Научная статья
Айдушев М.А.1, Муртазина А.М.2, *, Назирова С.С.3, Гайсин А.С.4, Бычек Д.С.5
1-5 Филиал Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета в Стерлитамаке, Стерлитамак, Россия
* Корреспондирующий автор (angelinamurtazina7[at]
АннотацияЦелью исследования является определение условий воспитательной эффективности занятий физической культурой и спортом в контексте делового межличностного конфликта, а также разработка метода конструктивного консультирования взаимной напряженности в старшей школе. Физкультурно-спортивные действия в данном контексте рассматриваются как фактор, формирующий поведение в условиях боевой игры, что позволяет осуществлять личностное развитие через овладение навыками поведения в боевой игре с одновременным переносом этих навыков на борьбу в межличностных отношениях.
Ключевые слова: физкультурно-спортивная деятельность, конфликт, развитие, навыки.
Research article
Aidushev M.A.1, Murtazina A.M.2, *, Nazirova S.S.3, Gaisin A.S.4, Bychok D.S.5
1-5 Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technical University in Sterlitamak, Sterlitamak, Russia \
* Corresponding author (angelinamurtazina7[at]
AbstractThe purpose of the study is to determine the conditions of educational effectiveness of physical culture and sports in the context of business interpersonal conflict, as well as to develop a method of constructive counseling of mutual tension in high school. Physical culture and sports activities in this context are considered as a factor shaping behavior in a combat game, which allows for personal development through mastering the skills of behavior in a combat game with the simultaneous transfer of these skills to the fight in interpersonal relationships.
Keywords: physical culture and sports activity, conflict, development, skills.
The object of the study is the education of secondary school-age children in the field of physical culture and sports.
The subject of the study is the subjective and objective conditions for providing models and value problems of interpersonal conflict of a child of secondary school age in the process of physical education and sports.
The topic is covered within the framework of the concept of free education, in which it is important to master the stimulating personal qualities of the child, encouraging him to act holistically. There would be forces applied to a human master in a conflict situation, and educational moments of conflict situations.
The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions of educational effectiveness of physical culture and sports in the context of business interpersonal conflict, as well as to develop a method of constructive counseling of mutual tension in high school. Physical culture and sports activities in this context are considered as a factor shaping behavior in the conditions of a combat game, allowing to develop a personality by mastering the skills of behavior in a combat game with the simultaneous transfer of these skills to the fight in interpersonal relationships.
The main hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the educational potential of interpersonal conflicts of physical culture and sports activities in adolescents is realized as a result of the activity of a teacher aimed at forming a zone of personal self-determination and personal responsibility in a teenager.
Therefore, the development of a power battery is associated with power paths based on the following prerequisites. The development of strength in conflict can be understood by teachers acting in the struggle, from providing an abundance of choice to determining the spontaneous impulsivity of boys.
Methodological and theoretical foundations of the study.
To solve the same problems, we consider it important to adopt a number of philosophical and methodological approaches and approaches. As children, we defined these principles: the
principle of the social-activity nature of man;
principles of free pedagogy;
principles of a systematic and active approach to the development of a child's personality;
the principle of the absolute importance of creativity, freedom, inner peace and freedom.
These provisions are characterized by the struggle of adolescents, which allows us to explore the educational potential of the method of conflict situations, as well as to conduct an empirical study of this strength and physical activity of adolescents.
Research methods.
System additional methods used in the work:
- analysis of literature to identify and reconstruct existing points of view,
- conceptual-categorical and conceptual-pedagogical analysis,
- construction of an ideal plan, generalization of existing points of view, modeling-comparison of empirical data.
- a system of thinking about the work done, thinking about the use of tools.
These methods were used in experimental work:
- pedagogical and psychological observation;
- systematization and generalization of
- pedagogical experience, empirical data;
- testing, interviewing, interviewing.
Using the Thomas test, which determines the design of the teacher's behavior in a fight. Scientific novelty.
The novelty of this work is connected with the development of a methodology for studying the educational potential of competitive activity in sports, which is considered as an action that provides functional separation zones in a combat game.;
A model of the structure of interpersonal conflict, as well as the structure of attention, conflict and rivalry is proposed. This allows us to clarify the concept of "constructive potential of conflict" and develop principles for constructing pedagogical methods that reveal the power of various behavioral strategies.;
The clients of the empirical study of the constructive potential of interpersonal conflicts in Japan are the platform;
It is proposed to change the diagnostic purpose of the analysis of competition, practices and methods that will turn spontaneous interpersonal conflict into a pedagogically significant problem.
