Pedagogical and social innovation theory as theoretical and methodological base of practical-based researches

Research article
Issue: № 5 (5), 2012


Russia, Astrakhan

Pedagogical and social innovation theory as theoretical and methodological base of practical-based researches


The article is devoted to the formation and development of pedagogical and social innovation theory as a new field of science, its abilities to become theoretical and methodological foundation of practical-based scientific researches modernization.

Key words: innovation theory, pedagogical and social innovation theory, innovative potential, integrity, conceptual structure, practical-based research.

Innovatika as branch of scientific knowledge covers everything new spaces of spheres of development of mankind, society, in connection with increase of rates of global changes in the world. As the science it develops on a joint of philosophy, pedagogics, psychology, sociology, the theory of management, economy and cultural science, researches of the strategic directions of innovative development of society by them, his subjects, personal, professional qualities of each person.

Formation and development pedagogical инноватики found reflections in researches of domestic teachers and psychologists: V.I.Zagvyazinskogo, M. V. Klarina, V. S. Lazarev, V.Ya.Lyaudis, M. M. Potashnik, A.P.Prigozhin, S. D. Polyakov, V.A.Slastenina, Slobodchikov, A.V.Farm, T.I.Shamova, O. G. Yusufbekova and others. «Today pedagogical инноватика – writes to A.V.Farm is a sphere of a science, the doctrine about indissoluble unity and interrelation of three basic elements of innovative process in education: creations of pedagogical innovations; their introductions and development; applications and distributions» [1, page 7-8].

The object and subject pedagogical инноватики are most fully considered in V. S. Lazarev, A.V.Farm's works.

So, V. S. Lazarev pedagogical инноватики considers as object «innovative process, conditions, ways and result of its implementation; a subject – dependences between efficiency of innovative processes and factors, it defining, and also ways of impact on these factors for the purpose of increase of efficiency of changes» [2, page 21, 24]. The specified definitions constructed on characteristics of course of called process, on detection of functional dependence between efficiency of innovative process, its defining factors and ways of impact on them for the purpose of efficiency increase.

The called definitions reflect not only object, a subject pedagogical инноватики, but also open essence инноватики other spheres (health care, production, business, rest) as «innovative process», "conditions", "ways", "results" are inherent in any sphere.

Definitions of object and subject pedagogical инноватики, A.V.Farm containing in works are worthy. They following: «Object pedagogical инноватики – process of emergence and development of innovations in education of the pupils, conducting to progressive changes of quality of their education. A subject pedagogical инноватики – set of pedagogical conditions, means and the regularities connected with development, introduction and development of pedagogical innovations in educational reality. The subject pedagogical инноватики includes also system of the relations arising in educational activity, the identity of subjects of education directed on formation – pupils, teachers, managers» [1, page 14-15].

The cuts of innovative potential of participants carried out by us образовывающихся subjects (students, pupils, parents, teachers, teachers), their interested inclusiveness in the problem and analytical analysis of developing types of command activity testify to sociocultural essence of the innovative potential acting as a condition of converting activity of, teams, activity, society.

In formation and development инноватики the great attention is given to development of its purpose «… a main goal pedagogical инноватики – scientifically to prove and provide continuous education in interests of its approach to realized essence образовывающегося the person – the carrier and the offtaker of culturological link of times» [1, page 18].

Innovatika we consider as the purpose of modern development scientific justification of formation and development of innovative potential as personal and professional quality of subjects of education – pupils, teachers, managers, parents, the indicator of physical and spiritual forces, energy and capacity of their vital forces on development, distribution and realization of innovations, their "implantations" (V.I.Slobodchikov) in real educational processes, in study of pupils, social and pedagogical activity of teachers, administrative activity of managers, in accompanying activity of parents and other subjects of educational process, and also in their life experiences, in manifestation of strategic initiatives, transformations of, activity, society [3].

Actual problem of researches in area innovate is development of its tasks.

Scientific V. S. Lazarev, B. P. Martirosyan offered three types of tasks pedagogical innovatika.

  1. Descriptive and explanatory tasks, their permission is urged to give a picture of that is actually at level of their theoretical explanation.
  2. The tasks connected with development of new models of innovative activity, new technologies of their implementation, new forms of their organization.
  3.  The tasks connected with development of ways of development of systems of innovative activity [by 2, page 25-27].

