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Research article
Issue: № 1 (43), 2016

Субботин И.А.1, Брюханов А.Ю.2, Уваров Р.А.3

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-6189-9385, Кандидат технических наук, 2 ORCID: 0000-0003-4963-3821, Кандидат технических наук, 3 ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-0136, Институт агроинженерных и экологических проблем сельскохозяйственного производства



Рассмотрен вопрос сохранности питательных веществ (азота, фосфора и калия) при интенсивной переработке помёта в биореакторах камерного и барабанного типа. Приведено сравнение показателей сохранности питательных веществ и времени переработки у традиционных и интенсивных технологий переработки помёта.

Ключевые слова: помёт, питательные вещества, азот, фосфор, калий, аэробные условия.


Subbotin I.A.1, Briukhanov A.Yu.2, Uvarov R.A.3

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-6189-9385, PhD in Engineering, 2 ORCID: 0000-0003-4963-3821, PhD in Engineering, 3 ORCID: 0000-0002-2792-0136, Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production (IEEP, Russia)



The article considers the problem of saving of nutrients (N, P, K) at the intensive composting of chicken manure in chamber-type and drum-type bioreactors. The indexes of nutrients saving and timing of processing at intensive technologies are given and compared with the same indexes at traditional ones.

Keywords: manure, litter, nutrient losses, nitrogen, phosphorus, assessment.


Intensification of modern agriculture production leads to increase in the volume of chicken manure and its concentration on local limited areas on poultry farms. This creates environmental risks and making the manure management more difficult [1]. Also, it leads to rise of the economic costs because of increase size of manure storage and transport distances between places of production and use of manure [2]. The solution may be use of intensive technologies of manure processing. Intensive technologies accelerate the processing time and reduce the weight of the poultry manure (by reducing the water content in the final fertilizer) [3]. This study considered two technologies: intensive composting in the chamber bioreactor and intensive composting in the drum bioreactor. The aim of the study is to determine the values ​​of nutrient losses and to compare with the values ​​of traditional technology.

Materials and methods

There was used fresh manure from the poultry kept in cages with a water content of 40 %.

The technology of intensive composting in closed-type installation is based on the principle of aerobic biofermentation with controlled level of air supply [4]. The adjusting the amount of air fed into the installation allows to saturate the manure of sufficient amount of oxygen, which in turn allows to create optimal conditions for the life of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms. As a result of the action of microorganisms, the processed mixture is self-heated to 70 ºC, causing the thermal disinfection of the manure [5].

The difference between the intensive composting in chamber and drum bioreactors is that in drum bioreactor manure is better aerated, then microorganisms are better distributed throughout the mass of manure, which increases their proliferation and effectiveness of processing. It also leads to different timing of processing: 7..9 days in chamber units and 3..4 day in drum units.

Results and discussion

The table gives confidence intervals for the most common traditional technologies (according to literature) and intensive technologies.

Technology 1: intensive composting in the chamber bioreactor;

Technology 2: intensive composting in the drum bioreactor;

Technology 3: long-term storage (6..9 ​​months);

Technology 4: passive composting in piles;

Technology 5: active composting in piles (with optional turning or mixing);

Table 1. Comparative evaluation of the nutrient content of manure

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On the based on these data, it is obvious that the intensive composting techniques have the advantage of lower losses of nutrients. Another advantage may be concentration of the air used for composting in the confined space. This allows to add complementary air purification, especially from ammonia, which can further reduce the loss of nutrients.


  1. Maximov D.A., Bryukhanov A.Y., Subbotin I.A., Vasilyev E.V. 2014. Selecting manure management technologies to reduce ammonia emissions from big livestock farms in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia//Ammonia workshop 2012 Saint Petersburg. Abating ammonia emissions in the UNECE and EECCA region: RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. -2014. -470 p.
  2. Subbotin I.A., Bryukhanov A.Yu. 2013. Selecting technologies of manure utilization by BAT criteria for the farms in the North-West Russia. Proceeding of International Agri-environmental Forum. V.3. Environmental aspects of livestock production; field research for sustainable development of rural areas; mitigation of adverse environmental effect of reactive nitrogen in farming. -Saint-Petersburg, GNU SZNIIMESH Rosselkhozacademii, 46-51. [In Russian]
  3. Uvarov R.A., Bryukhanov A. Y. Advanced technologies of biofermentation manure / litter for North-West Russia. In: Science Review. 2015. №16. 26-31. [In Russian]
  4. Uvarov R. A., Slobodyanyuk P. A. Analysis of intensive technologies of manure, litter. In: The prospects of innovative development of agriculture and rural areas. Proceedings of the international сongress. Saint – Petersburg, 2014. 52–53. [In Russian]
  5. Uvarov R. A. Research results of nutrient loss during bedding poultry manure bioconversion in closed installation. In: The choice of technology and equipment for manure processing and litter based on the criteria of the best available techniques. 2015. №86. 139-147. [In Russian]