Научная статья
Быстрай Е.Б.1, Белова Л.А.2, *, Штыкова Т.В.3, Орлова И.А.4, Шабалина А.А.5
1 ORCID: 0000-0003-2822-2329;
2 ORCID: 0000-0002-2036-6937;
3 ORCID: 0000-0002-5256-5885;
4 ORCID: 0000-0001-8181-8178;
5 ORCID: 0000-0001-5883-0320;
1-5 Южно-Уральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет, Челябинск, Россия
* Корреспондирующий автор (telems74[at]
Статья посвящена анализу необходимости формирования умения педагогического общения у современных студентов, обучающихся по направлению «Педагогическое образование» по профилю «Иностранный язык. Иностранный язык». Для формирования данного умения предлагается учитывать партисипативный подход на занятиях по профильным дисциплинам, который предоставляет возможность студентам активно участвовать в процессе обучения, на равных взаимодействовать с преподавателем и другими обучающимися, проявляя такие качества как толерантность, внимательность, находчивость, что учит будущих педагогов создавать на своих уроках благоприятный климат. Авторами описываются технолого-педагогические аспекты заданий, использованных на занятиях по страноведению Германии/Великобритании/США/Франции с учётом партисипативного подхода.
Ключевые слова: педагогическое общение, партисипативность, обучение в сотрудничестве, обучение по станциям, проектная методика, ролевая игра.
Research article
Bystray E.B.1, Belova L.A.2,*,Shtykova T.V.3, OrlovaI.A.4,Shabalina A.A.5
1 ORCID: 0000-0003-2822-2329;
2 ORCID: 0000-0002-2036-6937;
3 ORCID: 0000-0002-5256-5885;
4 ORCID: 0000-0001-8181-8178;
5 ORCID: 0000-0001-5883-0320;
1-5 South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
* Corresponding author (telems74[at]
The article is devoted to the analysis of the necessity to form the ability of pedagogical communication among modern students studying on the Bachelor program "Pedagogical education", Major: "Foreign language. Foreign language". To form this skill, it is proposed to take into account a participatory approach in the classroom in specialized disciplines, which provides an opportunity for students to actively participate in the process of education, interact on equal grounds with the teacher and other students, showing such qualities as tolerance, attentiveness, resourcefulness. This is supposed to train future teachers to create a favorable climate at their own lessons. The authors describe the technological and pedagogical aspects of the tasks used in the classes of country studies of Germany/Great Britain/USA/France, taking into account the participatory approach.
Keywords: pedagogical communication, participatory approach, collaborative learning, station learning, project methodology, role-playing game.
The changing system of education in Russia makes it necessary to train teaching staff with competence, mobility, orientation towards the implementation of the processes humanization, democratization. This requires a reconsideration of some aspects of the professional training of students of pedagogical universities, and, in particular, the formation of the ability of pedagogical communication.
By pedagogical communication we understand “the interaction of a teacher with students in the educational process, aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate that contributes to the development of the individual” [4].
In the modern educational process, it is important to implement pedagogical interaction that forms a creative person who is ready to accept another opinion, capable of cooperation, of finding solutions to problematic issues. We have come to the conclusion that a participatory approach to learning will allow students of a pedagogical university to actively participate in the educational process, making them equal participants capable of making joint decisions.
Under participation in the educational process, we mean the development of students' readiness for joint activities; delegation of rights related to decision-making; raising awareness in a particular area of knowledge; improving interpersonal communication; promoting the professional growth of future teachers. The participatory approach provides an opportunity for each student to actively participate in learning, interact on equal grounds with others, fosters tolerance.
To implement this approach, it is necessary to have a goal for all participants, then the whole process will be aimed at achieving it. What may be difficult or incomprehensible to one participant becomes achievable in the process of joint activity. We highlight the following provisions that are important in conducting lessons, with the help of the participatory approach.
- The common motivation allows to achieve goals and solve tasks that are significant for everyone, which is a prerequisite for creating a team. The goal can be formulated by the team itself, it can be presented in the form of separate tasks that provide for their step-by-step solution.
- The whole process should be divided into actions or operations for which individual participants are responsible. The distribution of tasks helps to form the functional structure of the group.
- Joint individual activities lead to the emergence of interdependence in the well-coordinated work.
- Joint activity is aimed at achieving the result within a shorter time and with higher quality. The desire to achieve the result helps to correlate personal costs with the final product.
- Joint spatio-temporal functioning of students is an important condition for the formation of the skills of pedagogical interaction.
Summing up, it should be noted that the participatory approach allows to effectively organize the joint activities of students and develop their pedagogical communication skills.
In order to form the skills of pedagogical communication among students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages studying on the Bachelor program “Pedagogical education” 44.03.05 we conducted classes in “Country Studies” taking into account the participatory approach. The experiment took place in natural conditions in the process of training teachers of a foreign language. The following types of work were applied in the practical classes:
- “4 corners”, “world cafe”, “gallery tour” and “training by stations” methods;
- presentation of a plasticine character journey;
- quiz, game “What? Where? When?”, miniquest;
- bus city tour, role-playing game;
- compiling an associogram;
- design methodology;
- creating an account of a famous person;
- technology «Learning in cooperation».
In the classroom, dialogue forms of communication were used, individual, pair, frontal types of work were combined. Authentic song materials and visualization were used for emotional support.
We will demonstrate the technological aspects of the work.
To learn the topic “Country study”, students were offered creative tasks of the «4 Corners» method. This technique allows visualizing the knowledge, and also has a meta-subject character, it implies a connection with geography, history, culture.
