation or use of the word in different contexts

. Exercises based on contextualisation allow learners to reduce the risk of making errors, the main reason for which is due to making errors, the main reason for which is polysemy, i.e. the presence of several lexical meanings for one word.

Moreover, a special role in the qualitative mastering of lexical units is played by the demonstration of language material through audio or video materials, as well as images

. Such an approach in combination with the principle of taking into account the peculiarities of the native language, expressed in the active use of comparative analysis of lexemes, allows students to more effectively master the lexicon of the target language and reduce the risk of errors caused by interference.

Table 2 - Lexical interference


Methodological recommendations

Consideration of the peculiarities of the native language

Principle of visualization

Particular attention is paid to ways of semantising vocabulary

Use of audiovisual visual aids

Comparative analysis of lexemes

Grammatical interference, expressed in the distortion of the norms of grammatical structures of one language under the influence of another, can be neutralised by the construction of training taking into account the peculiarities of the native language, expressed in the comparative analysis of native and foreign languages, as well as the installation of peculiar equivalents and detailed analysis of differences


Scientists also conclude that one of the most effective ways to combat the levelling of interlingual interference is the use of "grammatical constructions of the learner's native language, the closest to the equivalent grammatical foreign language construction, serving as its visual illustration in order to provide the learner with a support for understanding and remembering the grammatical phenomena of the foreign language"

. These constructions are called facilitators and are used to and are used to make foreign grammatical constructions as clear as possible.

Thus, in the work of O. E. Savelieva, one can find an example of mastering the English verb "to be" by means of facilitators. The researcher suggests translating sentences into Russian and transferring them from the present tense to the past tense. Thus, the equivalent of the past tense of the sentence "We are healthy" will sound like "Yesterday we were healthy", thus indicating the presence of the verb "to be, to appear" in its structure

. It is also worth noting the importance of students' basic knowledge of the basic grammatical concepts of the native language

Table 3 - Grammatical interference


Methodological recommendations

Consideration of the mother tongue



Active use of comparative and comparative analysis;

Working with Facilitators

4. Conclusion

Thus, the main methodological recommendations on prevention of Interlingual interference, according to its main types, can be conditionally organised in the following table. the following table.

Table 4 - Methodological recommendations for overcoming interlingual interference


Methodological recommendations

Phonetic interference

Taking into account the peculiarities of the native language;




Demonstrative nature of the teacher's speech;

Considerable attention is paid to the production articulation;

Use of choral work

Lexical interference

Taking into account the peculiarities of the native language;

The principle of visibility

Particular attention is paid to ways of semanticising of vocabulary;

Use of audiovisual means of visualisation;

Comparative and comparative analyses of lexemes.

Grammatical interference

Consideration of the mother tongue;



Active use of comparative and comparative analysis


Working with Facilitators

Summarising the obtained results, we can conclude that the prevailing principle of work on neutralising interlingual linguistic interference at all its levels is the principle of taking into account the peculiarities of the native language. This principle allows learners to make comparative analyses between their native and learnt languages. As a consequence, it is rational to speak about the presence of a conscious component as the main one in the process of learning foreign languages.

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