Научная статья
Выпуск: № 12 (31), 2014

Куликова Ю. С.1 Меркулова Н. В.2

1Магистрант, 2Кандидат филологических наук, Воронежский ГАСУ



В статье рассмотрены основные принципы технологии строительного производства устройства монолитного фундамента стаканного типа и необходимость специального оборудования для монтажа, а также операционный контроль качества работ в соответствии с нормативными документами.

Ключевые слова: монолитный фундамент, бетонирование, контроль качества.

Kulikova Y. S1, Merkulova N.V.2

1Master Student, 2PhD in Linguistics, Voronezh GASU



The article considers the main principles of construction technology of monolithic  glass type foundations and the need for the special equipment for the installation, and also the operational quality control of the works in accordance with the regulations.

Keywords: solid foundation, concreting, quality control.

Foundation is the most laborious and the most important part of the work during the construction of any building. The strength and the stability of the base directly affects the durability of the building.

Installation of glass type foundations is not complicated in technical terms, however, it requires the compliance with a number of different state standards. Because most of these designs are mounted on the objects of industrial values, their installation is done by professionals who know all the nuances of the performance of such work.

Before concreting the casting section, the following works should be performed:

- 1. all fittings and fixtures installed;

- 2. all the elements of the formwork assembled;

- 3. the scaffolding supporting the formwork installed;

- 4. the installation and the reliability of the fastening of casing elements verified;

- 5. the presence of the grease on the boards verified;

- 6. the surface, which will be arranged monolithic slabs moistened;

- 7. the tools and the equipment prepared.

Installation of the grid frame is made with the use of a crawler crane MKG-10. Concreting of the slab is performed by using the concrete pump C-296A (capacity 10 m3/h).

Before starting concrete work  in the design position collapsible-permutation are set elkoshite metal shuttering panels brand SCHS-1,2-0,6; SCHS-1,2-0,5; SCHS-1,8-0,4; SCHS-1,8-0,5; SCHS-1,8-0,6;

The formwork must meet the following requirements:

- to be durable, resistant;

- do not change shape under the stresses arising in the production process;

 - the contact edges lining the formwork panel must be dense, there should not be cracks;

- to provide high quality surfaces, eliminating the appearance of waves, shells, curvatures;

 - to be scientific;

- to have a turnover.

Under the formwork must be installed supporting scaffolding of pillars, slanted girders, braces and lag.

The place of installation of the formwork forms and the scaffolding should be cleared of trash, snow and ice. When installing formwork special attention should be paid to the vertical elements, the rigidity and immutability of all structures in general.

The concrete mix is poured onto the prepared substrate and spread so that its top was slightly above the level of the screed (it depends on the degree of compactibility of a concrete mix with a vibrating beam). After that the screed is pulled along the guide rails. The concrete under the action of vibration settles to the desired level and is leveled. It is needed to ensure that the screed is constantly glided over the surface of the concrete. In those places where the concrete mix is deposited below the level of the screed, the concrete mixture as added using the shovel in required quantities.

The signs of the final seals are: the cessation of subsidence of the concrete mixture, the appearance of the concrete milk on its surface and the termination of the allocation of air bubbles.

It is especially necessary to compact carefully the concrete mix directly from the wall formwork.

Concreting of floors accompanied by entries in the log where they record the following data:

- the date of commencement and completion of the concreting of the hook;

- the specified brand of the concrete, working the composition of concrete mixtures and the results of its motion (stiffness);

- the date of manufacture of the control samples of concrete, their number, marking, timing and results of the samples testing;

- the outside temperature and the concrete mix when laying in winter conditions;

- the type of formwork and the date of replublican design;

- the volume weight concrete mixture in a compressed state for a concrete mixture with a filler.

During curing the concrete base in the initial period of hardening it is required:

- to maintain temperature and humidity conditions, providing increased

strength of the concrete;

- to carry out, if necessary, heat treatment of the laid concrete in order to accelerate its hardening and turnover casing;

- to protect the hard concrete from bumps, shock and other mechanical action;

- to perform periodic watering of the concrete during the first days of hardening.

Operational quality control of works on installation of monolithic foundations are carried out in compliance with SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and Enclosing Structures".

The concrete slab must be drawn from the act of examination of the hidden works in accordance with the established form.

At work, you must comply with the safety notes in Chapter SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in Construction" and SNiP 2002 part 2 “Labour Protection. Construction Production".

All workers, while on the construction site, must be in protective helmets. When cleaning formwork to use the protective goggles. It is forbidden to drop from a height of tooling, fixtures and etc. Temporary stairs leading to the work areas should be adequately secured.

The need for special equipment for installation, large items and the price works virtually exclude the use of such foundations for the construction of any private buildings. However, in industries such foundations are used quite often.


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  2. The Technology of Construction Processes. The tutorial. / A. A. Afanas'ev, N. N. Danilov, V. D. Kopylov and others; Ed. by N. N. Danilova, O. M. Terentjev. - M. : Higher HQ, 1997.
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  4. Dniprovskyi S. I. and other. Materials Used for Construction Works. – Kiev : Budivelnik, 1981.
  5. SNiP 1.04.03-85 "Norm Duration of Construction."
  6. SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in Construction".
  7. SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and Enclosing Structures".
  8. SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization of Construction Production".