Proceeding from a main goal of pedagogical innovations – ensuring continuous progressive changes in education of his specific subjects – pupils, teachers, A.V managers. Farm offered such tasks: 1) the tasks connected with studying of the relations, arising in innovative educational activity in relation to personal formation and development of the teacher; 2) the tasks relating to the nature and regularities of emergence, development of pedagogical innovations, their communications with traditions of the past and the future concerning subjects of education [1, page 20].

Proceeding from the purpose of the analysis designated by us and generalization of the given types of tasks pedagogical инноватики, our researches, practical experience of educational and research activity in school and higher education institution allowed us to carry to tasks praktiko-focused innovate:

-    studying of innovative potential of subjects of the educational process providing a continuity of search, creation and realization of new ideas, technologies, methods and forms of education, transformations of, activity, society;

-    studying of innovative processes in social and educational institutions as complete social and pedagogical systems;

-    preparation of highly skilled experts for innovative social and pedagogical activity in social and educational spheres;

-    system use of active forms of the praktiko-focused training on identification of actual problems of innovative development of social educational institutions, their integration and ranging, definition of ways of their decision in the course of pedagogical, educational, scientific and production the practician.

The system of the conceptual device инноватики in process of carrying out pedagogical researches covers new realities of development of the person, societies deepens and expands its integrity. The contents and essence инноватики gains qualities in a look – loudspeakers of development of innovative potential of the person, his vital forces on transformation of, activity, society.

Modernization and eksperimentirovaniye implementation in education on the basis of scientific development raises not only their efficiency, but also enriches pedagogical инноватику, a pedagogical science and educational practice, their unity.

S. D. Polyakov's researches are devoted to development of technology by administrative activity of innovations, identification of factors and conditions of distribution of innovations.

In work [4, page 10-13] considered model of novovvedenchesky work in educational institution. It includes four phases:

1) search of new ideas;

2) innovation formation;

3) innovation realization;

4) fixing of innovations.

In work [5, pages 87-89] are considered conditions and factors of distribution of pedagogical innovations.

1. Social conditions of widely plan are prevailing in the society of the relation to pedagogical ideas, a state policy in education.

2. Private social conditions – activities of concrete state institutes, mass media for promotion and distribution of innovations.

3. Personal factors – personal authority, personal charm of the carrier, the propagandist of innovations in the opinion of the pedagogical public.

We carry to modern conditions and factors:

- conditions of federal level – development of a state policy on creation of the innovative centers, the enterprises, establishments, cultivation of initiators of innovations, unities of theoretical and practical activities, kommertsializator of results of cerebration, providing a continuity of modernization processes, priority financing of innovative projects, strategic initiatives in country development;

-  conditions of regional level – creation in branches of the region of innovative climate, financial and organizational support of development of the enterprises of highly technological production, innovations in the social sphere, in a services sector, business, tourism, rest;

- conditions of municipal level – reforming of spheres of housing and communal services, satisfaction of requirements of the population in preschool institutions, its inquiries in education, health care, in workplaces and other services sectors;

-  personal factors – manifestation of the steady interested relation to innovations in acts, practical and cogitative activities, growth of physical and spiritual forces, energy, the capacity, potential possibilities causing transformation into reality – transformation of, activity, society.

Innovatika covers the increasing sphere of a social science, practice and received reflection in works of scientists – Lapin, A.A.Meshkova, B. V. Sazonov, A.I.Prigozhin, V. S. Tolstoy and others.

 In the scientific and practical plan it is important to know emergence and development of the main concepts инноватики. Modern dictionary of foreign words, concept "innovation" (lat. in – in, novus – new) treats as an innovation [6]. A.I.Prigozhin writes: «the innovation acts as a form of operated development and there is such purposeful change which brings new, rather stable elements in the introduction environment. The last can be purely material or social, but each of them in itself represents only an innovation, i.e. an innovation subject. an innovation an essence process, i.e. transition of some system of one condition in another» [7].

