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Research article
Выпуск: № 11 (42), 2015

Саранутуя Батсукх1, Янйинлкхам Баярсаикхан2

Доктор, Школа управления бизнесом и гуманитарных наук, магистр, Университет Технологий и Бизнес-управления, Орхон аймак



Непременно важно, чтобы вся экономика государственных и частных предприятий определялась  «Политикой учетной документации", с учетом особенностей специфики организации и в соответствии с Международными стандартами бухгалтерского учета, для того, чтобы стандартизировать закон и акты, которые затрагивают учет, аудит и финансовые отчеты и которые решают основные вопросы, такие как: создание благоприятной среды в другой системе законодательного регулирования, контроль над деятельностью для получения точной системы, обеспечивающей выполнение и подготовку финансовых отчетов, а также сохранение открытости для общественности.

В настоящее время, оценивая бухгалтерский учет коммерческих организаций в Монголии, можно сделать вывод, что общая международная система была внедрена.

Кроме того, возникают требования учета и отчетности организаций, которые рассматривают бухгалтерскую систему комплексно. Например, аудиторы и организаторы должны дать обоснованную оценку способности компании, масштабу долгов и их отношению к организации. Таким образом, одним из индикаторов, определяющих  развитие регионов, является реализация международного бухгалтерского учета и его выполнение. Кроме того, показателем также будет являться и понимание документации региона и ее оценка на международной уровне согласно «Политике учетной документации».

Ключевые слова: общая и частная политика, международные стандарты, хозяйствующий субъект.


Saranutuya Batsukh1, Yanjinlkham Bayarsaikhan2

1 Doctor of Business Administration, School of Business Administration and Humanities, 2 Master, Science, Technology and Business Administration University of Orkhon aimag, Mongolia



Brief It is unavoidably important that All economy entity of state and private have to qualify “Policy document of accounting” by adjusting to peculiarity of the organization in according to the International Standards of Accounting, in order to standardizing law and acts which involved accounting, audition and financial report, and solve main issues such as developing well-environments to other legislate regulation, to put an under control, obtain precise system providing implementation, prepare financial reports, and also keep itself be open to public.

 Evaluating the whole image of nowadays’ accounting of business organizations for Mongolia, it is possible to consider that international common figurative system was implemented.

Also, requirement of Accounting and reports of organizations considered completely in complex accounting system is arising. For example, auditors and organizers should give reasonable assessment to capacity, scale of duties, and its relation of organizations. Therefore, the one of indication of the determinations to development of regions is implementation of The International Accounting, and its accomplishment. Furthermore, the one indication, the information of the region is understood and evaluated in the level of international is “Policy document of accounting.”

Keywords: general and particular policy, international standards, economic entity

I.          Introduction

Creative activity is required numerously for increasing the responsibility of economic labor to society , and requirement of the workers of economic entity in forming reform of economy of the country and its healthy system. Thus leaders of organizations pursue the laws, understand their roles, qualify and improve the document of accounting in according to continual revision of law and standard. The policy document of accounting of organization is guideline, method, principle to the work and service which is implemented in sphere of accounting cycle, and its result will be arisen in the main document of the organization, which is contained information of accounting report.  Because this information is the foundation of the organization exists, it has important value.

But that accountants of organizations are not drafting the “document of accounting”, which is the main reason to receive penalty of administration, to slow down the development of accounting, and to lack of fulfill laws and principle of economy.

From the examination, economic entity had the document accounting hasn’t realized that how to attach the improvements and legislative add on of laws and standards to their document of accounting.

It may become the reason of providing wrong information to internal or external users and influence to incoming of organization dramatically bad.

By this reason, we should concentrate on practice of other countries and control on implementation of law and principle of economy.

II.         Methodology of develop policy of accounting

1.     About policy of accounting

Policy of accounting is process that particular principles, foundations, rules and practical activities are chosen by economic entity in order to prepare financial report, and maintain it.


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figure 1.Methodology of develop policy of accounting

Researchers examine the policy field of accounting in following 5 stages.

  • International level / the international standards of accounting/
  • Regional level / Europe, Asia, Pacific, Africa etc/
  • Country level / The documents of account and adjustment of Mongolia /
  • Departmental level / Government, Bank, Insurance, Industries etc/
  • Economic entity level /General and particular policy/[2]

Policy of accounting and its separation

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Chart 1. The separation of the policy of accounting[3]

2.     The legislation basis of policy of accounting

In Mongolia: The law involved accounting was ruled in 1993. Then it is revised in 2015.

Considering the legislation basis of policy of accounting as following:

  1. Responsibility of headquarter of economic entity.

- 18.2. Headquarter of economic entity approves the policy document of accounting  in according to accounting law, legislation, principle, standard, rule, method, and guidelines and follow itself.

  1. General accountant has responsibility as following:

- 20.2.1. Put into effect requirement of legal body having the right referring 17.1 of this law.

- 20.2.2. Develop and verify policy document of accounting of economic entity and organize its implementation.