Reliability and validity
The reliability and validity of the research results indicate that the first theoretical and pedagogical principles are associated with a systematic and personal approach to problem solving, a set of reliable and reliable research methods, including statistical verification of the results obtained, statistical modeling of cause-and-effect relationships.
The pedagogical phenomenology of conflict is the subject of identifying and analyzing such meanings from the point of view of evidence, which allows us to see the reason for a number of educational opportunities that open up for conflict situations. However, when analyzing pedagogical and psychological phenomena, we are in an area where logical analysis of values works. From this point of view, firstly, countering the use of conflict for the purposes of positive upbringing and development of adolescents needs to clarify the specifics of the mental world of a teenager (the direction of activity and personal relationships, the nature of neoplasms, the development of other cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres), as well as to clarify the meanings of pedagogical interaction and influence on a teenager.
In the process of formation of neoplasms, as in other young men, contradictions are created, the resolution of which lies in the field of interpersonal relations, in the zone of conflict interaction. These include the contradictory ones: those who stand behind the discrepancy in time of sexual, organic and social maturation, who describe the present and the due in contradiction with each other, between a sense of community and isolation, and overcoming this person becomes a "sense of identity" and "identity", in contradiction between the emerging level of thinking of the child and his claims to social maturity.
In adolescence, the modeling of alternative strategies for the interaction of art and character develops in connection with the formation of norms of social behavior. This process is aimed at the development of self-determination mechanisms, the formation of responsible behavior. This transition is the result of the hypothesis about the importance of the process of self-determination and the formation of responsibility for the constructive resolution of interpersonal conflict of a teenager.
Methodological explanations of the method of conflict situations in adolescents even in these representations:
- the choice in favor of using or independently developing specific methods and strategies for overcoming interpersonal conflicts in adolescents can be effectively implemented in accordance with age characteristics, including the teenager's belief in his rightness, the desire to reveal his genius (compared to other adolescents), strong resistance to the power of adult leadership against the background of the increased importance of communication.
- the development of the power supply system is in a state when a teenager is looking for adequate means to relieve tension. At the stage of the 13 interactions competition, the field for selection is rapidly narrowing;
- an educational system focused on the place of non-total communication can be transformed by applying techniques to actualize the constructive potential of interpersonal conflict, taking into account orientation in choosing one or another aspect of cooperation strategies, rivalry or rivalry in conflict.;
- in each property, the use of competition as a development system presupposes non-directive reflexive conflict management on the part of the teacher. This gives the site an additional attack that can both reduce the power to zero with the incompetent participation of the teacher, and enhance the development effect and create a secondary development potential.
Physical education and sports have genetic roots in martial arts, which is also important for the formation of culture. We adhere to the concept of the emergence of physical culture and sports activities of the following content. It was a peaceful confrontation and competitive games that arose in the depths of the tribal community as an effective means of resolving internal interpersonal and group conflicts (N.R. 15 Ermak, R.L. Piloyan). This approach allows us to introduce new aspects to the study of conflict behavior, which allow us to determine the competitiveness of both the next dress and socially significant character advice.
The problem of conflict resolution in the education system probably lies in the interaction of participants in this process, the subjects of which may be students, teachers, parents. According to our data, the correct forms of behavior in identifying conflicts among adolescents and even physical education teachers are: conflict termination 24.0%, observation 6.0%, identification of the causes of conflict 63.0%, search for educational opportunities of conflict 37.0%, identification of the needs of various 27.0%, identification of stakeholders 3.0%, identification of the moral grounds of the conflict 9.0%.
Finding out the cause of the conflict and finding educational opportunities for the conflict are known to most physical education teachers as the first task of a teacher.
To build a strategy of mutual tension through physical culture and sports, the idea of the author of the method in physical education (N.G. Ozolin) was used, it was presented in the USA in the field of pedagogical conflict resolution based on competitive competitions within the framework of sports activities of a teenager.
Конфликт интересов Не указан. | Conflict of Interest None declared. |
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