Research article
Issue: № 5 (12), 2013

Чабанюк О.В.

Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономики и управления Воскресенского института туризма – филиала НОУ ВПО Российской международной академии туризма



Конкурентные преимущества как экономическая категория являются основным элементом достижения поставленных целей в условиях конкуренции, и  гарантирует конкурентоспособное производство. 

Ключевые слова: конкуренция, туристический рынок.

Chabanuk O.V.

PhD, Assistant professor, Voskresensk Institute for Tourism - of the Russian International Academy for Tourism, Department of Economics and Management



Competitive advantages as an economical category are a basis element of purposes achievement in a competition environment, a value that guarantees a competitive production. This value might be based on production, financial or commending potential of a tourist organization and evinces itself in a part of market, technology level, quality of management and expert reputation of a staff.

Keywords: competition, tourist market.

Development of competitive advantages is able by a presence of tourist organization economical politics of a competition-able tourist production (service), that represents a system of realized and formed principles, purposes, estimations, priorities and instruments, that determine a competition ability providing. Economical policy of competition ability providing, coming out concrete purposes and priorities, includes general principles to making decisions on operated measures on searching, choice and realization of concrete advantages.  

In order to form competitive advantages, basic position on a basis of proposed purpose substantiation, choice purposeful market of sales and competitive strategy. Separate attention in a given position is paid on workings out of competitive strategy and analysis of different totality of factors, that determine a choice of strategy. It might be taken to these factors:

  • real intentions to change dynamics of total exponents by a part of purposeful sales market on an economical growth and leadership;
  •  organization position on competition-able components selection by labour, investment, innovation, production and commercial processes in a programe of competition-able tourist production (services) organization;
  • potential reserves by a providing of ommissed tourist production or service quality, rationalization of accompanying organization and production processes and application of optimum price politics;
  • working out and realization of a tourist enterprise competitive status, that is linked with continuous improvement and change of omissed tourist production (service) consumers value and increasing of its competitive position;
  • system of personnel motivation on a tourist enterprise competitive potential realization;
  • optimum execution of consumers requirements at a rational use of production, commercial and financial potential of a tourist enterprise;
  • forming of stable system production organization competition-able a tourist production (service) at principles observance: coordination, timeliness, orientation having a special purpose, forecast, changeableness, economical efficacy, rationality and rational sufficientness.

Many scientists stress a competition-able production organization complexity, thus they substantiate, that “a special place...belongs to organization descent mechanisms” [6, p.101]. With a presence of objectively demonstrating economical laws, organization laws “different objects strategy competition ability management theory absents at all” [8, p.139]. Another economists also consider, that “scientifically grounded and clearly prescribed workings out, that are concerned with organization competition ability quantitative estimation, is not presented yet” [1, p.103].

Organization process of competition-able tourist production (service) creation assumes a severely assigned hierarchy of resources use for purposeful production functioning factors on a basis of their systematical development and competition advantages formation. The process of competition-able tourist production (service) creation in the whole presents a specially organized system complex, coming out of activity consistent kinds for a construction of valuables chain. Consumers acquire an immediate value, that possesses a concrete tourist production (service), and therefore competition advantages formation might be presented as a consistent process of values creation. M.G. Krouglov generalizes quite fairy that “a stream of values creation is an activities totality, that are required to do in order to a certain product passes through three important management stages, that are characteristic of any business: a decision on problems (from a conception working-out and working projection till a ready goods omission); information torrents management (from a receipt of an order till a detailed graph of a project and goods delivery drawing up); physical reorganization (from a raw material till that moment, when a consumer gets a ready product)” [3, p.164].

Competition advantages and values features presence testifies about a functioning of a competition ability maintenance system is a tourist enterprise commercial activity organization, that is tuned on competition development strategies, a quality of produced tourist production (service), adequate expenses and prices in a priority way.

An organization culture of such system determines a main problem for every manager – achievements and supporting of competition-able processes, that are under its control. Peculiar complicacy of competition-able production producing organization consists in organization production searching, organization development changes for conditions creation on a rational (market) correlation of quality and price, it being known that, in given combination a quality has got a priority meaning. Aiming a production quality, as a necessary element of competition ability guarantee and all the other conditions, namely, a price has got a concorded character, coming out of that “competition advantages in a modern economics might be reached on a account of simultaneous price reduction and quality increase...” [7, p.55].

