Research article
Issue: № 11 (113), 2021


Научная статья

Ефремова Е.Ф.1, *, Юрова И.Ю.2, Самарина Т.А.3

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-4436-6042;

1, 2, 3 Саратовский государственный медицинский университет им. В.И. Разумовского, Саратов, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (efremovaket[at]


Проведен анализ научной литературы по проблеме определения уровней владения иностранным языком студентами неязыковых вузов. Выявлено, что в настоящее время существует потребность разрешения противоречия между огромным потенциалом дисциплины «Иностранный язык» и неспособностью обучающимися в полной мере применять иностранный язык в своей профессиональной деятельности. Установлено, что до настоящего времени единых научных положений по вопросу определения уровней владения иностранным языком в неязыковых вузах не выработано, что предопределяет актуальность проведенного исследования на базе Саратовского государственного медицинского университета. В статье выделяются, теоретически обосновываются и анализируются уровни владения иностранным языком студентами медицинского вуза (высокий, средний, низкий), что позволяет иметь ясное представление о достигнутых обучающимися результатах в процессе иноязычной подготовки. Анализируются результаты исследования по определению достигнутого уровня владения иностранным языком студентами-медиками по окончании курса обучения.

Ключевые слова: иноязычная подготовка, эффективность иноязычной подготовки, уровни владения иностранным языком, речевая деятельность.


Research article

Efremova E.F.1, *, Yurova I.Yu.2, Samarina T.A.3

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-4436-6042;

1, 2, 3 Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia

* Corresponding author (efremovaket[at]


The article analyses scientific data on the problem of defining foreign language proficiency levels among medical students in non-linguistic universities. It has been revealed that nowadays there is a necessity to adjust differences between the great potential of “Foreign Language” course in universities and the inability of students to use foreign language to the full extent in their sphere of occupation. It has been established that there are no scientific agreements on the problem of defining the levels of foreign language proficiency in non-linguistic universities. This makes the research in Saratov State Medical University be of a current interest. The article defines, makes a theoretical lodgment and analyzes levels of foreign language proficiency among medical students (high, medium, low). It allows to highlight the achievements of students in mastering foreign language. The results of research are analyzed in accordance with the level of foreign language proficiency achieved by medical students by the end of the course.

Keywords: foreign language training, effectiveness of foreign language training, foreign language proficiency levels, speech activity.


New requirements in the area of medical activities determine the increasing role of foreign language training among medical students. In this context a foreign language should be considered firstly as a mean of professional communication and secondly as a significant instrument that allows successful navigating in the modern multicultural world [3, P. 96]. Such an opinion was expressed by many researchers: E.P. Kobeleva [5], Efremova [3], A.D. Chuvashova [6], V.V. Vonog [9], L.V. Yarotskaya [10], A. Coleman [7]. Meanwhile foreign language learning by medical students is limited due to a number of reasons:

1) insufficient number of academic hours for the discipline;

2) low motivation of future doctors;

3) lack of proper professionally oriented teaching materials, etc.

In our opinion, there is an urgent need to improve the effectiveness of foreign language training of medical students which would be determined by the analysis of future specialist achievements.

According to N.D. Galskova the level of proficiency in a foreign language is understood as "a certain degree of development of the individual's communicative ability from the point of view of the effectiveness of the process of intercultural interaction with representatives of a different linguistic society" [2, P. 100].

V.P. Bespalko distinguishes 4 levels of knowledge acquiring depending on the characteristics of didactic tasks:

1) the level of recognition;

2) the level of reproduction;

3) the skill level;

4) the level of transformation.

Summarizing the above mentioned statements we believe that these 4 levels identified by V.P. Bespalko characterize step by step progress in the assimilation of the discipline content.

Speaking about the system of proficiency levels in foreign languages it is important to point out the system that was developed by scientists from the Council of Europe. The scheme is based on the principle of a step by step branching and has three main levels: level 1 Breakthrough and level 2 Waystage - basic knowledge of a foreign language; level 3 Threshold and level 4 Vantage - self-sufficient knowledge of a foreign language; level 5 Effectiveness and level 6 Mastery – native-level language proficiency [8].

