Research article
Issue: № 2 (44), 2016

Ибрагимова М.С.

ORCID:0000-0002-5779-5081, Магистр технических наук, Карагандинский Экономический Университет Казпотребсоюза



В статье изучен – анализ внедрение новых образовательных и информационных технологий в управлении образовательного учреждения РК.

Ключевые слова: информационно-образовательного пространства, высшие учебные заведения.

Ibragimova M.S.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5779-5081, Master of Technical Sciences, Karaganda Economic University



In the article the analysis of the introduction of new educational and information technologies in the management of the educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered.

Keywords: information-educational space, higher education institutions.

A modern system of management of educational activity and the formation of a unified educational space currently are the dominant trends defining the development of the education system. The program of Informatization of the education system proclaims the creation of a unified information and educational space, based on a single information-educational network. One of the objectives of this program is the introduction in education of new information technologies, which would allow to use them for training and for management of educational process.

Today, higher education institutions became full-fledged actors of the market economy, having the right independently to define directions of its development, goals and methods of achieving them. Increased the requirements of society to quality education, modernized and updated learning technologies, rapidly changing institutional and economic conditions of universities that intensifies competition in the market of educational services is constantly changing the position of the state in relation to higher education. The growth of autonomy and freedom of universities has led to an increasing responsibility of universities for the performance of their activities. The focus of many universities on survival requires major changes in the processes of University management, as traditional methods of management in market conditions was in some cases inconsistent.

To resolve problems of adaptation, survival and development in the new environment universities must constantly monitor the condition of the market of educational services, to evaluate their position in this market, introduction of innovation technologies in research and educational activities, thereby making the transition to an innovative path of development. Universities as an independent system needs to apply in their work methods and management models, conducted at the state level, to develop alternative options for its future behaviour depending on changes in the external environment, i.e., to use strategic approaches to regulation of educational activity. One of such approaches is the management focused on result, which is based on strategic development plan of the University.

The development of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present time is determined by the necessity of continuous, anticipatory, open education, which implies the creation of a single information-educational environment. In order to ensure the sustainable development of the educational process is invited to consider the approach of indicative planning of educational resources.

Effective functioning of educational institutions in the concept is the use of planning systems that support the information products that support decision making strategic management decisions that allow the University administration to model the situation development of the University and to choose the best development plan. The most effective systems solutions are based on the methods and models of mathematical modeling for managerial decision, which is a powerful tool for the study of complex systems, such as the University. Therefore, at issue is the development of methods, tools and governance based on the principles of innovative development of educational institutions.

Currently most Kazakh higher education institutions computerization of administrative, academic and scientific activity has its evolution of development. The universities have chosen to develop their own software solutions, which emerged along with the formation of the need for automation of certain administrative tasks and training. Thus, the following can be observed, in the first place among software solutions are enterprise information system, most focused on the automation of the tasks of the educational process (students, automated systems, scheduling, system organization, distance learning, statistics system, e-library), in second place are software solutions automation of business processes. With respect to business processes can also be observed that the universities use ready-made software solutions for accounting – "1C-Enterprise", for electronic document management or a turnkey solution, or are created independently of the University. Business processes include administrative processes if interpreted from the viewpoint of business processes – business process management to automate the business process for universities is no ready-made software solutions. Automation of such processes allows the University to form a Bank of control parameters received in other subsystems of enterprise information systems and generate information streams of a control character, and further enable to assess the state of scientific and educational activities through consolidation of all data into one database.

The analysis of the characteristics of HR activities in the market conditions shows the need to use new software, which link the two main levels of relationships between educators and employers: their interaction in the labour market and interaction within the enterprise, finding their optimum balance and support the competition of workers within the enterprise.

The system of educational institutions is a multi-level multi-agent active system, on the levels and stages of functioning of which the University is changing its role, remaining its basic element (metaagent). Therefore, the development of methodology of organizational-economic management in such a system is suitable from the standpoint of optimization strategies of the University with approval of the economic interests of its subjects at each level of management.

Analysis of works in the field of modeling and optimization of personnel management educational institutions showed that the existing mechanisms, models and tools for the planning and organization of the educational process must be augmented and expanded to meet the increasing role of economic considerations in the management of the University.


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