Research article
Issue: № 2 (44), 2016

Гумерова Г.И.1, Шаймиева Э.Ш.2

1 Доктор экономических наук, профессор, Фонд инфраструктурных и образовательных программ (РОСНАНО), Руководитель отдела образовательных проектов Департамента образовательных проектов и программ, Москва, 2 ORCID: 0000-0002-9588-0199, Доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры менеджмента ЧОУ ВПО «Институт экономики, управления и права», г. Казань



В работе решены исследовательские задачи для диагностики, модернизации официального сайта предприятия высокотехнологичного бизнеса. Определены критические области в развитии предприятия как диверсифицированной структуры; разработан блок рекомендаций в областях: управления знанием, объектами интеллектуальной собственностью, производственных отношений. Cформировано методическое обеспечение менеджмента высокотехнологичного бизнеса в области информационного портала.

Ключевые слова: менеджмент высокотехнологичного бизнеса, информационный портал, управление знаниями.


Gumerova G.I.1, Shaimieva E.Sh.2

1 PhD in Economics, Professor, Foundation of Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO), Head of the Department of Educational Projects, Department of Educational Projects and Programs, Moscow, 2 ORCID: 0000-0002-9588-0199, PhD in Economics, Professor of Management Chair of Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Kazan



The article solves research tasks for the diagnostics, modernization of the official website of the enterprise of high-tech business. The critical areas in the enterprise development as a diversified structure are defined; a set of recommendations is proposed for the development of knowledge management, intellectual property management, and production relations. The research provides methodological support of high-tech business management in the field of the informational portal.

Keywords: high-tech business management, informational portal, knowledge management

Management of the enterprise of high-tech business puts forward the requirements for science-intensive management at the levels of regional programs[1], of the enterprise[2]. In modern economic literature there are a number of scientific papers devoted to the study of high-tech structures, high-tech business: Ivanov I., Cherenkov V., Tolstobrov V., Leont'ev B., however, the methodological support of the management of high-tech business in the field of information portal remained understudied [1, 2, 3]. The objectives of this paper are the following: 1. Methodological provision of high-tech business management with the information portal of the enterprise; 2. Diagnostics of the official website of the enterprise of high-tech business; 3. Modernization of the official website in the areas of knowledge management, intellectual property, production relations. [4].

A high-tech business is interpreted as an enterprise obtaining income from value management regardless of the type of its economic activity [5, 6, 7]. As the information resource, an enterprise's official website is an integral part of the global circulation of goods and services of the enterprise. According to the structure of a high-tech company's official website, developed by authors: such management spheres as strategy, innovation, change, knowledge management play a significant role in the development of components of the website, showing that it belongs to a high-tech business, and forming a knowledge management system. The authors' approach in reviewing the company's mission is as follows: 1. The mission reflects the process of implicit knowledge management in an organization.  2. The constituent parts of the mission are: innovation, corporate social responsibility, uniqueness. 3. Development of the mission is carried out in broad and narrow sense (philosophy, the company's slogan). 4. The lack of mission reveals serious problems in the field of knowledge management, innovation, and strategy. The algorithm for the development of the company's mission is as follows: the study of theoretical positions on the company's mission development; the analysis of the missions of successful high-tech businesses; the practical experience in developing the company's own mission. [4]

Diagnostiсs of the official website of JSC "Plant Elecon" (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan), conducted by the authors for the period 09.2013 - 01.2014, revealed the following critical areas: I.  From the content-informational point of view, the company official website gives incomplete information about the history of the plant. The page for stakeholders is not informative for those who have no interest in the development of the plant: (а) Information does not reflect a real pattern of scientific, productive cooperation of the enterprise does not indicate the benefits and purposes of cooperation, the period of cooperation; (b) information for shareholders of a company is presented in the form of draft materials [4]. II. In the scientific and practical terms the emblem (logo) does not reflect the full name of the plant. III. In terms of design, the site format is a sample of handicraft production, not typical for the corporate style of a high-tech business with the status of "industrial design". Having diagnosed the plant's official website, the authors came to a conclusion: 1. The following areas of high-tech business management are not developed at JSC "Plant Elecon": strategy, innovation, change, knowledge management. 2. Since 1990s till present, the management of intellectual property is critical. 3. Through the use of the basic provisions and authors' conceptions, it is necessary to improve the website of the investigated enterprise.

This study presents the process of formation of strategic management at JSC "Plant Elecon" for the period 1939-2014. Based on the study the following theses are obvious: 1. Release of production of the broad purpose (strategic management area (SMA)-1)) at the industrial complex is a core strategic area of enterprise management; 2. Within the framework of the corresponding management area, the company has a number of technologies, which change / develop over 5-20 years without a certain periodicity. 3. Development of strategic management area in the field of science-intensive services significantly lags from SMA-1 in the area of industrial production (≈50 years). In the study the text of the company mission based on the authors' approach, with the focus on innovation, corporate and social responsibility, and uniqueness of the company is developed. In conclusion, it is necessary to specify the received results of the research in the fields oft the diagnostics, modernization of the informational portal. 1. The development of the main provisions of the methodology of the scientific direction "management of high-tech business" in the sphere of enterprise information portal[3]. 2. The detailed elaboration of some places in the regional program of market development of intellectual property in the Russian industrially-developed region, that require its development in the form of methodical provisions.  The obtained results are of practical value for the management of high-tech business in the areas of management of objects of intellectual property, the development of industrial relations, formed in the block of recommendations.

[1] Detailing of the applied documents, prompt introduction of solutions;

[2] Putting specific tasks to the researchers in high-tech business management and receiving efficient recommendations promptly

[3] In the research the methodical support of high-tech business management is formed consisting in the development of basic theses of the official site of an enterprise, requirements to the contents and algorithm of the mission of the enterprise, and as well the use of instruments of high-tech business management (strategic areas of managing, products portfolio, mission).


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