Research article
Issue: № 4 (58), 2017

Елисеева С.А.1, Котова Н.П.2, Чуйкова К.С.3

1ORCID:0000-0003-1051-4016, Кандидат технических наук, 2Кандидат технических, Доцент, 3Магистрант, Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого



Состояние кожных покровов человека, как визитная карточка здоровья всего организма, отражает и недостаток сна, и нервные переживания, и погрешности пищевого статуса, в том числе, проблемы с кишечником. Населяющие его полезные микроорганизмы оказывают незаменимую помощь желудочно-кишечному тракту человека: обеспечивают усвоение питательных веществ и витаминов, очищают организм от шлаков и токсинов, способствуют нормальному функционированию. Поэтому, если состояние кожи проблемное, то в первую очередь надо уделить внимание кишечнику. На сегодняшний день научно обоснована взаимосвязь между состоянием микрофлоры кишечника и развитием псориаза  ̶ тяжелого аутоиммунного заболевания. Несмотря на то, что ученые пока не пришли к единому мнению о причинах возникновения псориаза, влияние сбалансированности микрофлоры кишечника на кожу не вызывает сомнений. Прежде всего, наряду с медикаментозным лечением для восстановления микрофлоры кишечника, необходимо нормализовать рацион питания, включить пребиотики, пробиотики и бактериофаги. Необходимо употреблять кисломолочные и ферментированные продукты. В этот список обязательно должны входить: ряженка и кефир, брынза, квашеная капуста, моченые яблоки, лук и др.

Ключевые слова: индивидуализация рациона, псориаз, кишечная микрофлора

Eliseeva S.A.1, Kotova N.P.2, Chujkova K.S.3

1ORCID: 0000-0003-1051-4016, PhD in Engineering, 2PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, 3Undergraduate, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University



The condition of integuments of the person as the business card of health of all organism, reflects both a disadvantage of a dream, and nervous experiences, and errors of the alimentary status, including, problems with an intestine. Inhabiting beneficial microorganisms are an indispensable aid gastrointestinal tract: absorption of nutrients and vitamins that cleanse the body of toxins, promote the normal functioning. Therefore, if the skin condition distresses us, the first place it is necessary to pay attention to the intestine. Today the interrelation between a condition of intestinal microflora and development of a psoriasiss   ̶ a serious autoimmune illness is proved. In spite of the fact that scientists didn't come to a consensus about the causes of a psoriasis yet, influence of the balance of intestinal microflora on a skin doesn't raise doubts. First of all along with medication to restore the intestinal flora, it is necessary to normalize the diet, to include prebiotics, probiotics and bacteriophages. For regular replenishment of the body's beneficial bacteria should be consumed as fermented milk and fermented products. This list must include: fermented baked milk and yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, pickled apples, onion and etc.

Keywords: individualization of diet, psoriasiss, intestinal microflora.


Healthy intestinal microflora makes the immune protection of our organism, without it the normal digestion of nutrition is impossible: when there are not practically any beneficial lactic bacteria in an intestine, very quickly there is chronic and oncological diseases, as a result, life expectancy is reduced.

In an intestine of the healthy adult constantly there are from 2 to 4 kg of beneficial bacteria. These include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They are in friendship with our organism and demand of support.  They inhibit undesirable microflora. It is a live microsystem, which undertakes a set of functions: it participates in digestion, promotes the removal of toxins and strengthening of immune system, makes a serious contribution to normalization of a metabolism and a metabolism of lipids, synthesizes vitamins. The most common disease of the intestine is bacteria overgrowth or SIBO. Intestinal dysbiosis leads to a decrease in the total number of beneficial bacteria, the disruption of the balance of types of microorganisms and reduction of their functions. The result is an imbalance in the immune system and metabolism. Dysbiosis particularly strong impact on the skin condition, as due to the general biological relationships between all systems in the body it is the skin first takes the blow.

Syndrome high permeability of the intestine promotes the free penetration of various toxins into the General circulation, including antigens. The liver is not able to neutralize such a large number of harmful substances, so they are carried by blood to all the internal organs and getting into small capillaries of the skin, lead to inflammation and the appearance of autoimmune processes. Outer skin affects the appear of psoriatic plaques, scaling. In fact, psoriasis is a skin manifestation of intoxication of the organism.

Traditional ways of treatment of this disease generally are based on elimination, or decrease of intensity of implication of the main symptoms. In principle, it is even impossible to call such approach as treatment. It is only an attempt to hide the external implications of illness. Despite the relief of the patient's condition, the effect is very fleeting. However, scientists have developed methods for the treatment of psoriasis based on the methods of restoration of normal functioning of the intestines, which give good practical results.

The aim of this study was - making an individual diet for patients with psoriasis on week.

Material and methods

On our opinion, two most popular food systems can be selected. These are systems suggested by John Pegano and Svetlana Ogneva. Both systems are based on the maintenance of acid-base balance in a human body. A base of the daily menu (70 – 80%) is the products giving alkaline reaction at digestion: fresh vegetables fruit and juices from it.

The other part of the diet (20% - 30%) includes products, giving an acid reaction during digestion: meat products, grains, vegetable oil. In addition, patients are advised to consume at least 1.7 liters of clean drinking water daily for the entire treatment period.

There are several important principles of diet for people with psoriasis: avoiding alcohol, caffeine, carbohydrate, fatty foods, chocolate, spices and smoked products, the presence of physical activity and inclusion of fasting days. These days are purposed for rest to the digestive system as workout and the general unloading of the body. Food restrictions help the organism to strengthen its natural ability to self-regulation of a metabolism.


Considering the above recommendations there was formed basic weekly diet for patients with psoriasis. To enable alternative diets with a reduced calorie there was calculated their energy value. The basic weekly diet is given in Table 1.

The diet is designed to alternate days of low and high caloric content. Within several days for breakfast there are offered porridges cooked with water or low-fat milk with addition of berries and dried fruits are offered. Fruits or fat-free yogurt are included in breakfast and an afternoon snack. Vegetables soups, boiled beef, baked fowl and fish, fresh or baked vegetables are included at lunches. For dinner it can use light salad from vegetables and baked fowl or fish.


Table 1 - Food allowance for patients with a psoriasis

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As can be seen from Table 1, the menu of a ration is quite various. While preparation of dishes there are used the sparing methods of thermal treatment of products, such as steam boiling, suppression and roasting are. According to the main principles of a food at a psoriasis, the most dishes of the ration is cooked from vegetables and fruit.


The made ration provides patients with necessary nutrients, energy value and promotes remission extension. The condition of a skin is normalized and rashes disappear that well affects psychological state of patients. For people diseased by skin illness the diets should be an integral part of treatment.

The weekly diet has compiled with all recommendations and is aimed at maintaining acid-base balance in the body. This diet is an integral part of treatment and it does not involve starvation and is able to meet the needs of the organism in all essential nutrients. When keeping such ration there will come the long period of remission, and integuments will be cleared of rashes.

The treatment of psoriasis depends mostly on the awareness of this illness by means of the patient himself, on his state of mentality, mood, and optimism. It will be possible to recover from this disease as a result systemically approach at the correct relation and aspiration to recovery.

Список литературы / References

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