Научная статья
Выпуск: № 6 (25), 2014

Аль-дури Рагхад Саад Касим

Студент, Министретство высшего образования и научных исследований, Ирак



В статье рассматриваются перспективы внедрения информационно-коммуникационных технологий в области электронного правительства, что должно стать главным фактором информатизации органов государственной власти, так как современные требования к работе госструктур просто невыполнимы без информационных технологий.

Ключевые слова: государственные структуры, документооборот, информационные ресурсы, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, электронное правительство.

Raghad Saad Qasim aldoori

Student, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq


I want to thank the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq for all the encouragement and support during scholarship program in Russia



The article discusses the prospects of information and communication technologies in the field of e-government, which should be a major factor in informatization of public authorities, as modern requirements for the work of state agencies simply not feasible without information technology.

Keywords: state structure, workflow, information resources, information and communication technologies, e-government.

The growing importance of information and communication technologies in the development of the main spheres of the modern society and the government led to translate recently the use of information technology in the category of priority of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Modern views on the reform of public administration along with other elements primarily include the concept of «e-government» (English e-government) at all levels of government: federal, regional and municipal.

E-Government is the use of information and communication technologies to transform government to make it more accessible to citizens, more effective and more accountable.

The term «E-government» emerged as a blueprint English «Electronic Government» or «e-Government». It should be noted that the British Government word has several meanings. Therefore, e-Government can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies in the management as a way of providing information and services , or access to , that is, the notion of «Electronic Government» refers to the forms and methods of public authorities , and not to the government as a subject this activity.

We must distinguish between the concept of «e-government» (English e-government) and «e-government» (English e-governance). Both are relatively new terms are included in the political and academic discourse in the late 90s of the 20th century. The concept of «governance» is associated with formal and informal institutions and processes that guide and constrain collective action. The Board is not necessarily carried out only by the government, the key in this context are components such as social partnership and self-organization.

Many theorists have come to see as a component of e-government and e-governance to limit its sphere of rendering services to citizens by government agencies, private companies, other government agencies and their employees through the use of information and communication technologies. In this e- administration is considered as a component of e-government infrastructure.

E-government is composed of three main modules (G2G, government to government, government government ; G2B, government to business, government business ; G2C, government to citizens, government to citizens ) and includes numerous applied elements: freedom of citizens access to public information , transfer of state bodies on paperless office , the setting for all state bodies of performance indicators for the year and their regular monitoring , which is held as parliament and citizens , the introduction in government identification cards for government employees , transfer their salaries , payments for travel, transfer in most standard network transactions between the state and citizens or businesses , etc.

Upcoming generally available for each participant intra- network information resources allow to avoid situations where at some stage flow of information on the steps the government hierarchy occurs intentional misrepresentation , concealment of facts and falsification of others. Control provided by the introduction of service G2G, helps to prevent misuse of public funds and other abuses associated with a lack of information and its dysfunctional organization. Another direct consequence of the introduction of the service is G2G full transition to electronic document all government structures, which provides significant cost of consumables and staff time, greater efficiency. Work with electronic documents easier, they are available at any time at any place in the presence of a computer terminal, made changes and developed draft documents easily and with minimal time available to all interested parties.

The main tasks of services G2C («the government – citizen» ) and G2V («Government – Business») within the framework of e-government project can be defined as overcoming bureaucracy , implementing in government orientation to citizens , freeing up resources , getting rid of the queues , the simplification of legalization of private initiatives in the field of business , the activation of small and medium businesses in the country , optimization of public management , reduction of business through the introduction of telework and digitization of documents. This is not an exhaustive list, however, it is clear from the goal of introducing these modules of e-government: state structures themselves turn into services designed to ensure the most comfortable conditions for life and work of citizens, their potential, and for doing business the most effective activities.


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