Research article
Issue: № 11 (42), 2015

Дуро-Даини Д.А.

Ассистент, Институт физической культуры и спорта Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М.К. Аммосова



В этом плане тренировок обсуждается важные и обычные рутинные упражнения для всех футболистов и других атлетов. Также подробно прорабатывается как добиться хорошей спортивной формы и уверенности в себе.

Ключевые слова: упражнения для тренировок, тактики, увеличение собственной эффективности, техники.

Duro-Daini D.A.

Assistant, Institute of Sports and Physical Education, North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia



This training plan discusses important and normal routine exercises for all footballer and other athletes. It also elaborates on how to gain match fitness and self-confident.

Keywords: training exercise, tactics, improve self-performance, techniques.



Mini-football training and tactics is important and normal routine for all footballers that plan to play on a high level. Why this training plan is important, it because of physical ability, technique and endurance it brings to approach different situation of the game.

Despite its simplicity, mini-football has a number of interesting features that make this game in their own unique and attractive. Firstly, each player is much more likely to encounter with the ball, is involved in common action game. Second, the goals in the mini-football clogged much more. Third, every player has to act with full return of forces, managing to defend their goal and attack the opponents. In addition, when playing in the hall practically all the time the ball is in play, which takes place without forced and tedious installations. This game helps you quickly master the basic techniques and tactics of football and thus reduces the way to the top sportsmanship (Kravtsov, 2002).

 Talking about training and tactics there are certain training schedule and exercise needs to work on to improve self-performance:

  • Endurance
  • Dynamic flexibility
  • Sprint drill
  • Plyometric
  • Warm up & dynamic flexibility

Introducing all this module or exercise add more dynamic to self-performance, agility and speed increase. Every football training has to start with warm up and light jogging along with exercise that should last 15-20 minutes. A warm body and feet follow this, football running at low speed and making sharp emissions of feet. Then have to stop and make a rotating movement of the body in different directions with different inclinations.

It is very important during the warm-up to stretch the leg muscles, especially the ankles, which are most often injured players in mini-football because of intensity of the game, also clutch shoes with hard flooring. Make a few circular motions of the ankle, standing on both legs, and a few stretching leg muscles while sitting.

Working with ball

After the entire warm up and stretching, working with ball is very much important to perfect the controlling of the ball in different game situation. This practice should be carry out in pairs. While the 2-partner stand in front of each other to practice the clarity of a pass by standing, and then by motion. The distance between the two players should not exceed 2 meters. After practicing on short passes, it should follow by long distance.

To do this, the players stood facing each other in the polar end of the hall and start quickly passing the ball. Firstly on the ground, and then through the air.

 “Note” This passing practice has to be executed using both legs, even if you are a one legged player. It is important to practice on knowing how to use both left & right legs, as it helps to perfectly or adapt to any high tempo of the game and self-performance.

There are many mini-football training practice needs to work on to improve self-performance. They as follow:

  • Shooting skill
  • Dribbling ability
  • Speed
  • Flexibility & technique

After all this training practice, it should follow by conduct a two aside playing team, that play for 15 minutes two half time. Between the half time of play, there should be 3-5 minutes stretching to relax the muscles then continue the second half. This helps to apply all the training practice skills that have being learning from the beginning of the training section.

Tactics Exercises

 Tactics exercise might be of different type, depend on the understanding of the mini-football team and individual skills and techniques of the player. The development of tactics depend on the experience of the coach. Also, depend on the area the coach think the team lack. Tactics training exercises include:

  • Training on penalty kicks
  • Playing corner in & out
  • Working on the balance & confidence on the penalties
  • Movement & position of the players on the field
  • Mass attack & defend

The essence of tactical training practice is for the players to know their position on the field, and understand each other movement as team. In mini-football, there is no specific position on the field. So every player need to know how to attack an opponent and defend against it. Even in some cases, the outfield player take a position of goalkeeper due to removal or injury. This is part of why tactical training is necessary for every player to get themselves prepare for any game situation. After the coach prepared the players on different tactics, it is advisable for every coach to give the players minimum of 5 minutes break to discuss tactical movement within themselves, and put it in display while the coach correct their mistakes.

The mini-football training and tactics is not complete without include endurance training, because this is the very important part of the game cause of the tempo and intensity in the game.

Endurance training

Endurance training exercise mostly base on strength and power of the player. Training on endurance, player need to do more of abdominal exercise, shuttle run, because you do not want to train on only speed, but also ability. After the shuttle run, take it to another length by running the entire hall as fast as possible for one minute. Then proceed with light jogging for 40 seconds, and then repeat the sprint again for same time. Do these 4 to 5 sets. In addition, push-ups & pull-ups on the bar is require in endurance training. Endurance training exercise common


In this football training & tactics plan, it is not only help improve self-performance, but also helps to keep all footballers fit and escape sudden injury.


  1. Kravtsov V.V. Organization and realization educational training of employment of the students, engaged in mini-footbal // Physical education of students creative specialties: Collection of scientific papers edited by Ermakov S. S. - Kharkov: KhSAAD (KhAII), 2002. - №4. – P. 51-54.