Научная статья
Ныгметова Б.Д.1, *, Уахитова Д.К.2
1, 2 Павлодарский педагогический университет, Павлодар, Казахстан
* Корреспондирующий автор (dinara.abykenova[at]
АннотацияВ данной статье рассматривается проблема оценивания учебных результатов в условиях обновленного содержания образования на уроках английского языка. Обосновывается идея о том, что система оценивания переходит на новый уровень т.к. вводятся современные формы и методы оценивания. Изучена проблема оценивания учащихся использованием методов самооценивания и взаимооценивания. Раскрыта тема контроля и оценивания качества образовательных результатов обучающихся на основе критериально-ориентированного подхода к оцениванию. Описан метод оценивания учебных достижений учащихся на уроках иностранного языка соответствующей современной модели критериального оценивания в системе образования Республики Казахстан.
Ключевые слова: оценивание, методы, оценка, критерии, английский язык, образование.
Research article
Nygmetova B.D.1, *, Uakhitova D.K.2
1, 2 Pavlodar Pedagogical University; Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding author (dinara.abykenova[at]
AbstractThis article examines the problem of assessing educational results in the context of the updated content of education in English lessons. The idea is substantiated that the assessment system is moving to a new level because modern forms and methods of assessment are introduced. Studied the problem of students' assessment using the methods of self-assessment and mutual assessment. The topic of monitoring and assessing the quality of educational results of students is disclosed on the basis of a criterion-oriented approach to assessment. The article describes the method of assessing the educational achievements of students in foreign language lessons of the corresponding modern model of criteria-based assessment in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: assessment, methods, assessment, criteria, English, education.
Nowadays, assessment is very important for both the teacher and the students, it motivates students to higher levels of achievement and helps students develop the ability to self-study. The assessment system is the main tool for diagnosing learning problems and providing feedback, and also most clearly embodies the principles that underlie the educational process as a whole. The system of monitoring and assessing the quality of educational results of students on the basis of a criterion-oriented approach to assessment is relevant today [1].
Current education in schools in Kazakhstan focuses on subject knowledge, skills and abilities, which are the main goal of teaching students' general educational competencies. In this regard, the assessment of children in the classroom is one of the main measure of the educational process and, accordingly, the main type of school activity.
Skillful use of various types and methods of assessment to analyze data on the level of understanding of the topic, forms in children skills that allow the teacher to differentiate learning, i.e. pay attention not only to the needs, but also to the capabilities of each student - to control their own learning and to form the maximum competencies that they need in the educational process [2, P.33].
Evaluation is a unique means of measuring a child's success and a way of identifying learning problems, as well as providing feedback [3, P.15]. Participants in the educational process i.e. educators, students and their parents receive notifications about the status, problems and achievements in the learning process. The system for assessing student progress is a system for assessing the quality of mastering educational programs (students' achievement of planned educational results), an essential element of the educational process.
Research methodology
Self-esteem is an integral part of group teaching work. By involving the student in the assessment process, the student himself becomes a full-fledged partner of the teacher in the assessment procedure, respectively, the child is responsible for the assessment (points) of another student [4, P.33]. When using this method, the learner can assess their capabilities using self-assessment. Examples of self-assessment are the following: "Blob's tree" [5, P.48]. Studying a new topic based on the grammatical structure of speech or lexical material, students evaluate their activities by placing themselves on a certain branch of the tree. If the child put himself on the very top of the tree, then the child has mastered the topic very well, but if he did not find a branch for himself, then the child can complete an additional task.
In group work, using the information obtained as a result of observation and communication with students, teachers can analyze the degree of improvement of group work skills, the quality of teaching material and think over the next stage to improve the quality of the learning process. The children discuss the assessment criteria before doing the exercise.
One of the popular methods is "Two stars and a wish", which involves the assessment of the student's independent creative work [6, P.69]. Creative activity can be reflected in the form of an essay, composition, poem, etc. The essence of this method is that children evaluate each other's work and identify two positive points and mark with an asterisk ("Two stars"), and one point that, in their opinion, needs to be finalized ("a wish").
When using this method, the learner can assess their capabilities using self-assessment. For example, in the classroom, you can use a technique called "Blob's tree". Studying a new topic based on the grammatical structure of speech or lexical material, students evaluate their activities by placing themselves on a certain branch of the tree. If the child put himself on the very top of the tree, then the child has mastered the topic very well, but if he did not find a branch for himself, then the child can complete an additional task.
The method "temperature measurement" is a stop, with the help of which the teacher stops the activities of children and asks a question [7, P.108]. For example, “What are we doing?”, Thus, to the question, the students provide information about the process of completing the task, its essence and understanding.
I also use the “Hand signals” method in my work. Having studied a new topic, for example, the topic of the lesson: "Animals" at the end of the lesson, demonstrating a picture of an animal, the children show with a hand gesture, they know the translation of this word and pronounce it again, consolidating the new material.
In group work, using the information obtained as a result of observation and communication with students, teachers can analyze the degree of improvement of group work skills, the quality of teaching material and think over the next stage to improve the quality of the learning process.
It should be noted that in the course of the experimental work, students of grade 10 "A" were accepted, the diagnostics carried out showed a positive dynamics in the results of assessing the educational achievements of students in the experimental group. Comparative indicators of students in the experimental group indicate that the assessment system proposed by us does not have a negative impact on the performance of children in English.
ConclusionStudents need to be taught that the assessment should be based on criteria, and not on emotions [8, P.28]. By following these rules, the child will learn to perceive his work as a whole, consisting of various methods and techniques of teaching, which are subject to the principles of assessment. Based on the above, the student will be able to track his progress.
The child's self-esteem is the forerunner of the teacher's assessment. The process of forming an adequate student's self-esteem includes the process of comparing the assessment of future work and the assessment of the work performed. To improve work in this direction, the teacher needs [9, P.36]:
- Regularly remind children of goals and objectives when evaluating work.
- Schedule time for self-assessment.
- Provide lesson objectives, whiteboard assessment criteria, etc.
The experience of teachers who have used this form of work shows that over time, when using these forms of assessment, the difference between the points set by the teacher and the student himself decreases markedly.
Self-assessment is an independent assessment of the work, defining the problem and ways to solve it [10, P.108]. This method of assessment involves the independent activity of students, with the help of which they can determine their difficulties when working with a given topic in accordance with the material studied, analyze them and determine ways to solve them.
Summing up, it can be noted that assessment does not depend on the subjective assessment of the teacher, and the main criteria are the expected results that correspond to the educational goals. It is not the student who is assessed, but the results he has achieved. The presence of criteria for evaluating work gives the teacher operational information for the analysis and planning of his educational activities, the opportunity to improve the quality of teaching his subject and increase the learning outcomes.
So, we have found out that the assessment system in our education system is aimed at achieving an objective and reliable assessment of the educational achievements of students. The personal development of schoolchildren is ensured by tracking their own learning path.
Конфликт интересов | Conflict of Interest |
Не указан. | None declared. |
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