Research article
Issue: № 2 (44), 2016

Краснопёрова А.А.1, Ажмухамедов A.И.2

1 Студентка Астраханского государственного университета, 2Аспирант, Астраханского государственного технического университета



Рассмотрены методы воздействия на персонал, разработана модель информационного обмена в социальной среде, реализован алгоритм моделирования информационного влияния, приведены результаты имитационного моделирования, позволяющие более обосновано принимать управленческие решения по информационному управлению персоналом.

Ключевые слова: институциональное управление, мотивационное управление, информационное управление, информационный обмен.

Krasnopyorova A.A.1, Azhmuhamedov A.I.2

1 Student, Astrakhan State University, 2 Postgraduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University



Reviewed the methods of impact on the personnel, developed a model of information exchange in the social environment, implemented modeling algorithm of the impact information, allowing making decisions that are more reasonable on information management personnel.

Keywords: institutional management, motivation management, information management.

The staff is a major source of loss of valuable and confidential information. Difficulties in working with personnel experienced any organization that uses the sufficient volumes of sensitive information.

A person, possessing the will and consciousness, responds to the control action is not, and with allowance for their own ideas and interests. The way a person perceives the impact of management, whether it will follow it - depends on the efficiency of the system as a whole [4].

The importance of the human factor in the overall system of information security (IS) determines the relevance of the chosen research topic.

Formulation of the problem

To develop measures of information management staff to improve the system of information security in the organization.

The solution of the problem

The methods of impact on the personnel are divided into institutional practices, motivation and information management.

The essence of the institutional approach is to manage the rules and restrictions that are imposed on the activities of the organization. For the implementation of institutional control are used regulatory documents of various kinds of internal regulations, guidelines, security policy, etc.

However, in most cases, excessive regulation is fraught with a sharp decline in the loyalty of individual subjects and as a consequence of the catastrophic fall in the efficiency of the whole system up to its complete destruction [1].

Therefore, along with the institutional, in the theory and practice of modern human resource management become more urgent motivation management.

Motivation is understood as a process of revitalization of the motives of employees (internal motivation) and incentives (extrinsic motivation) for their motivation to work effectively.

For motivational personnel management the following mechanisms, for example, can be used:

- the timely promotion and advancement of their careers;

- creating comfortable and safe working conditions;

- rendering assistance in difficult situations.

These mechanisms are able to generate a high level of loyalty to the system. The level of staff loyalty largely affects the quantity and quality (danger) emerging internal threats and the fight against them.

Therefore, the loyalty of staff is one of the important factors to minimize security threats on the part of employees.

It should be noted that the efficiency of both institutional and motivational management is greatly influenced by the degree of informativeness of the organization. This information control means control of the composition and amount of information that the organization staff knows.

The concept of information management is presented as a process of development of administrative decisions in the situation where the control action is an implicit, indirect and facility management presents certain information about the situation (information picture), focusing on which the object chooses the line of conduct by itself [3].

The advantages of information management are "high selectivity of action, agility methods and means of exposure, depending on the changing situation, the possibility of operational focusing on a particular object, the possibility of comprehensive using of various methods and means of information impact, relatively low cost of development and implementation of management solutions for their high performance implementation " [2].

To improve the efficiency of information influence on the personnel, the preparation and implementation of various information "stuffing", under the leadership of Doctor of Technical Sciences Azhmuhamedov I.M., has been developed a model of information exchange in the social environment.

The simulation algorithm of information impact process on staff is as follows:

  1. In the first phase, corresponding to the zero step in time (t=0) block information I agreed service personnel management and leadership of the organization, be notified to the individual employees obviously a positive attitude to this information.

At this stage, the following is formed:

- The initial "information vector" Z, in which the index of employee awareness is initiated the set equal to 1, for the remaining employees - 0;

- The initial "opinions vector" employees.

  1. The next step is the dissemination of information and exchange of views between employees at the time step t=t+1:

- "vector repost" R information I is formed;

- The employees, whose "indicator repost" I is equal to 1, transmit information to other employees in accordance with the matrix of information exchange D;

- The calculation of the current "vector opinions" on by appropriate formulas are carrying out;

  1. On the third phase Hamming’s distance is calculated between the current vector and the "opinions vector", obtained at the previous time step, and checked the condition (1).

image002                                                                                             (1)

If the condition (1) is satisfied, then the algorithm work is terminated, and the findings are presented to the person making the decision for analysis. Otherwise, it returns to the 2nd stage of modeling.

As an example of this algorithm, will consider the results obtained in the Office of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of the Astrakhan region.

Among employees of the Federal Migration Service the information about the possible consequences of ignoring the IS was spread. The process simulation was carried out under the following initial data: the number of employees N=271, the subject of implemented information ("exceptions and their consequences") has been of interest to all employees of the organization.

The matrix of information exchange and the matrix of "trust" for the subject of implement information block were filled by the experts.

The inception employees "vector opinions" about implemented information, coefficients evaluation, that reflect the level of "conservatism", has been defined by the same experts, based on the individual characteristics of each employee.


Fig. 1 – The dependence of the number algorithm cycles work of the capacity initiated the set

Depending on the meaning L the number algorithm cycles work to stop by the condition (1) was different. With increasing L the number of cycles, as well as the number of employees remained uninformed, decreases.

Based on the results of simulation, image006 it was determined optimal employees set, through which information can be spread.

Man, being part of the system has been and remains the most vulnerable point in the security system. Since the efficiency of both institutional and motivational management is greatly influenced by the level of awareness in the organization is important to consider issues of information management personnel.

The methods of information management are useful for creating a favorable corporate environment, maintaining and strengthening the authority of the leadership, manipulating the consciousness of employees in order to increase the level of motivation and loyalty to the system, create an atmosphere of intolerance to disturbance, disinformation of hostile environment, as well as to identify the elements that threaten the implementation of the organization's mission (insiders).

The considered modeling algorithm of the impact information implemented as a software product (SP) in the object-oriented programming language C#.

The simulation results with using this SP will enable to make more reasonable decisions on information management personnel.


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