Научная статья
Вечканова Э. Ю.*
ORCID: 0000-0002-7019-0992,
Крымский федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского, Симферополь, Россия
* Корреспондирующий автор (vechkanova22[at]
АннотацияДанная статья рассматривает актуальность когнитивной лингвистики в современном обществе, ее влияние на лингвистическое наследие языкознания, которое прослеживается через призму антропоцентрической парадигмы. В работе упоминается о зарождении в XX веке в науке нового термина «парадигма научного знания», что доказывает постоянные научные сдвиги в лингвистике.
В статье исследуются значения терминов: «концепт» и «концептуальная картина мира», их важность и влияние на развитие языкознания в целом. Исследование научных трудов указывает на магистральную идею современной лингвистики ─ антропоцентричность языка, которая повлияла на формирование антропоцентрической парадигмы в рамках когнитивной лингвистики.
Ключевые слова: когнитивная лингвистика, антропоцентрическая парадигма, языкознание, «концепт», «концептуальная картина мира».
Research article
ORCID: 0000-0002-7019-0992,
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
* Corresponding author (vechkanova22[at]
AbstractThis article determines the actuality of cognitive linguistics in the modern society, its impact on the linguistic heritage of linguistics, which can be traced through the prism of the anthropocentric paradigm. The work analyzes the emergence of a new term "paradigm of scientific knowledge" in science in the 20th century, which proves constant scientific shifts in linguistics.
The article investigates meanings of both terms: "concept" and "conceptual picture of the world", its importance and impact on the development of linguistics in general. The study of scientific works points to the main idea of modern linguistics - the anthropocentricity of the language, which influenced the formation of the anthropocentric paradigm within cognitive linguistics` framework.
Keywords: cognitive linguistics, anthropocentric paradigm, linguistics, "concept", "conceptual picture of the world".
IntroductionIn the 21st century domestic and foreign researchers show the great interest in the study and analysis of cognitive linguistics through the prism of the anthropocentric paradigm, which has a positive impact and a significant contribution to the linguistic heritage of linguistics.
Studying cognitive linguistics problems, it is worth pointing out that cognitivism is the science of knowledge and cognition, of the world`s perception in the process of human activity. The research of specialized literature proves that cognitivism is a direction in science that studies not only the human mind and thinking, but also mental processes, states that are connected with it.
According to the scientific literature, it is important to pay attention to the purposefulness of cognitive science, the main essence of which is to consider the general principles governing mental processes in the human brain. It is necessary to highlight the work of E. S. Kubryakov "Language and Knowledge: The Role of Language in Cognition of the World", where the author writes that cognitive psychology, cultural anthropology, artificial intelligence modeling, philosophy, neuroscience and linguistics are integral elements of cognitive science [4].
Refers to the above-mentioned information, it is worth noting the work "Parts of Speech from a Cognitive Point of View" by the Russian researcher E. S. Kubryakov, the author appeals about cognitive linguistics` formation through the prism of the modern anthropocentric paradigm, which has a key impact on the expansion and implementation of large-scale opportunities in the linguistic research`s framework [5].
Analyzing in more detail the problems of the topic, it is important to emphasize the existing fundamental scientific paradigms in linguistics: comparative-historical, system-structural, anthropocentric.
Considering the anthropocentric paradigm, it is worth noting that the paradigm of scientific knowledge arose thanks to the development of linguistics relatively recently in the 20th century. The American historian and science`s philosopher of the 20th century, T. Kuhn introduced the term "paradigm of scientific knowledge" into science and proved that through the development of science shifts occur in the historically established system of linguists` views and researchers, both in Russia and abroad [2].
On referring to the scientific revolution, it is worth mentioning that a paradigm shift has taken place in connection with new recognized scientific advances in linguistics as a science. Due to the existence a lot of methodological directions, modern Russian and foreign researchers come to a common conclusion about the real polyparadigmality of humanitarian and linguistic knowledge.
The analysis of the topic`s problematic according to the work of I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay "Selected Works on General Linguistics", where the author interprets the fundamental idea of modern linguistics as the anthropocentricity of language, which influenced the anthropocentric paradigm`s formation. Refers to I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, the anthropocentric paradigm is a detailed analysis of language in a person or a person in a language [3, P. 59-60].
