Research article
Issue: № 7 (14), 2013

Кумыков В.К., Гукетлов Х.М.1, Гедгагова М.В.2

1Кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент; 2соискатель, Кабардино-Балкарский государственный университет



На основе электронно-статистической теории ориентационной зависимости поверхностной энергии металлов, а также ее корреляции с работой выхода электрона, построены соответствующие диаграммы  монокристалла молибдена для граней с малыми индексами в прямоугольной и полярной системах координат.

Ключевые слова: поверхностная энергия, работа выхода электрона, молибден.

Kumykov V.K., Guketlov Kh.M.1, Gedgagova M.V.2

1Candidate of physical-mathematical sciences, associated professor; 2graduate student, Kabardin-Balkar state university



On the base of electron-statistic theory of orientation dependence of surface energy of metals and its correlation with electron work function the corresponding charts of molybdenum single crystal with small grain indexes were plotting in rectangular and polar coordinate systems.

Keywords: surface tension, electron work function, molybdenum.

The use of refractory metals and alloys in microelectronics, particularly in ceramics metallization technologies [1-5], allowed to create highly effective and reliable devices with stable working parameters. In this connection the interest of investigators is attracting by molybdenum. 

For proper choice of metallization systems, metallic cover structure modeling [6,7], study of specific features of desorption [8,9] and radiation-stimulated effects on the ceramic surfaces [10-13] the reliable data of surface free energy (surface tension) and electron work function are necessary. But there are only a few data for refractory metals [14-22] because of the difficulties of experimental determination of surface parameters at high temperatures and shortcomings of experimental methods [23-32]. Taking in consideration new perspectives of the use of molybdenum in microelectronics, the study of its surface properties is topical.

In the literature there are some data on the surface properties of the polycrystalline molybdenum, however the researches devoted to the studies of their dependence on crystallographic orientation, are extremely seldom. As a rule, there are the data on electron function for the faces of single crystal with small indexes.

The purpose of present work is the plotting of orientation charts dependence of surface free energy and electron work function for a single crystal of molybdenum.

Surface free energy fω, being one of the basic parameters of the surface, in the case of single crystals depends on a crystallographic orientation (hkl). This dependence is graphically illustrated by fω – chart. The important characteristic of emission properties of a surface is the work function of electron, which is connected with fω and also depends on the surface orientation.

Values of surface free energy of smooth faces of the metal single crystals, for rectangular and polar fω – charts plotting, were calculated with the use of the formula, developed by S.N. Zadumkin:


where δ(hkl) – interplane distance, n0(hkl) – number of particles per surface unit of a face (hkl), W(r0) – energy of a crystal lattice per atom, j – plane number.

The correlation between surface free energy fω(hkl) and work function of electron φ(hkl) for single crystals had been established by the formula:


where B – is a constant depending only on the structure of a metal lattice, a – lattice constant  and z – number of free electrons per atom.

For polar φ – charts plotting let’s write formula (2) in the following form:


where: - electron work function of

polycrystalline sample,  

On fig. 1 the rectangular and on fig. 2 - polar – charts of Mo for a zone [100] are represented. Polar fω and φ – charts of Cr for the same zone are shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 1. Rectangular - fω – chart of Mo for a zone [100].



On figure 2 where the polar chart of zone [100] is represented, the radiuses are and on fig. 3 ОА=1; ОВ = and АВ =.

Formulas (1) and (3), also the rectangular and polar charts correctly illustrate the orientation dependence of and φ (hkl) of metallic crystals.


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