N.I.Lapin notes that the etymology of the word "innovation" (innovation) specifies that means "introduction", i.e. creation and what use - or innovations, he specifies that an innovation and an innovation – not so identical concepts. The innovation is wider definition, it means process of creation and innovation use.

A.A.Meshkov points to all-sociological, sociocultural and psychological essence of innovations. In his opinion, инноватика is «complex sociocultural process, it is developed being blown under the certain objective laws, closely interconnected with history and traditions of considered social systems and cardinally reformative their structure. It and the social and psychological phenomenon, being characterized a peculiar life cycle, with special phrases, sequences and dependences of occurring in individuals cognitive and emotional processes» [8, page 117].

A.A.Meshkov  opens two approaches in innovation studying: organizational focused and individual the focused.

In the organizational focused approach the term "innovation" is worked as a synonym of the concept "invention" and treats creative process where two or more representations, ideas, object are combined by the social subject involved in process certain in a special way on purpose to create earlier not existing configuration. This subject is called as the agent of an innovation. The innovation represents a complex of the interconnected processes and grows out of a kontseptualizatsiya of the new idea directed on a solution and further – to practical application of the new phenomenon. Novelty is measured not in relation to society, and in relation to the studied organization.

In individual the focused approach, the innovation is considered as inventive activity when two systems earlier not connected among themselves – the individual and an innovation are in a special way crossed.

A.A. Meshkov considers model of research of innovations through a prism of processes of perception of the individual.

The perception of novelty as that, has exclusively subjective character and doesn't depend on, whether there was a being considered subject as new earlier or not: the individual perceives it as new. The social subject becomes the supporter of an innovation when can adequately estimate a state of environment and predict the condition in a context of innovative process in acquisition terms – losses of social advantages. It is a phenomenon received the name of innovative perception. The innovative perception can develop at the individual in the course of acquisition of new knowledge by it and revision of the values, installations, expectations.

The main problem of management of transformations consists in emergence of a phenomenon of resistance to the changes a certain social group becomes which agent.

A.A.Bag entered concept about the force field developing in organizational dynamics in intensive structural transformations, raising efficiency of functioning of system.

In our country, as well as in some other the countries gradually gets a view of an innovation, as on the concept which is not limiting to the sphere of economy and production of goods, and more and more actively including problems of sociology, the general theory of management, other disciplines, including educations.

In Lapin, A.I.Prigozhin, B. V. Sazonov, V. S. Tolstoy's work the important idea is come up with: «ability to innovations is one of indicators of culture of society» [9, page 8].

Considering innovations as one of the most important factors of development of the modern world, authors connect degree of success of development as people and the organizations, and societies with ability to a producing and any perception of innovations. The innovation is process, it is noted in the research which essence innovative activity, otherwise, makes an innovation there is a form of innovative activity. This situation allows to connect an innovation with one of the most universal, limiting on level of abstraction of concepts – concept of activity. It agrees to the definition accepted in a science, activity is specifically human form of the active relation to the world around which contents makes expedient change and world transformation on the basis of development and development of various forms of culture. Among diverse classifications of types and activity forms in scientific literature allocate reproductive and productive.

With idea of interaction of the productive and reproductive components, described by N.I.Lapin, A.I.Prigozhin, B. V. Sazonov and V. S. Tolstym, the typology of innovative approaches to training of the prominent domestic researcher of problems pedagogical инноватики M.V.Klarina has something in common: they share on two main types, corresponding reproductive and problem orientation of educational process.

Studying of formation and development pedagogical and social инноватики allowed to reveal essence of innovative potential as growth of physical and spiritual forces, energy, capacity, personal and professional qualities of the modern expert, to reveal the main directions influencing his formation and development:

• lecture and practical auditorny training;

• independent studying by students of the theory and practice of innovative activity of workers of educational and social spheres;

• command carrying out the problem and analytical analysis of innovative development of establishments of educational and social spheres, transformations of, teams, activity, society;

• psikhologo-pedagogical support of innovative activity of students in their educational, scientific and production the practician;

• reflection in qualifying final works of bachelors and undergraduates of their readiness for change of, teams, society, activity.

Pedagogical and social инноватика becomes the teoretiko-methodological basis of the praktiko-focused researches of development of innovative social and pedagogical activity of educational and social spheres, their integrity and interrelation.


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