Exploring specialized literature within the framework of the work, it is necessary to note the linguistic analysis aim, which is to identify the various characteristics of the language system, the world`s cognition through awareness of oneself, one's ideal and material activity in it. It is important to emphasize the key areas of modern linguistics within the anthropocentric paradigm: cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics.
Domestic researchers, such as A. D. Arutyunova, V. V. Vorobieva, V. A.Maslova, Yu. S. Stepanova, V. N. highlight the main concepts of cognitive linguistics: the concept of information, its processing by the human mind; concepts of knowledge structures, their representation in human consciousness and linguistic forms [5, P. 3]. According to the conclusion of M. Ya. Blokh, cognitive linguistics` task is a detailed analysis of the semantic and linguistic mechanisms of human cognitive activity [1, P. 335].
Emphasizing the importance of the language`s human dimension and speech, the anthropocentric paradigm in linguistic research is gradually replacing the structural paradigm, thereby proving the uniqueness of the language. In cognitive linguistics, the language interprets human ability and its consciousness, expresses a means of communication, represents not only an important element in natural and social history, but also a key to meaningful information about the mental structure of a person in cognitive sciences` progress [7, P. 67].
Considering cognitive linguistics, it is necessary to pay attention to its inherent terms "concept" and "picture of the world", an integrative approach to language learning, in order to obtain objective research for a detailed synthesis of knowledge acquired in different sciences.
In the work "Cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics: features and differences", you can trace the interpretation of the term`s "concept" meaning, which expresses the operational meaningful unit of memory, mental vocabulary, conceptual system, language of the brain (lingua mentalis), the whole picture of the world, reflected in the human psyche. On the other hand, the term "concept" can be analyzed as a complex discrete unit of consciousness through the prism of human thinking and knowledge [8].
Domestic researcher T. A Svetonosova in her work writes about the following relationship: "language - man - consciousness" in the framework of cognitive linguistics, which expresses a continuous thread between linguistic expressions, mental representations in the human psyche [8]. The author draws attention to the types of concepts (scheme, frame, and scenario), their systemic organization and interrelationships, which refers to the culture`s fundamental concepts, the result of which is the concept.
Within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm, T. A. Svetonosova mentions that for a cognitivist one linguistic unit corresponds to one concept and each word corresponds to its own concept, thereby the researcher proves the value side of the concept, both for the individual and for the group.
Further, it is worth considering the "picture of the world" as a linguistic term of the late 20th century, denoting a holistic image of the world within the framework of human cognitive activity. In cognitive research, it is worth distinguishing between a conceptual picture of the world that globally differs from the linguistic picture of the world in linguistics. So, the key difference between the conceptual picture of the world in the the anthropocentric paradigm`s framework lies in the totality of its organized concepts, which represent information about the world, both verbally and non-verbally. Russian researcher T. A. Svetonosova draws attention to the fact that the conceptual picture of the world is a complex multifunctional phenomenon, where the national language “lives” in the conceptual sphere [8].
E. S. Kubryakova and G. T. Barannikova write that the term "conceptual picture of the world" in linguistics is directly related to language, studies possible methods and ways of fixing the mental content by means of language. Domestic authors emphasize that language is not only a key tool and an integral part of the linguistic picture of the world, but is also interconnected with the semiotic system, takes part in communicative processes, turning into intersubjective [2], [6].
In the conclusion of the studying of the topic`s problematics, it should be emphasized that in many scientific researches the formation and popularity of cognitive linguistics is traced through the prism of the anthropocentric paradigm, where language is the key to human consciousness and mental state. Consequently, the language has the ability to expand the scale of linguistic research, the informative potential of linguistic signs in the intelligence`s study and the human psyche.
In modern works cognitivists are increasingly analyzing the following cognitive chain: "consciousness - language - representation - conceptualization - categorization - perception", which explains the study of linguistic phenomena within the framework of the experience accumulated by the individual in the perception and information`s receipt, its processing and transmission, as well as memory processes, behavioral reactions of a person.
According to a detailed analysis of scientific works, it is worth pointing out that cognitive scientists continue to study cognitive linguistics within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm. Nevertheless numerous published scientific works, this topic has been studied fragmentarily and requires further study in connection with the development of linguistics, a real multidimensional and integrated approach in linguistics, the connecting link and fundamental factor of which is a person, his abilities and needs.
Конфликт интересов Не указан. | Conflict of Interest None declared. |
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