Research article
Issue: № 12 (102), 2020


Научная статья

Туласынова Н.Ю.1, *, Дьячковская И.А.2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-6740-5534;

2 ORCID: 0000-0002-1888-361X;

1, 2 Северо-Восточный федеральный университет имени М. К. Аммосова, Якутск, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (whityt[at]


В статье рассматриваются результаты разработки программы автоматизации звукового оповещения в образовательном учреждении с использованием объектно-ориентированного языка Borland Delphi. Актуальность темы обусловлена современными требованиями техники безопасности для использования систем автоматизации для повышения степени устойчивости объектов системы образования. Задачами исследования являются описание процедур и функций разработки программы; анализ результатов обследования для обоснования выбора автоматизированной системы доставки вызовов и качества тональных сигналов. Разработанная программа была реализована в автономном учреждении Республики Саха (Якутия) среднее профессиональное образование "Намский педагогический колледж им. И. Е. Винокурова".

Ключевые слова: цифровизация, программа автоматизации звукового оповещения, объектно-ориентированная среда, программа, процедура, функция.


Research article

Tulasynova N.Yu.1, *, Dyachkovskaya I.A.2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-6740-5534;

2 ORCID: 0000-0002-1888-361X;

1, 2 North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk, Russia

* Corresponding author (whityt[at]


In the article the results of the designing and implementation of automated call delivering system in the educational institution using the object-oriented language Borland Delphi are discussed. The urgency of the research is determined by modern demand on safety rules for using computerized system to increase the degree of stability of educational system facilities. The study objectives are to describe procedures and functions for designing the program and to analyze the results of survey to justify the choice of automated call delivering system and tone quality. The developed program was implemented in Autonomous Establishment of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Secondary Professional Education "Namskiy Teacher Training College named after I.E. Vinokurov".

Keywords: digitization, automated call delivering system, object-oriented environment, program, procedure, function.


The digitization of society leads to increasingly widespread introduction of information technologies, including intellectual ones, in various scopes of human activity. As a result, many processes are automated, which help to solve an increasingly wide range of tasks more effectively, including the educational sphere [1], [2], [5].

The urgency of the research is determined by modern demand on safety rules for using automation to increase the degree of stability of educational system facilities: pre-school establishments, secondary schools and vocational institutions. Computerization of any functions of working conditions of educational establishment has a significant impact on all aspects of educational institutions – from educational content to financial and business issues, including landmarks and points of growth of educational institution.

An automated system is a combination of software and hardware that is designed and programmed to operate automatically without the need for any human operator to provide input data and instructions for each operation. It is used in various industries such as manufacturing, design, management, and economics.

Automated systems allow you to track your processes in real time and identify problems as they occur, allowing you to quickly make allowances in the way [6, P. 82].

The goal of market launch of any software product that can automate the process of management of educational institution: to establish an information educational environment of the school, to organize communication between all school staff and education authorities at all levels.

To this date, in the majority of academic institutions the practice of making calls in manual mode is implemented by a representative of technical personnel who is forced to be a timekeeper [7].

In real terms, the implementation of information technologies for educational establishment management through commercial projects reveals a number of disadvantages.

First, the demand for management computerization and the resource of educational institution to develop a management information system often disagree.

Many educational institutions simply lack a complete idea of desired concept of automated systems.

Second, a high purchase price and upgrading off-the-shelf commercial for computer systems for automation.

The automated call delivering system development accelerates the process of processing information in an educational institution.

The implementation of automated system of call delivering allows resolving the human factor problem, eliminating the errors in the process of call delivering that occur manually.


The research aim is to design and implement the automated call delivering system using the object-oriented language Borland Delphi in "Namskiy Teacher Training College named after I.E. Vinokurov" using the object-oriented language Borland Delphi. Before taking up the work on writing the automated call delivering system program, we defined the goals, objectives and program purpose. This preliminary work stage removed unjustified increasing algorithm complexity and significantly simplified the programmers’ task.

According to specified condition, the developed program should sound a signal (ring), following the training schedule, which shifts rarely. This fact allows us to avoid using the practice of reconfiguring the program and schedule by the operator.

Developing any application in a visual object-oriented environment involves the implementation of sufficient number of objects, procedures, and functions which are supplied integrally with a programming environment or additionally prescribed or user-set.

One of the employed ways to automate call delivery is to develop a program in various software programming languages such as: C [C], C++[C++], C# [C Sharp], Pascal [PASCAL], Fortran [Fortran], basic [BASIC] , etc.

