Research article
Issue: № 1 (151), 2025
Submitted :


The article is devoted to methodological techniques used when working with visual aids which play an integral part of the higher education, providing an essential tool for communicating content to students during various types of classes on the Russian Sign Language.

Visual materials are effective educational means. They allow to develop independent thinking and form communicative competence. The use of videos and dictionaries in practical classes on the Russian sign language represents the development of modern methods of teaching languages, since there is an active techno-pedagogy development nowadays.

The authors offer practical ways for those who apply the principles of teaching with the use of educational videos and dictionaries. They help to increase motivation of students and achieve the best results in studying.

1. Introduction

Visual aids play an integral role in the learning process at higher education institutions. They represent traditional teaching methods and serve as a basis for various types of classroom activities. Undoubtedly, modern technologies and innovations contribute to enhancing motivation for language learning.

Visual tools are particularly significant in language learning, as they are based on a fundamental methodological principle known as the visualization principle. The use of video material and dictionaries in the Russian Sign Language classes helps to clarify and visualize abstract or complex concepts.

The process of teaching police officers and future doctors the Russian sign language (RSL) includes learning gestures. These are significant units of the sign language that capture target concepts. They are expressed by movements of hands and face as well as dactylology, i.e., dactyl signs, which are the letters of a particular national alphabet expressed by means of fingers.

For this reason, it is vital to develop pedagogical principles for organizing the learning process that contribute to the effective development of educational material on the Russian sign language.

The findings of this study aim to improve the effectiveness of educational efforts for both medical students and law cadets.

2. Main part

The experience of teaching the Russian sign language shows that a limited period of study, an intensive educational program, target audiences, lack of knowledge and experience of cadets and medical students cause difficulties in communicating with the deaf and hearing-impaired citizens.

In order to enhance the efficiency of any educational process, it is essential to implement modern approaches to organizing educational activities. For instance, at the beginning of a training course on the Russian Sign Language training program, it is crucial to establish contact with the target audience. The teacher's engagement, motivation, and emotional drive will elicit a response from the students.

In general, the structure of practical classes can be represented in the following way: performing exercises to develop the skills of dactyling and reading the text from a dactylating hand; introduction of lexical and grammatical material; formation of lexical skills; development of lexical and grammatical skills; monitoring the level of knowledge, skills and abilities; formation and development of speech skills; formation and development of translation skills


Let's consider educational videos and dictionaries in the process of teaching and learning the Russian Sign Language.

There are a lot of dictionaries that differ in their purpose and functionality. All of them are an integral part of the educational process and of great help for teachers and researchers. A dictionary can be used not only as a reference material but also as an independent textbook for the development of all types of speech activity and the formation of communicative competence. To achieve good results in studying a language by means of using a dictionary is to know how to deal with it


One of the major challenges that students face when learning the Russian Sign Language is the lack of vocabulary. The use of dictionaries significantly contributes to the expansion of students' lexis


Thus, the teaching staff of the departments of Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I. D. Putilina, Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia published a dictionary "Dictionary of the Russian Sign Language for employees of Internal Affairs Bodies", which makes it possible to learn the language better and more efficiently. It also allows students to diversify the process of learning the Russian sign language and helps to master the words more thoroughly by means of visual aids, which is a great advantage


The result is that students taking courses in language learning encounter a large number of specialized terms (gestures) which frequently occur in daily life. This dictionary attempts not only clarify the meanings or usage of these terms but also simplifies the search for the necessary lexical unitsIt includes the core vocabulary on 8 topics:

1. "Acquaintance. Appearance".

2. "General vocabulary".

3. "Time. Calendar. Nature. Color".

4. "Numerals. Money".

5. "Family. Home. Life".

6. "Country. City. Transport".

7. "Professions. Medicine".

8. "Jurisprudence. Professional lexis",

which define in as simple and precise a way as possibleEach gesture has been selected on the basis of its importance within a topic and reflects the fact that the term has a particular meaning when used within that topic


The advantage of this publication is the use of video display of gestures by means of a quar code, which makes it easier for students to learn the sign language.

The educational video "Basic situations of professional communication between police officers and people with hearing impairments", published by the same authors, consists of two parts: basic video dictionary and educational videos related to the professional activities of police officers and doctors

. The educational video and the vocabulary are quite short and allow students to focus on the content of the dialogues and specific gestures. All videos are based on visual materials that contribute to the development of students' communication skills. It provides an opportunity to learn both the language and the peculiarities of communication with people who have hearing problems.

The use of visual aids on the Russian sign language helps to master the speech, linguistic and socio-cultural norms of the Russian sign language as well as develop compensatory and educational-cognitive skills necessary for cross-cultural communication and solving various problems


One of the advantages of visual aids is their constant reuse in different classes on the discipline being studied. When creating or selecting video materials, it is important to take into account the target audience


In order to improve any educational process efficiency, it is necessary to apply modern approaches to the organization of educational activities. For instance, games play a crucial role in language learning programs, that is why it is useful to have a small game element, such as articulation exercises, quizzes, etc.

Making up an interesting story with new gestures from the dictionary or from the educational film is also a valuable learning tool. Tutors encourage students to create their own stories using both dialogues, monologues from the educational film and their personal experience, professional endeavors, a situation they saw happen, a story told by a friend.

Engaging in various role-playing scenarios during language classes aimed at developing speaking skills helps to overcome both linguistic and psychological obstacles in communication among professionals in the fields of medicine, law enforcement, and those with hearing impairments.

The enriching experience of integrating educational films and dictionaries within the classroom has paved the way for an enhancement in the quality of lectures, seminars, and practical courses. This initiative has also elevated the professional competence of future police officers and medical students when engaging with deaf citizens


It is essential to acknowledge that the training of cadets is markedly more effective, since the Russian sign language is included in the studying process of all educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while students of medical universities learn the Russian sign language by means of preliminary courses. Thus, there is a pressing objective to incorporate the discipline "Russian Sign Language" into the core curriculum of medical universities. This integration promises to greatly facilitate the mastery of the Russian sign language.

It is evident that the training of both police officers and medical professionals holds immense significance, as their roles place them in direct and frequent contact with the community. The intertwining of these professions fosters a unique synergy, enriching their interactions with different kind of population. Strengthening their ability to communicate effectively, particularly with those who rely on the sign language, is vital.

Hence, by bridging the gap between these fields of training, we can cultivate a more inclusive and responsive approach to public service, ensuring that both law enforcement and healthcare providers are equipped to engage meaningfully with every member of society.

Thus, the experience of teaching the discipline "Russian Sign Language" shows that the educational film and the dictionary are professionally oriented, structured visual materials that provide an opportunity to comprehend and consolidate the peculiarities of the Russian Sign language in a particular context. 

3. Conclusion

Thus, the analysis of the process of teaching police officers and medical students the Russian sign language is believed to have made it possible to identify problems, formulate principles and develop methods for teaching the Russian sign language skills, which stimulate to organize the educational process successfully. The intention to organize the educational process effectively might contribute to obtaining high results in teaching process.

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