In order to always have a list of your publications at hand, we recommend that our authors create an ORCID account and link it to the DataCite Profiles and CrossRef Metadata Search services, it only takes a couple of seconds.

What is ORCID?

As a researcher  you are probably constantly faced with the problem of establishing the authorship of your work when the names of other researchers coincide with your name. You need to be able to capture the relationship between yourself and objects of research activity, such as data sets, equipment, articles, media mentions, citations by other researchers, experiments, patents, and working notes. When working in different scientific disciplines, organizations and governments, you have to deal with a large number of systems for recording the results of research work. Having to enter the same data over and over again is time consuming and often just annoying.

For individual researchers, access to the ORCID registry is provided free of charge. They can obtain an ORCID ID, manage the record of their work, and search the roster for other researchers. It is very important to provide an ORCID code each time you submit a manuscript to a particular journal. When submitting a manuscript to our journal, we ask authors to provide the ORCID code as recommended information.


Connecting ORCID and DataCite Profiles

Our journal assigns an individual DOI to each article and elements of article such as table or figure, and when registering the DOI, we provide metadata about the authors of the article, which includes its ORCID. Thus, if you provide us with information about your ORCID and link it to the DataCite Profiles repository, data of each published article will automatically go to your ORCID profile, and you will always be able to see the number of your articles and their citations.

Link ORCID and DataCite Profiles:

Go to https://profiles.datacite.org/ and click the link as shown in the screenshots

Connect DataCite Profiles with Orcid

Connect DataCite Profiles with Orcid

Globus Orcid

Connect DataCite Profiles with Orcid

Connecting ORCID and CrossRef Metadata Search

The majority of academic journals work with CrossRef for DOI registration, so we also recommend that you link your ORCID profile to CrossRef Metadata Search.

Go to https://search.crossref.org/ and click on the link as shown in the screenshots (you must be logged into ORCID):

Связать CrossRef Metadata Search и ORCID

Authorize access to ORCID on Crossref

Similarly, ORCID can be linked to other platforms

among them: Airiti, Australian National Data Service (ANDS) Registry, Europe PubMed Central, ISNI2ORCID search and link, MLA International Bibliography, Redalyc, ResearcherID, Scopus.

On most platforms, this can be done by going to their website and clicking on the link to connect your ORCID iD.


You can also link ORCID and RSCI (RSCI interface is only available in Russian)

To do this, enter your profile in the RSCI, then Personal Account (Личный Кабинет) - Author Profile (Профиль Автора) - Author Registration Card (Регистрационная Карточка Автора), at the very bottom of the page there will be an Author Identification Codes (Идентификационные коды автора) field, where you can add your ORCID id.