In joint monograph "Research and methodological foundations for the development of e-learning tools" regional experts choose C+ and Delphi as the most flexible and universal programming languages [8].

To develop the program, we used Delphi 7 with BASS audio library implementation.

Delphi is an object-oriented programming language that, in tandem with a visual environment, significantly simplifies software development and makes this process more visual. There are a number of advantages for implementing a visual programming environment over a text-based one. Firstly, the ease of creating a program, when there is no need to type the most part of the code manually. This program is generated by the environment; it depends on the availability of visual components in the application and functions they perform [7]. Secondly, the software contains a ready-made hierarchy of object classes. And, finally, the editor of a visual programming environment provides a number of techniques that allow you to reduce the work on typing the program text by adding ready-made constructions, hints, etc. [9].


In the developed automated call delivering system program, we used 3 procedures:

  • procedureFormCreate(Sender:TObject);
  • procedureTimer1Timer(Sender:TObject);
  • procedure RadioGroup1Click(Sender:TObject).

FormCreate is a form procedure of Form1 program. At program startup, the following program functions are executed: the initialization of audio library Bass.dll; the choice of the current day of the week in the RadioGroup1 component; the assigning of headers to cells of StringGrid1table and the values of call schedule for the current day of the week.

Timer1Timer is a procedure for Timer1 component. The procedure is employed to display the current date on Panel1component, the day of the week on Panel2, the time on Panel3; to start the sound at the beginning and the end of the lesson on time accompanying the developed application.

RadioGroup1Click procedure is necessary for displaying the schedule of other days of the week.

The program uses several functions that come with framework such as IntToStr (which converts Integer or Int64 to a string). The following functions were also developed for the program [9]:

1) functionMonth(i: integer): string - a function that converts a number to the name of the month, where 1 is January, 2 is February,..., 12 is December;

2) functionDayOfTheWeek(i: integer): string - a function that converts a number to a day of the week, where 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday,..., 6 is Saturday;

3) functionTimestring(s: string): string - a function that converts a string, if the number of characters is 1, inserts ‘0 'at the beginning of the string, that is,’ 1 'converts to '01', ‘2’ converts to ‘02',..., ‘9 ' converts to ‘09’;

4) functionTform1. BASS_PlaySoundFile(constFileName: string): Boolean – function that switching on the sound of the file.

The developed program of automated call delivering system of training lessons was implemented in autonomous establishment of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of secondary professional education "Namskiy Teacher Training College named after I.E. Vinokurov".

To justify the choice of automated call delivering system and tone quality in "Namskiy Teacher Training College named after I.E. Vinokurov" 100 respondents were interviewed, including 20 teachers and 80 students, who expressed their opinion on 5 positions.

As a result, 98% of respondents found it necessary to implement the automated call delivering system at college, while only 2% gave the negative answer. 80% considered that automated call delivering system in the educational institution teaches students to discipline and order, 10% described that the automated call delivering system as a technical novelty helps students on duty and cloakroom workers, 10% found it difficult to answer. When asked the question on the type of used signal tunes it was revealed that 79% of respondents prefer classical music, 6% electro, 5% hip hop, 3% - ethnics, 2% techno, 2% rock, 1% jazz, and 1% romance, 1% Latin American. If possible, 96% of respondents wanted different audio signals to be played at the beginning and the end of the lesson, while 4% considered differentiated delivery not mandatory.


An automated system is a combination of software and hardware that is designed and programmed to operate automatically without the need for any human operator to provide input data and instructions for each operation.

To develop the automated call delivering system program, we employed the object-oriented language Borland Delphi Delphi 7 with BASS audio library implementation. In the developed program, we used 3 procedures:

  • procedureFormCreate(Sender:TObject);
  • procedureTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  • procedure RadioGroup1Click(Sender:TObject).

The following 4 functions were developed for the program: functionMonth(i: integer): string; functionDayOfTheWeek(i: integer): string; functionTimestring(s: string): string; functionTform1. BASS_PlaySoundFile(constFileName: string):.

The developed program of automated call delivering system of training lessons was implemented in autonomous establishment of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of secondary professional education "Namskiy Teacher Training College named after I. E. Vinokurov". Thus, students and teachers of the technical school are convinced of such advantages of automated call delivery system as accuracy and punctuality training. Other advantages of the innovation include: eliminating the errors in the process of call delivering, improving the effectiveness of learning environment.

Конфликт интересов Не указан. Conflict of Interest None declared.

Список литературы / References

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Список литературы на английском языке/ References in English

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