Научная статья
Выпуск: № 10 (148), 2024


Цель исследования, результаты которого составляют настоящую статью, заключалась в выявлении видов абзацев, составляющих структуру текстов школьников, количественных и качественных изменений в такой структуре.

Достижение поставленной цели стало возможным через ориентацию школьников на составление плана письменного высказывания. Помимо этого школьникам было предложено выделять в абзацы предложения, начинающие раскрытие новой смысловой части. Кроме того, составители текстов учитывали совпадение количества пунктов плана с количеством абзацев в тексте. К тому же на протяжении пятилетнего эксперимента сохранялся коллектив школьников и организационные условия, предшествующие созданию текстов.   

В статье изложена количественная и качественная характеристики абзацев, расчленяющих сложное синтаксическое целое, совпадающих с ним или с самостоятельным отдельным предложением, включающих в себя подобные синтаксические конструкции. Изучение указанных изменений приводит к выводу об интуитивном осознании единиц более обширных, чем предложение. К выводу о наличии предпосылок к изучению синтаксиса текста, начиная с начальных классов.

1. Introduction

One of the conditions for effective speech communication is the discrete nature of statements. This condition is manifested in the fact that there are pauses between units of statements, which in the written form of this communication are filled with punctuation marks. People use punctuation marks in statements that coincide with a sentence in accordance with the rules accepted in society. However, linguistic science also considers larger syntactic constructions. The allocation of such constructions in writing does not refer to unambiguous solutions. Nevertheless, a paragraph often serves as a means of dividing statements larger than a sentence.

For a long time, a sentence was considered the only unit of syntactic research. The beginning of new ideas was laid by A.M. Peshkovsky. He suggested that speech is an alternation of "single sentences" and "complex wholes"


The allocation of "complex wholes" showed that a sentence acts in coherent statements in two functions. Firstly, as a “building material” for a “complex whole”. Secondly, as a unit equivalent to a “complex whole”. In the latter function, a sentence acts as a unit of text “isolated” from the “complex whole”, which has the most direct relation to text formation and coherent speech as a whole. In texts, such sentences play the role of fasteners between “complex wholes”, summary paragraphs. They serve to highlight and logically emphasize individual thoughts and provisions

. In some studies, the term “complex whole” is replaced by the term “paragraph” or the term “complex syntactic whole”. In this case, an identification of a paragraph and a complex syntactic whole is observed. A paragraph is considered as a means of forming a complex syntactic whole in written speech (Friedman L.G.
, Sevbo I.P.
, Kulintseva N.A., Zaitseva O.L.
, Moiseeva I.Yu., Klimkina E.S.

"We call a paragraph," writes L.G. Friedman, "a speech complex characterized by unity of content and a special intonation pattern, usually consisting of a number of independent sentences linked to each other by means of linguistic means"


In a number of works, a paragraph appears as a means of highlighting sentences that are not in contact with preceding sentences, sentences that contain a new and important idea. Such isolation of sentences forces us to pay attention to them (Silman T.I.

, Koltsova L.M.

In the given study, a paragraph is considered as a means of the author's division of written speech. This is, on the one hand. On the other hand, in the text, a paragraph can coincide with a complex syntactic whole or with a separate independent sentence.

The purpose of the study, the results of which form this article, was to identify the types of paragraphs that make up the structure of schoolchildren's texts, quantitative and qualitative changes in such a structure.

Achieving this goal became possible through focusing schoolchildren on drawing up a plan for a written statement. In addition, schoolchildren were asked to highlight sentences in paragraphs that begin to reveal a new semantic part. In addition, the authors of the texts took into account the coincidence of the number of plan points with the number of paragraphs in the text. In addition, throughout the five-year experiment, the group of schoolchildren and the organizational conditions preceding the creation of texts were preserved.

Communication of the theory of a paragraph, special training in the use of paragraphs in written speech, was not carried out. Consequently, the division of texts into paragraphs was carried out by schoolchildren largely subjectively.

2. Research methods and principles

The object of the study was the texts in which the informational message of schoolchildren was presented. This message was left by the same schoolchildren studying in the fifth to ninth grades of a comprehensive educational institution. The texts of these children were mentioned by the author of the article in the articles "Integrity of the Text as a Factor of the Information Message of Pupils"

, "Connectivity of text as a factor of information communication of schoolchildren"
. However, the present description includes a different subject of the study. In this case, the following research methods were used:

1. A linguistic experiment, implying the creation of organizational conditions for text formation. One of the conditions is the mental planning of the sequence relative to the completed semantic parts in the implied statement. Another of them is the designation of the beginnings of such parts in writing by indenting the sentence from the red line.

2. Linguistic identification, according to which the researcher imposes a matrix of microtext units, consisting of the features of a complex syntactic whole, a separate independent sentence, on the text of schoolchildren, on its paragraph division. The features of these microtext units are disclosed in the theory of text syntax. The comparison carried out allows us to notice in the texts of schoolchildren a coincidence of scientific knowledge and a subjectively intuitive understanding of the process of grammatical design of the expressed thoughts.

3. Methods of dynamic linguo-methodological research, described by S.V. Yurtaev in the article "Methodology of dynamic study of schoolchildren's speech activity and its impact on educational management"


3. Subjective types of paragraphs

3.1. Paragraphs combining s.s.c., s.o.p.

Such elements of the text structure reveal several micro-themes. Their average number from the fifth to the ninth grade is as follows: 1; 1.2; 1.6; 2.5; 2.4.

