Research article
Issue: № 3 (34), 2015

Жиенбекова А.Ж.1, Сабиден Г.С.2

1Старший преподаватель,


Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет.



В работе представлены сведения об умственной работоспособности учащихся профессионально-технических лицеев города Караганды. В динамике учебной недели количество отлично и хорошо выполненных работ менялось до - и в конце занятий. Результаты исследования показали, что направленность изменений исходных показателей не протеворечило классической кривой работоспособности в течение учебного дня и рабочей недели.

Ключевые слова: работоспособность учащихся, профессионально-технический лицей, динамика работоспособности.

Zhienbekova А.Zh.1, Sabiden G.S.2

1Senior teacher,

2 teacher,

Karaganda State Medical University.



The researching work presents the mental health of students in vocational high schools of Karaganda. In the dynamics of the training week the number of excellent and good work changes before the lesson and after it. The results showed that the direction of changes of initial is not significant showed the curve side of capacity for work.

Keywords: students' working capacity, vocational high schools, dynamics of capacity.


The period of study students in vocational high schools coincides with the stage of transition from school to high school and sexual maturation of students. Significant functional loads are observed at this time, due to restructuring in the activities of the main physiological systems associated with low and unstable working capacity associated with decreased mental and physical activity [1]. It should be noted that the beginning of training of students in vocational high schools is the most difficult stage in the life of a teenager is not only physiological, but also socially and psychologically [2].

Mental working capacity of a person depends on many factors, which totality can be divided into three main groups: physiological factors - age, gender, level of physical and functional development, health and nutrition; factors of a physical character, reflecting the geographic, climatic conditions of existence; mental factors - is the motivation of activity, emotional state, etc. All these factors simultaneously affect the body and dependent on each other [3, 4].

The purpose of this study was to investigate mental working capacity indicators adolescent students studying in technical high schools.

Materials and methods

We studied the mental working capacity indicators of students in vocational schools №1, 9, 30. The specialties of these high schools: electromechanic; master of painting and decorating; electric and gas welders; administrative assistant and techniques for maintenance and repair of personal computers.

Studies have shown that the duration of breaks during training sessions is not less than 10 minutes. Rest of students between classes is carried out in recreational or specially designated rooms and in those cases when the weather permits, in the fresh air. The duration of the lunch break is 40-60 minutes. Dynamics working capacity of students, fatigue, and the degree of difficulty of learning in various subjects are taken into account while planning the calendar.

Anfimov proof-letter table was used. The object of the study was 15-17 years aged students, studying in the first half of the day. 300 people are involved in the experiment who were 201 boys, 99 girls.

Results and discussion

In the dynamics of the school week number of excellent and good work on the original data at the beginning of classes has been changed as follows: specialty “master of painting and decorating” Monday - 42.7%, Tuesday - 7.1%, Wednesday - 0%, Thursday - 7.1%, Friday - 0%; “electric and gas welders”  Monday - 95.2%, Tuesday - 66.6%, Wednesday - 61.8%, Thursday - 42.8%, Friday - 38%; “electrical fitter”  Monday - 63.5%, Tuesday - 45.3%, Wednesday - 54.4%, Thursday - 54.4%, Friday - 98.8%. In this case, at the end of lessons excellent and well done job are: specialty “master of painting and decorating” Monday - 21.3%, Tuesday - 35.6%, Wednesday - 57.0%, Thursday - 28.4%, Friday - 7.1%; “electric and gas welders”  Monday - 47.5%, Tuesday - 42.8%, Wednesday - 61.8%, Thursday - 38.0%, Friday - 38.0%; “electrical fitter”  Monday - 54.4%, Tuesday - 63.5%, Wednesday - 36.2%, Thursday - 27.1%, Friday - 54.4%.

Students on specialties “master of painting and decorating” and “electric and gas welders” dynamics of working capacity at the beginning of lessons at the beginning of the week increased, then decreased in the middle of the week, indicating that the rapid decrease in the working capacity level.

All students’ working capacity of studied specialties decreased at the end of lesson in the starting week, then increased in the middle of the week and by the end decreased which corresponds to about a week of classical physiological curve working capacity of students.

Carried out  study on the working capacity state of students in vocational schools allows us to consider that fatigue of students, nervous stress could be the cause of headaches, irritability, high blood pressure.

The direction of change of initial indicators did not contradict the classical working capacity curve in all 3 specialties.

The results at the end of classes in the dynamics of the school week have shown that the "cost" of efforts to students load is different. The maximum stress observed between students in professions “electric and gas welders” and “electrical fitter”. In our opinion, for training in these fields is necessary step, "training" mode capture practical skills, which will successfully develop working skills and eliminate the formation of pathological changes in the body of students in vocational schools.


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