Research article
Issue: № 7 (14), 2013

Петросян Э.О.

Соискатель, Кабардино-Балкарский государственный университет



Работа посвящена обсуждению особенностей высокотемпературного эксперимента в вакууме при измерении поверхностного натяжения, металлизации керамики, технических проблем, возникающих в вакуумной камере при высоких температурах, а также путей их преодоления.

Ключевые слова: поверхностное натяжение, металлизация, керамика.

Petrosyan E.O.

Graduate student, Kabardin-Balkar state university



The paper is devoted to the discussion of specific features of high-temperature experiment in vacuum during surface tension measurements, ceramic metallization, technical problems, arising in vacuum chamber at high temperatures and the ways of their clearing.

Keywords: surface tension, metallization, ceramics.

In recent years a great deal of attention has been paid to the study of solid metal and alloy surface properties because of the development of several new techniques of investigating of surface phenomena [1-5].

The high temperature studies of solid and liquid metal surfaces in vacuum were widely practiced in physical laboratory experiment [6-10]. Here we mean such characteristics of surface as surface tension, surface energy, wetting angles on different interfaces, an electron work function etc. A number of methods for measuring the surface tension have been developed [11-14]. However, only some of them permit the reliable surface tension measurements [15-20].

We have to take into consideration that the reliability of the results obtained in the experiment depend on the purity of the surface, which in most cases is provided by the high purity of the samples. But when the samples are pure it is not possible to guarantee that uncontrolled surface active impurities will not appear on the studying surfaces from highly rarefied gas phase in vacuum chamber. [21-23].

Different methods for determination of surface characteristics of metals and alloys are known, but vacuum chamber and heating elements are common in those methods [24-26]. Essential difficulties arise during the laboratory experiment at high temperatures. Refractory metals heating elements (molybdenum, tungsten and tantalum) have high vapor resilience at high temperatures, or as it is normally stated they have high volatility. At these conditions their vapors condense on the sample surface and cause its contamination. Actually the measurements of above-mentioned parameters in such experiments are carried out not on the boundary metal - its vapor, but on the boundary metal - mixed vapors of metal under study and vapors of heating element. So the reliability of the data, obtained in such conditions, causes doubt.

Another method of specimen heating is based on the use of electronic beam [27-32]. The primary shortcoming of this method is that the electronic bombardment stimulates the destruction of the surface of the sample. This fact courses distrust of the data obtained by this method.

The temperature gradients, which appear in vacuum chamber at unstable thermostatic conditions, may strongly influence the surface parameters [33-34]. In the case the metal contains surface-active contaminations, even of a very small amount; the measuring parameters may significantly differ from the real ones. This phenomenon is stipulated by the change of the temperature in the surface layer of metal; even at the small temperature difference different conditions for thermo diffusion of contaminations and their adsorption arise.

The long-standing experience of high temperature experimental studies made it possible to develop a simple and reliable method of obtaining high temperatures in vacuum chamber without contaminating the samples. It is based on the use of focused thermal radiation of powerful xenon lamp. The radiation beam is directed to the vacuum chamber through converging lens and observation window. Falling on the surface of the sample the beam heats it up to the necessary temperature. It allows obtaining high temperatures without contaminating of the sample surface by vapors of other substances, because the heating element is situated outside of the chamber [35-36].

The heating of refractory materials in vacuum chamber is achieved by focusing of thermal radiation from a source on the research object through the window of the chamber. The result is achieved as well by focusing the thermal radiation on the research sample, and placing the collecting lens between a window and a source of thermal radiation.

During measurements the xenon lamp beam goes through the converging lens and window inside the vacuum chamber and, getting on a sample, warms it up to a necessary temperature. The lamp radiation practically is not absorbed by the glass windows of the chamber and provides effective heating of the samples.

The recommended method of heating of refractory materials in vacuum chamber completely excludes probability of contaminating of the sample by vapors of extraneous substances, and provides a high accuracy measurements, and also the possibility of obtaining high temperatures (above 30000 С) [37-38].

The method is useful for the measurements of surface parameters and their temperature coefficients in liquid and solid states. Apart from measurements of the surface parameters, this method made a good showing in metallization of ceramics and vacuum deposition [39-44].

Another technical feature of precision measurements in vacuum is the elimination of mechanical disturbance transferring from mechanical vacuum pump to a vacuum chamber. The widespread device using for vibration damping is an elastic silphon, which connects the pump with the vacuum chamber, which in some cases appears insufficiently effective, because vibrations are transferred to the chamber through a floor, walls and equipment [45].

The effective method of vibrations damping have been developed and tested in [46-51]. It is also based on the use of silphon; however the conditions of its use have specific features. The measurements, which have been lead with strain gauge, have shown that on the surface of the table and, hence, inside the chamber the amplitudes of mechanical oscillations are negligibly small.


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