The price becomes an economical instrument in a competition ability management by a condition that the competition advantages include besides an acceptable price, a sufficient consumer's cost and quality level.

In order to form competition advantages in tourist production and service quality modern conditions are the most important production position, that is required in any circumstances of competition ability preservation. The quality of tourist production and service represents a totality of technology and economical exponents, parametres, that guarantee an ability to satisfy consumer requirements. A maintenance of tourist production and service quality foresees such categories as a system of quality guarantee, quality policy, but an intensity of positive changes in them will be depended on inclusion of production and services quality in the number of competition-able tourist production (service) organization clue conditions.

A tourist production competition ability should be comprehended as an organization-economical activity of a tourist enterprise, that function with competition advantages strategy, priority of quality, acceptable sales price, economical and organization development, coming out from that the leading conditions of competition ability are the quality, price and their rational combination for a consumer. In this case a quality factor places into a basis of all competition-able tourist production (service), competition activity and competition strategy creation processes.

Forming, maintenance and management of competition ability are possible only by omitted production (service) and its price quality exponents intercommunication. I.M. Lifits even formulated possible combinations of price and quality changes by competition ability maintenance different strategies: a quality increases by a price level conservation; a price increases by a quality increasing; increasing of a price without quality increasing; quality reduction by the same prices level; reduction of a price by a quality reduction; reduction of a price by a quality conservation; quality increasing with a price reduction [4, p.192-196, Lifits I.M.].

Competition advantages development always depends on “price/quality” correlation  and tourist production total value accumulation for a customer. In this case a consumer is ready to pay on a large price, but in a condition of quality guarantee. Competition advantages always include increased quality exponents and a quality maintenance system in an organization. A competition-able tourist production (service)  creation organization system in this case, represents an ability to guarantee a tourist production (service) producing, that replying to a having special purpose sales market requirements by an optimum use of all possessed resources and a tourist production (service) sufficient quality level supporting on every level of its life cycle.

An intercommunication of competition ability and quality comes out of construction and realization of one aim systematical position – consumer's requirements satisfaction. Each of these categories has got qualities from an integral organization system and unbalanced system structure, that is a peculiar reason of actions delay, directing on a prevention of competition ability optimum level reduction. In this case, a system is a totality of production instruments (elements), that are associated by a general function and competition process. The productivity is the result of these processes – an again created cost by a given level of competition ability. All instruments intercommunicated by means of their organization. It might be destined about expedient and necessity for competition ability maintenance, i.e. a given process systematical organization let determine insufficient instruments and establish defects and take measures on stabilization of active ones.

Presenting quality and price as a process model, which is included in one integritive system of competition ability maintenance, in interacting processes and actions organization system, each of those has an influence on forming and practical manifestation on as another events and also on a system in the whole in accordance with production organization objective laws and subjective competition occurences. At that change of any action for competition advantages realization has an influence on cost and organization perfection resultness. A presence of competition advantages, values features attests about that there is a competition ability maintenance system on a tourist enterprise that functions and priority constructed by strategies of competition development, tourist production (service) quality, acceptable expenses and price.

Process model functioning activity in organization system evinces in efficacy, quality and resultness of production competition ability the most important manifestations at the expense of tuned purposes processes, priceformation intercommunication etc. This model inserts into a competition-able production creation organization system like “on a self-organization, self-development” [5, p.14]. Interactions that are put in a model contribute to a competition-able tourist production (service) creation process dynamic development at the expense of capital use efficacy, man power and simultaneously these factors become necessary instruments in expenses reduction and competition prices supporting. The price in a competition-able tourist production (service) creation organization system takes a peculiar part, steps forth as a kind of definite scale, where a customer arranges an accordance of acquired values and expenses, wishes, consumers requirements on a having a special purpose sales market, competition situation, profitable customer price and expected seller's profit.