The students formulated the topic of the lesson, using a country study cube, which helped to improve the emotional background. Interactive forms combined individual, pair, frontal types of work. As an illustration, visualization were actively used worksheets, puzzles, cards, a geographic cube, plasticine. the material was changed according to the degree of complexity (reading the text, searching for information, doing exercises).
Then students were offered the creative task: they made in pairs a character of plasticine, arranged a photo session for him. They took pictures using postcards and illustrations, made slides and in the process of their demonstration talked about the journey of a plasticine character through England, France or Germany. For the final lesson groups of students received different tasks: to prepare a quiz, to stage the game “What? Where? When?”, to use a miniquest to define the knowledge of realities.
Working on the topic “History of the country”, we also used technologies for developing pedagogical communication skills, taking into account a participatory approach. “The most successful were the methods: «world cafe», «gallery tour» and «station learning» [6, P. 276]». Let us dwell on the “world café” methodology, «which is used to make non-standard decisions, combine several points of view, plan group work, share experiences. It helps to collect ideas and to combine accumulated knowledge [5, P. 205]».
For discussion the topic of migration we chose the “World cafe” method. The classroom was divided into 4 zones and 4 “table hosts” were chosen, whose task was to guide the participants, help them find a solution to their problem, ask questions. «The «master of the table» created a comfortable atmosphere, he cordially met the «guests», took an interest in their affairs, and then directed the conversation in the right way. The rest of the participants were divided into 4 groups, that changed tables and discussed a new problem in English/German [8, P. 249]». At each table, the participants were asked to answer one of the problematic questions:
- What problems do European countries solve by hosting so many migrants?
- Why do many people migrate to Europe? What do they expect?
- What countries do migrants come from?
- Why are migrants who came to Europe dissatisfied?
- What caused the dissatisfaction of the Europeans regarding the arrivals?
- What difficulties do migrants experience in Europe?
- Do migrants have a future in Europe?
- Are you ready to receive migrants in your home country? Why?
- Can Europe cope with so many migrants?
The discussion took place under the accompaniment of calm music, during their work, the participants wrote down their ideas, thoughts on an album sheet of paper. After the discussion, the floor was given to the «hosts». They analyzed the information, identifying common causes and non-standard opinions. The «World Cafe» methodology has shown itself to be an effective form of organizing a lesson, as it stimulated students to solve the tasks, created a psychologically comfortable atmosphere.
When studying the topic “Cities”, a bus tour was prepared. Students in pairs prepared stories about city sights, looked for illustrations, compiled a text for conducting an excursion close to real conditions. After the preparatory stage, the trip itself took place. The tables were arranged as if it were a bus, and the chairs were placed inside in rows. The “tourists” got into a makeshift bus, the “tour guides” asked them to look left (right), to take pictures, giving commentaries of the sights that they were passing by, showing pictures and talking about places of interest. To create a situation of informal communication, students were asked to play certain roles: “scientists”, “children” with “parents”, “freaks”, “elderly people”, etc. All of them behaved according to their social role, which «allowed the students to relax and immerse themselves in the game [3].» The teacher was among the members of the excursion, carefully directed the work in the right way, helped to cope with emergency situations on the “road”. At the end of the trip, the students were asked to form a route sheet in English (German, French), describing the places of interest. Thus, active interaction caused pedagogical communication, when the teacher cooperated with students on democratic principles, orienting them towards a common result.
When studying the history and sights of Berlin, we used the song «Happy in Berlin» by Anna Depenbusch. «Students, listening to the text, made an associogram (what feelings Berlin can evoke in tourists, why). At the end of the work, the students made up a dialogue between two people sharing their impressions and emotions [7, P. 248]».
A project methodology as «a set of educational and cognitive techniques presents great opportunities for the formation of pedagogical communication and gives students a toolkit for an independent solution of a pedagogical problem [1].» We used the project method when studying the topic “Holidays” (Christmas, New Year, Carnival, Easter, Trinity, family holidays). The project was carried out in several stages:
- Formation of groups, distribution of tasks, planning.
- Collecting information: textbooks, encyclopedias, periodicals, videos, the Internet.
- Preparation of the presentation of the holiday, working out practical tasks.
- Presentation of projects. Each group visually represents the history, peculiarities of the celebration.
In the practical part, the group invites other students to complete tasks on knowledge of traditions. These can be quizzes, situations, impromptu dramatizations. In conclusion, a general discussion was held, the results were summed up. The work was carried out in a friendly atmosphere, developing activity, tolerance, sociability.
Information technologies provide an opportunity for the organization of collective creativity, promote active purposeful communication, teach interaction in the digital space. When studying the topic «Famous Personalities», students were asked to create an account of one of the famous personalities of England, Germany or France in a social network and fill it in on behalf of this person. The technology «Learning in cooperation» was also used at the lesson. «The teacher formed groups of students of different potential in one team. All groups received the same task. Within the groups the roles were distributed [2, P. 234].» In order to achieve successful communication, decisions were made jointly, conditions were created for improving pedagogical communication.
The introduction of the above described methods of forming the ability of pedagogical communication into the educational process, taking into account the participatory approach, ensured cooperation based on democratic principles, delegated rights to students, created conditions for the development of independence, activity, and tolerance. Summing up, we can state that the use of a participatory approach contributes to the formation of the ability of pedagogical communication among future teachers.
Конфликт интересов | Conflict of Interest |
Не указан | None declared |
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