Научная статья
Каюмова М.А.1, *, Мананова П.И.2, Раджабов Р.Р.3
1, 2, 3 Таджикский государственный медицинский университет имени Абуали ибни Сино, Душанбе, Республика Таджикистан
* Корреспондирующий автор (kmayramoy[at]
В статье раскрывается роль формирования профессионального имиджа преподавателей его успешного профессионального становления.
Показано, что профессиональный имидж позволяет обеспечить эффективность педагогического взаимодействия преподавателя и студента, улучшить организацию учебно-воспитательной деятельности преподавателей вуза. Раскрыты сущность, структура и функции профессионального имиджа и возможности его использования в качестве средства социального влияния и формирования положительного восприятия образа преподавателей студентами.
Ключевые слова. Имидж, становления, профессионально, компетентность, классификация, способность, уровень, моделирования, личность, преподаватель.
Research article
Kayumova M.A.1, *, Mananova P.I.2, Rajabov R.R.3
Avicenna Tajik state medical university, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
* Corresponding author (kmayramoy[at]
AbstractThe article reveals the role of the formation of the professional image of teachers of its successful professional development. It is shown that the professional image allows to ensure the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a student, to improve the organization of teaching and educational activities of university teachers. The essence, structure and functions of the professional image and the possibilities of its use as a means of social influence and the formation of a positive perception of the image of teachers by students are revealed.
Keywords: image, development, professionally, competence, classification, ability, level, modeling, personality, teacher.
Currently, teachers of higher educational institutions, where students receive the qualifications of a teacher, pay special attention to the formation in the minds of each student of a value attitude to professional behavior filled with personal meaning, but they do not always try to develop pedagogical abilities.
Often, teachers forget about the pedagogical abilities of students, without developing them, directing their activities only to the development of other qualifying abilities.
The new conditions for the existence of the educational environment, orienting it towards meeting the needs of specific consumers of educational services, required the teacher to improve professional competence and individual mobility.
One of the acute problems of education is generated by the contradiction between the implementation of the new goals of the educational system and the insufficient readiness of teachers to work in modern conditions, the low level of development of their pedagogical abilities [4, P. 23].
Obviously, the prospects for overcoming this contradiction are largely associated with an increase in the level of professional competence of future teachers of vocational education, an increase in the level of their pedagogical abilities. Achieving a high level of teaching ability is a strategic goal of professional teacher education. Special meaning acquires the formation of the ability to independently acquire and process knowledge in a rapidly changing environment, as well as the development of their pedagogical abilities for students.
Formation of a professional image of a higher school teacher is a necessity. And the formation of a professional image should begin precisely with the development of pedagogical abilities. Thus, one of the main directions of modern didactics is the combination of traditional methods and techniques of teaching with the search for ways and means that activate the development of students' pedagogical abilities.
By teaching abilities, we mean the totality individual psychological characteristics of the teacher's personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity [8, P. 512].
The important professional qualities, according to A. Markova, include: pedagogical erudition, pedagogical goal-setting, pedagogical (practical and diagnostic) thinking, pedagogical intuition, pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical observation, pedagogical optimism, pedagogical resourcefulness, pedagogical foresight and pedagogical reflection.
Among the means that develop the pedagogical abilities of students in the process of their training, game modeling can be distinguished. The concept of "game modeling" can be interpreted as the study of any pedagogical phenomena, processes or various pedagogical systems by constructing and studying their models for the purpose of their further application in pedagogical practice; the use of models in a game situation to determine the behavior and characteristics of real systems and phenomena during the game.
According to most methodologists and educators, game modeling is usually based on solving a problem. Litvinenko M.V. believes that the need to find a solution to the problem posed determines the naturalness of communication, since any communication is caused by the need for it. The statement of the problem and the need to solve it also serve the development of critical thinking in the student. And, finally, the need to carefully think over the situation, to find the right way out, the only one from the point of view of the participant in the game, develops logical thinking, the ability to speak reasonably, to convince the interlocutors, taking into account the arguments and facts.
Here is an example of training exercises in pedagogical situations (improvisation, dramatization), conducted on the basis of simple situational games (games can be carried out at the beginning of classes - 6-9 minutes). Students, if desired, should be united in microgroups of 6-9 people, each group plays a specific role [6, P. 229].
For example, “optimists” reveal positive aspects that help resolve the proposed situation, “pessimists” describe negative factors that make the situation a dead end, “realists” try to describe the actual state using the arguments of both “optimists” and “pessimists”.
Here are some examples of simulated play situations based on pedagogical situations: Situation / imitation. Preparation time: 4 minutes; show-run: 3 minutes. “Groups: 4-6 people American scientist Littlewood W”. defines the following basic rules of game modeling technology, it is proposed to put yourself in a situation that may arise outside the audience, in real life it is necessary to adapt to a certain role in such a situation.
The work specifies the features of game modeling as a means of professional readiness of a future physical education teacher - the creation of conditions for real professional activity in an educational situation; enrichment of students' ideas about the functional responsibilities of the future physical culture teacher and the conditions of his activity; providing game participants with the opportunity to interact with each other depending on the role characteristics; comprehension of the ethical norms of the profession of a teacher in physical culture; the formation of experience in the practical coordination of targets in the context of declared values; promoting the development of the reflective position of students in making individual and group decisions.
At the same time, the results obtained in the work do not pretend to be an exhaustive solution to the problem of professional readiness of future physical culture teachers. Consideration of play as an integrative way of reflexive control of the process of professional training of a future physical culture teacher remains a promising direction of research; preparation of the future teacher of physical education for the organization and conduct of children's games in health-improving out-of-town children's centers; considering the game as a means of correcting the behavior of schoolchildren.
Thus, game modeling is the basis for the formation of a professional image of a higher school teacher.
Конфликт интересов Не указан. | Conflict of Interest None declared. |
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