Research article
Issue: № 1 (20), 2014

Ланина Е.И. 1, Гоголева М.А.2

Магистр «Торговое дело»1 ; Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент2, Институт сферы обслуживания и предпринимательства (филиал) Донского государственного технического университета



В данной статье рассматривается проблема перехода к эко-экономике. Анализируется термин «Эко-экономика», даются три аксиомы «зеленой экономики». Подчеркивается важность появления эко-экономики в России.

Ключевые слова: эко-экономика, зеленая экономика, мега город, эко-стиль жизни.

Lanina E.I. 1, Gogoleva M.A. 2

1Undergraduate student “Trade business”, The Institute of Service Sphere and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University; 2PhD in Pedagogics, associate professor, The Institute of Service Sphere and Entrepreneurship (branch) Don State Technical University



The article deals with the problem of moving to eco-economics. The term “eco-economics” is analized, three axioms of “green economics” are given. The importance of having eco-economics in Russia is emphasized.

Keywords: eco-economics, green economics, megacity, eco-style life.

Currently, eco-economics is quite a hot topic that bothers the best human minds now. Economics, which pollutes the environment and steadily leads the world in an environmental catastrophe, must become eco-economy, which will be based on respect to natural systems. Sooner or later you will proceed to the economy with the prefix eco, it will help to avoid environmental disasters, which are undergoing a wave around the world. Eco-economics or “green economics” - is the direction in economic science that has emerged in the last two decades, under which it is believed that the economy is a dependent part of the environment within which it exists. Theory of “green economics” is built on three axioms:
  • it is impossible to keep expanding the sphere of influence in a confined space;
  • it is impossible to demand the growing needs of an infinitely limited resources;
  • everything on the surface of the Earth is interconnected.
The concept of "green economics" also includes ideas of many other areas in economics related to sustainable development. According to the concept of "green economics" one can say that now the prevailing economic system is imperfect. Although it gave some results in improving the living standards of people in general and especially its individual groups, the negative consequences of that system are considerable: ecological problems, depletion of natural capital, large-scale poverty, lack of fresh water, food, energy, inequality among people and countries. All this poses a threat to present and future generations. The current economic model is called "brown economy." In our opinion, presently, it is urgent to a shift from the "brown economics" to "green" one. Today the world is facing two crises. The global financial crisis, which concerns us more, but climate change is of great importance too. We should not neglect the first one, on the contrary, it is possible to kill with a single shot two birds. Global growth slows its rotation. Budgets are being cut. Most likely we will not have enough resources to deal with global problems. Russia is no exception, and extremely wise government actions are needed for the formation of the country on the path to a "green economics". People are reasonable and they cannot help realizing the consequences of wasteful attitude to the environment. Contamination processes necessary for life in the all spheres, make the best minds of architects, designers, innovators , create projects for ecological coexistence of man and the environment. This direction is called the ecological construction and home neighborhoods and cities acquire the prefix eco. The world has an alternative to unlimited economic growth, which has led to the degradation of the biosphere, and this alternative is considered and discussed in the concept of sustainable development - ecological development. This development is a model of socio- economic life of society, in which satisfaction of the vital needs of the present generation can be achieved without depriving future generations of such a possibility. So, going back, we can see that in the XX century, more than half the population of civilized countries moved from villages and hamlets in to the city. Just for 100 years, the first time in the history of mankind, there was a transition from the world of rural to urban. The pressure on the environment of cities has increased much, the cities became chocking literally and figuratively on a variety of industrial emissions, vehicle emissions, congestion, and the river became more like dirty vessels filled with strange liquid. Science fiction writers drew megacities of the future as a concrete jungle with vines - roads at the upper floors, with severe shortage of water and air. And now almost entirely fiction became reality. Precisely in order to avoid such a terrible scenario, in response to the technological challenges in developed countries ecological consciousness emerged. Smoking chimneys are closed by treatment facilities, and the city begins to adapt to humans. However, the process is complicated and expensive, but everyone wants to live. The ideas of eco-city literally permeate the atmosphere of the modern world. Every year, the environmental situation on the planet is deteriorating. People have to think about the development of the concepts of new cities, surviving by renewable resources. Thus, the conclusion is the following - to move on eco-economics, eco-cities and eco-style life. Environmental aspect is becoming increasingly important. It is necessary to direct all forces and unite all countries in the establishment of eco-economics. We should develop the right policy, particularly in Russia, to access eco-economics. It's high time to think about the future and make the world better. References
  1. Towards a green economy : pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication/ United Nations Environment Programme, 2011. - 626 p.
  2. Forests in a green economy : a synthesis / United Nations Environment Programme, 2012 - 13 p.
  3. Green economy : why a green economy matters for the least developed countries / United Nations Environment Programme, 2011 - 15 p.
  4. Etudes et documents : activités, emplois et métiers liés à la croissance verte/ Commissariat général du développement durable, 2012.
  5. Green economy : driving a green through public finance and fiscal policy reform / United Nations Environment Programme, 2010. - 34 p.