Logical price formation descends from a value calculations basis and many other factors, that determine an economical structure of this category (balanced sales point, competition position, national regulation etc.). A value and price as economical categories intercommunicated and interact with each other in different directions. For a price substantiation a value is examined as a sought, that was formed independently in view of circumstance or as prepared with the help of propagande, advertisment, presentation. A correlation between production value, its price and competitors' exponents is compared for a price state analysis. However, in this case a customers' demand is necessary to be taken into account, on which except economical categories and another factors (psychological, political, ecological etc.) might have an influence on its forming peculiarity. A price position presentation in competition exchange is necessary by a price strategy working out, as it let systematically take into account competition purposes, price policy, price functions, a tourist production (service) life cycle on a sales market.

Price strategy directs onto two ways of price construction by a competition-able production (service) creation: inward and outward. An inward direction of priceformation assumes a price-establishment with an account of a production prime cost on a level of variable expenses, variable and permanent expenses, and also variable, permanent expenses profit. An outward direction of a priceformation completely takes into account a production (service) value, i.e. quality exponents, service after-sales operation etc.

A rational combination of inward and outward priceformation direction is necessary for price strategy construction, since the first direction forms a cost structure of a price, the second direction completely takes into account opinions, preferences.

Demand and proposition define an acceptable price. At the same time economical categories balancing infringes depending on a production (service) life cycle on a sales market. Life cycle represents the interconnected creation processes system of producing, presentation on a sales market, sale and ending of production (service) consumption, its producing and sale. Just a sales market determines the solvent demand and proposition agreement conditions, producing and acceptable price expenses, consumer's estimation of feeling value. It being known that a price is an indicator of motives, interests, consumers preferences, value and cost conformity, as a price, freely looked through category, but with a short-dated changing period.

By a competition price-formation should be determined an outlet position on a having special purpose sales market with a definite kind of tourist production (service). On a position choice have an influence next factors: employer's activity perspectives (maximization, sales, profits); acceptable and high prices conservation on an account of competition advantages creation; striving to guarantee a quality and functionality on an account of stable and predominantly high prices preservation. A price-perception will be determined by a competition-able production qualitative and cost peculiarity, that are able to grant consumers' inquiries on quality, and also on expenses on a production acquisition and exploitation. Especially in this case specialists stress that “starting with a price-formation an employer has to at first define which purposes he wants to achieve by a given product sale” [9, p.216].

Maintenance of a tourist production (service) quality by a acceptable sales price observance let realize in an effective way a commercial programe with any changes of market situation. Strategy conceptions, tourist enterprise policy and purposes modify, economical processes management adaptation structures. Rational correlation of a tourist production (service) quality and price contributes to rational use of all totality tourist enterprise resources and interconnection realization between competition ability and a tourist enterprise economical activity results.

Tourist production (service), price and competition ability quality maintenance intercommunication model should be examined as a management that includes a continuous, systematic process of production treatment remittance from one position to another, coming out of their well-organized interaction as selected connections and dependences totality for tourist product competition-able producing and purposeful behavior forming by means of economical and organization impacts.

Thus, a tourist production (service) quality maintenance, acceptable price preservation become the basic conditions for competition-able advantages development in a competition-able tourist production (service) producing organization system. Qualitative and price priorities substantial forming let guarantee resources, operations and programe-statistics competitive advantages and either work out and realize a tourist services competition producing organization development unique strategy conception. Competition-able tourist production organization creation system basic assignment consists in a maintenance of optimum areal process elements combination by a tourist production with definite stable quality exponents creation by an acceptable price conservation, and also in competition strategies and tactical actions development.

Competition advantages development in a system of competition-able production producing organization consist in a predominant organization position choice, where “the basic parametres, that definite a competition ability..., are price and quality” [2, p.35].

Competition advantages development in a producing organization system assumes a structure approach use in innovation, ecological and resource restrictions conditions. Dynamic development of competition advantages evinces in optimum structure combination of price and quality by their inward contradiction for outward environment requirements realization. Generalized scientists opinion is that system is interconnected elements totality, that compose a some integral formation, that has got new properties, that absent in its elements. A tourist product (service) producing organization system carries out its own destiny by an integrity, discreteness, harmony, hierarchy and adequacy principles compulsory observance. Competition advantages development content in a tourist product (service) producing organization system consists in a continuous system changing for competition ability maintenance clue conditions demonstration and realization. It being known that a development law assumes that a system strives for achievement of a most summary potential with a passing of a system life cycle all stages by an inertial, elasticity, continuity and stabilization requirement observation.