These paragraphs have an increasing dynamics of their development. Their number increases. The increase is sluggish in the fifth – seventh grades. In the eighth grade, it revives. However, in the ninth grade, there is a slight decline.

The share of paragraphs combining s.s.c., s.o.p. in %: 44.3; 42; 33.5; 41.3; 34.5.

The share of real paragraphs prevails in the fifth grade. Then its percentage coincides with the percentage of the share of paragraphs of the second type. From the seventh grade, it occupies a place second only to the leading share. The proportion of analyzed paragraphs decreases by the ninth grade. However, in the eighth and ninth grades it fluctuates.

Paragraphs combining s.s.c., s.o.p.:

...Once my dad took me hunting in the forest. There are many different animals in the forest in winter. I really wanted to see one of them. We were walking through a beautiful snowy forest. Dad found tracks. When the tracks ended, we saw a large red fox. She became wary, at that moment it seemed to me as if an artist had painted her with a brush on the white snow. The fox was red, her tail was fluffy, her ears were long, her eyes were scared. I wanted to admire her some more, but our dog jumped out from behind the bushes... (Grade 5, Tanya K.)

The increase with a decrease in the average number of paragraphs combining s.s.c., s.o.p. is accompanied by a decrease in their proportion, which occurs in the last years of study in basic school.

3.2. Paragraphs that match the s.s.c., s.o.p.

These elements of the text structure reveal one micro-theme, which is expressed by students in the title in terms of the information message. The average number of paragraphs that match the s.s.c., s.o.p.: 0.8; 1.2; 2.8; 2.8; 4.1.

Such paragraphs have a progressive development dynamic. Their number increases most intensively in the seventh and ninth grades. The increase in their number slows down in the eighth grade, i.e. when the volume of paragraphs that combine the s.s.c., s.o.p. significantly expands.

The share of paragraphs that match the s.s.c., s.o.p. in %: 34.9; 42.6; 58.1; 46.5; 57.8

The share of these paragraphs in the fifth grade ranks second. Then its percentage becomes equal to the percentage of the share of paragraphs that combine s.s.c., s.o.p. Then the identity is broken. The superiority of the analyzed share sets in. It lasts for three years, in the seventh – in the ninth grades.

Paragraphs that coincide with s.s.c., with s.o.p.:

...In the morning, having asked permission, having attached the frames to the luggage rack of the bicycle, having taken the fishing rods with gear, I went on a long-awaited fishing trip. Having arrived at the place, the first thing I did was unwind the wire from the bicycle to take the fishing rod and frames. I inserted one part of the rod into the other so as not to tangle the line or break it. Then he threw the frames further away so as not to catch them on a pipe from the bridge railing that fell due to the flood... (Grade 8, Dima Z.)

The increase in the number of paragraphs coinciding with the s.s.c., with the s.o.p., is accompanied by the advancement of their share to the predominant share.

3.3. Paragraphs dividing the s.s.c.

These elements of the text structure reveal one micro-theme. But individual sentences are indented from the red line. The average number of paragraphs dividing the s.s.c.: 0.5; 0.4; 0.4; 0.7; 0.5.

These paragraphs are characterized by unstable dynamics of their use. Their number initially decreases, then increases and decreases again. Moreover, the indicator of the ninth grade does not differ from the indicator of the fifth grade.

The share of paragraphs dividing the s.s.c. in %: 21; 14.8; 8.6; 12; 7.5.

Their share is third-rate for five years. It decreases to the eighth grade, increases and decreases. At the same time, the indicator of the ninth grade is several times lower than the indicator of the fifth grade.

Paragraphs that dissect the s.s.c.:

... The boys were talking, but later they fell silent, because they were very tired.

We sat down to rest and eat. But we did not make a fire. And we ate wild berries that we picked in a clearing near the camp... (9th grade, Katya M.)

The undulating, non-growth quantitative change in paragraphs that dissect the s.s.c. is accompanied by a decrease in their share, which has fluctuated in recent years.

4. Discussion

As schoolchildren grow older, they isolate into paragraphs an increasing number of combinations of complex syntactic wholes, complex syntactic wholes with independent separate sentences. True, such growth slows down in the ninth grade. It even has a slight decline.

This allocation prevails in the fifth grade. Then it gives up its leading position, going down a step.

Every year, students isolate into paragraphs an increasing number of complex syntactic wholes or independent separate sentences. Such allocation is progressive, more intensive than the isolation of complex syntactic wholes with independent separate sentences into paragraphs.

Having a secondary importance in the fifth grade, the allocation of complex syntactic wholes, independent separate sentences into paragraphs becomes predominant from the seventh grade.

The division of complex syntactic wholes into paragraphs does not have a certain dynamics of development. Its share is the lowest.

5. Conclusion

There is no complete coincidence of complex syntactic wholes, independent separate sentences, with paragraphs in students' texts. When dividing a text, students are guided by the idea, which does not always receive adequate grammatical design. The greatest gap between the idea and its grammatical embodiment is observed in the first years of finishing primary school. Then it decreases. Nevertheless, schoolchildren finishing primary school are capable of mastering the elements of text syntax. Studying such syntax can give the process of text formation a more conscious character, bring intuitive capabilities to the level of purposeful speech actions.

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