  1. Government administrational central organization, having respondent issue of account and finance, has following responsibility:

- 17.1.3. Law basis of accounting obligated by economic entity will be developed and involved standard, principle should be affirmed and followed;

  1. 4.1. Economic entities follows standard of accounting such as:

4.1.1.The international standards of accounting report;

4.1.2. The international standards of financial report of minor and medium economic entity;

4.1.3. The international standards of accounting in state sector;

     5. Others and system of responsibility-[4]

  3. Environments of the international standards of accounting

From 1973, known as the international standards development period, foundation of the international standards was founded and used widely by world community in 1980. Its usage was seemingly heightened. Than 1987, the international standards of accounting, affirmed by organization, ruling standard of accounting, of the United States, was required and used by “international organization of bond commission.” Also from 1990, stock exchanges demanded usage of the international standards to customer and firms in industrialized cities. Development phase was started in 2001. Deceit of financial report covered international aspect was forced to perform change of the international standards of accounting, and demanded open and fair financial report of companies of public interests. Whereas the first standards of accounting was created for only profits, governmental organizations and nonprofit organizations, in end of XX to beginning of XXI, was had such standards and it was followed. Therefore three bundle of standards have been developed for usage of accountants as following:

  • The international standards of financial reports – TISFR
  • The international standards of accounting in the state sector – TISATSS
  • The international standards of financial report of minor and medium economic entity – MMEE - TISFR[5]

The international standards is official document of “international standards” guideline allowance about expression of the duty, transaction and process in financial report. Thus, it is required that Countries perform the financial report and follow the rule of the international standards.

Structure of the international standards of accounting

         In 2015, following figure is taking place:

  • The international standards of financial reports 1-15
  • The international standards of accounting 1-41[6]

The change of the policy of accounting:  The former policy could be changed depending on spreading of business, and characteristic. Whereat:

  • Changing methodology and principle of accounting;
  • Changing the estimation method of accounting;
  • Make change to structure of entity which is do report.

Changing the estimation method of accounting is taken place cause of new information or development, not of rectifying of errors.

III.        Study of nowadays’ Policy of accounting in Companies in Mongolia  

Mongolian government declares the 2002 for development of accounting operations to direction of implementing the international standards of accounting, and heightening related activity. Also, in 2002 to 2004, developed a program for improvement of accounting and it was followed. The international standard of accounting was translated in the same time.[7]

In 2011, accounting recordings and software of finance covered nation was examined to according to enactment number 75 of the ministry of finance. In this examination, there were 73644 economic entities had examined but 38519 of that, 48.7%, participated. 48.7 percent of economic entities participating in national examination in other words half of them, 18658, have implemented fully the international standards of accounting, 37.2% of that, 14241, have implemented half of it and 38% of that, 14577, have policy document of accounting.

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figure 2. national examination of usage of accounting recordings


from the grand resust of national examination, primary accounting recordings of economic entities and be guideded by policy document of accounting isn’t at required value.

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Figure 3. here show the result by province and capital

From comparing of the capital city and the province by implementaion of the standards, the result show us the provinces had less implemented the standards and laws.[7]

The latest situation of international accounting policy and coordination

In the world, 140 countries have international standards of accounting. From these countries, 14 countries such as China, Japan, America and India have individual general principle of accounting. Choose what is more suitable from both it and international standards of accounting for developing their policy document of accounting. [8]

Table 2 - situation of processing the policy document of international of accounting  

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The practical importance:

- Economic entities let have policy document and ruled procedure which are used in accounting recordings;

- Headquarter of the organizations will have chance to read, to understand and to diagnose their accounting recordings and reports;

- For users of information, their receiving trust to financial information agreed by the international standards of accounting will being increased;

- process of the accounting in economic entities will be more clarified and reach the result to increase the control of internal and external;

- Software of accounting adjusted to policy of account will have possibility to be developed flexible;

- A new worker of, economist of, a financial personnel of the organization will have possibility to perform accounting by constant procedure and rules;

- Provide accountant by situations that their right and responsibility fulfilled.



According to examination and surveys, accountant of economic entities have a lack of development and validation of “Policy document of accounting“.

    For improve these issues, following operations would be performed in consistency. Herein:

  • Because “laws of accounting” have revised six times after 1993, determine the changing of policy of accounting and direction that develop the policy document of organization.
  • Determine direction they using about “policy document of accounting” from organizations having right of finance in international aspect and use it.
  • To draw a conclusion that it is necessary to follow and to implement the law of accounting.


  1. International commision of accounting, the international standards of accounting 8., policy and change of accounting .,2015., 886 page.
  2. Batjargal.R., methodology of policy in accounting.,Editor. Dariimaa.R., Ulaanabaatar., -52 page
  3. Intitution of quaified accountant., guideline to implement policy document of accounting, Ulaanbaatar., 139 page
  4. Laws of accounting of Mongolia.,Revised edition., 2015., - 1-14 pages
  5. Bolormaa.B., the implementation the interntainals standards to organizations and economic entities. Editor. Dondog.L., 2015., -5 page
  6. Altanzaya.L., usage of the international standards of accounting.,Editor. Bolormaa.B., Ulaanbaatar., 2014., -20 page
  7. National examinations of accounting recordings.,