Thus, analyzing and comparing the levels of knowledge acquiring defined by V.P. Bespalko and the levels of foreign language proficiency developed by the scientists of the Council of Europe we have come to conclusion that the levels Breakthrough and Waystage correspond to the level of getting knowledge (recognition activity), the level Threshold - to the algorithmic level (solving typical tasks), the level Vantage - the level of knowledge acquiring (action choice) and the levels Effectiveness and Mastery correspond respectively to the creative level of knowledge acquiring.

It should be noted that the above mentioned level models can already be applied into the process of teaching a foreign language at medical university. Summarizing the statements we admit that within the framework of compulsory course of foreign language at medical university depending on the degree of language proficiency and communication skills in all types of speech activity (speaking, reading, listening, writing) we have identified three levels of foreign language proficiency: high, medium, low.

A low level indicates significant difficulties in translation and grammatical structures usage, errors in word agreement in phrases, sentences, both in meaning and grammar; a small number of possible combinations of previously studied lexical units in usage, an incomplete knowledge of general scientific and special medical terminology; low degree of communication skills; speech act of low quality; lack of confidence in foreign usage; lack of initiative in speech contacts.

The middle level is characterized by the usage of previously studied grammatical phenomena; as a rule, correct agreement of words in phrases and sentences, both in meaning and grammar; sufficient number of possible word combinations of studied lexical units; meaning of most unknown words in texts; knowledge of common vocabulary, general scientific and special medical terminology necessary for both oral and written forms of communication in professional sphere; communication skills formation; ability to adapt to new speech situations; the appropriate usage of language and speech means; good quality of speech act; initiative of the speaker / listener.

The high level states phonetic and grammatical correctness of speech; a great scope of common vocabulary, general scientific and special medical terminology which allows effective intercultural communication of specialists; knowledge of basic methods of lexical units formation and their compatibility; understanding the meaning of unknown words in texts; communication skills formation; high quality of speech act; certainty in understanding information; initiative of the speaker / listener without additional assistance from the teacher.

Much year experience as teachers of the department of Foreign Languages at medical university confirms the fact that the act of communication among students can take place even with a very low level of phonetic and grammatical skills. Despite this, the development of speech skills is not possible without knowledge of linguistic means of communication and the skills in understanding and generating a speech act, both orally and in writing.

For effective foreign language training organization and realization, we consider it expedient to give classes, taking into account the selection and structuring of academic material in accordance with language proficiency level of students, making study manuals, systems of multi-level exercises based on the progressive development of speech skills and abilities, mandatory tests for students (entry, intermediate, final) in order to define and monitor quality indicators.


At the end of the course, a comprehensive study of students’ results at the pediatric, pharmaceutical and dental faculties (diagnostic tests, linguodidactic tests, translations, monitoring mental and communicative activities during seminars) made it possible to assess the achieved levels of foreign language proficiency by future doctors and conduct a comparative analysis.

The results are presented in the table (see table1).


Table 1 – Changing in levels of foreign language proficiency

Period Total Number of students reached the level of proficiency
low medium high
number % number % number %
Fall semester 90 29 32 49 55 12 13
Spring semester 90 14 16 57 63 19 21

Table 1 indicates that the number of students with a low level of foreign language proficiency has decreased. Meanwhile, the obtained data indicate an increase in the number of students who have reached the middle and high level. According to the Table 1, the results of the final data allow us to state the fact that medical students had a positive trend: at the beginning of their studies 29 students had a low level of proficiency in foreign language, which made up 32% of the total number (90 people). At the final stage of training this level was noted in 14 students, that is 16% of the total number (90 people). At the same time 57 students (63%) reached the average level, which is 8% higher in comparison with the beginning of training. The number of students with a high level of proficiency in foreign language increased by 7% among respondents.


In our opinion, taking into account the levels of foreign language proficiency in the process of foreign language training allows us to find the optimal pedagogical solution, since: 1) it can be used as an indicator of effectiveness in foreign language training; 2) makes it possible to get a clear idea of the results achieved; 3) allows assessing not only the scope, but also the quality of knowledge, skills, abilities of future specialists; 4) makes it possible to adjust the methods, means and techniques of studying and teaching the language in order to improve the results; 5) provides student and teacher with transparency in comparing self-assessment and formal assessment on the basis of a generally accepted system; 6) ensures continuity between different educational stages; 7) can be applied for different conditions of foreign language learning.

Конфликт интересов Не указан. Conflict of Interest None declared.

 Список литературы / References

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