Research article
Issue: № 2 (44), 2016

Молдабекова Б.К.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6506-8477, Магистр технических наук, Карагандинский экономический университет Казпотребсоюза



В статье рассмотрены модели и методы по организации автоматизации мониторинга трудоустройства выпускников Вузов на примере базы данных кафедры информационно-вычислительных систем специальности «Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение» с целью обеспечения повышения уpoвня трудоустройства, oбecпeчения кoopдинaции плaнoв, paзpaбoтки peкoмeндaций пo улучшению качества трудоустройства.

Ключевые слова: трудоустройтво, выпускники, база данных.

Moldabekova B.K.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6506-8477, Master of Engineering Science, Karaganda University of Economics



In article models and methods on the organization of automation of monitoring of employment of university graduates on the example of a database of chair of information systems of the specialty "Computer Facilities and Software" for the purpose of ensuring increase of level of employment, ensuring coordination of plans, development of recommendations about improvement of quality of employment are considered.

Keywords: employment, graduates, database.

Education - a strategic resource that generates the intellectual capital of the country. This is due to the definition of education as one of the top priorities of the state policy in all development strategies of Kazakhstan.

 In the address to the nation on 17 January 2014 "Kazakhstan's way: a common goal, common interests, common future" President NA Nazarbayev has once again designated education as one of the priorities for the country's entry among the 30 most developed countries of the world. Currently, higher education policy is determined by the need to ensure the conditions for the training of competent and competitive specialists for all branches of the national economy, strengthening of intellectual potential, and practice-oriented activities of the higher school, its integration with science and industry, bringing into line with international educational standards.

Higher School of Kazakhstan is committed to achieving world-class education and entry into the unified educational space. The mechanism for achieving these goals is the implementation of the parameters of the Bologna Process, to which Kazakhstan acceded in March 2010.

Management of educational resources is an integral part of the overall management process, organized in any institution in order to effectively use his units against their targets. To solve these problems, there are many methods for solving problems arising in phases and stages of decision-making process. All these methods are implemented in special information systems - systems for decision support (DSS). The application of DSS based on their expediency and is determined by the complexity of the problems to be solved with their help.

The General principles of the organization of the DSS PK educational sphere at the present stage of development, as hyper complex integrated systems, allow higher education institutions to survive in highly competitive environment using applied problems.

Given the ever-increasing pace of development of IT-infrastructure in Kazakhstan is constantly increasing the demand for various specialists in the field of IT. The need for developing and maintaining the IT infrastructure of the organization is very clearly expressed in the demand for graduates of the specialty "Computing and software".

In the age of information technology this specialization is one of the most sought after and prestigious associated with the design, development, use and maintenance of software and hardware ensure. Bachelors in the specialty 5V070400 – "Computers and software" perform design, manufacturing, experimental research, organizational, managerial and operational activities.

The Department regularly monitors the employment of graduates. The Department has an electronic database of graduates, which is regularly updated.

The problem of improvement of information support activities at the present time is crucial for any economic related subject, functioning in a market environment.

On the one hand, this is due to the increased competition in the market, requiring new and improvement of existing methods of managerial decision-making, with other, information as such became increasingly regarded as a management function and resources of the organization.

The situation is compounded by the fact that the market of information technologies used in higher education the pace of its development is currently the most dynamic market. Innovative developments in the field of information technology in the education market occur much faster than the development of innovative products, raw materials, services or any other product of the economy.

The market is full of various information systems, including It infrastructure (computer, telecommunications, technological equipment and software) and It services based on it. The main purpose of information systems is to provide a unified environment for operational management of existing computer systems organization, database management systems and enterprise software, telecommunications and network equipment, storage devices, and mobile personal computers, and peripheral equipment.

At the Department of Information and computing systems framework of employment of graduates is made responsible for employment. Data is entered into MS Excel. Annually reports on employment. All data is stored in MS Excel that does not allow to provide reliable and timely information and analysis of employment of graduates. Due to the fact that the information is stored for each reporting period in separate documents, selection of necessary information takes a lot of time.

Information base is shown in figure 1.


Figure 1 - Information base of graduates KEUK

Since the existing database of graduates of the Department created in EXCEL, so it has several disadvantages:

- no automated analysis of the outcomes of practice;

- no transitive relationships of an existing database;

- lack of system flexibility and control of processes of information transfer.



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