The article analyses problems of state administration in the sphere of agrarian business. In the article the authors conclude that the system of public management of agriculture should be characterized by a systematic clarification of functions, structure and methods of functioning of the system of management, have the characteristic of dynamism, to provide organizational and economic and legal mechanisms. The authors attribute to the legal problems of public administration in the agrarian business the contradiction of the state intervention to the principles of free enterprise. The authors note that the effectiveness of entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture directly affects the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. Because of the unprofitability of agriculture, there is an objective need to improve the system of public administration in the sphere of agricultural business.
1. Introduction
Agriculture throughout the world has been the economic, social, cultural and value basis for the development of people united in States. The history, culture and values of each people are reflected in agriculture. It is clear that modern agricultural production is now more entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial activity in the modern world is the only possible economic activity of man and the creator.
The study was based on the work of foreign and Russian researchers on the legal problems of public administration in agriculture, the results of their own research and other data.
Research methods. The comparative legal method for determining the legal norms governing public administration in agriculture and the extent of its influence on the development of public relations in the State.
2. Main results
According to many authors researching the problem of state management of entrepreneurship, in the modern economy there is an objective need for state regulation of the market, considering that the State itself is an instrument for the establishment of a market economy and is the instrument and the main reason for the sustainable development of the economy
.R.H. Adukov, researching the problems of public management of agriculture, notes that the development of agriculture is influenced by many factors, but the greatest influence on the efficiency of the industry is a management factor. The author made a conclusion, which should be accepted, that the main condition for increasing the efficiency of agriculture is improvement of the system of public administration by the branch
.According to H.P. Gubin, the current legislation of the Russian Federation lacks the concept of «state regulation» by economy. In some laws regulating the state regulation of individual branches of the national economy, the concept of «state regulation» is described. So in the Federal Law of July 14, 1997. «On the state regulation of agro-industrial production» the state regulation of agriculture is defined as The economic impact of the State on the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, raw materials and food, including fish and marine products, as well as on the production and maintenance and logistics of agro-industrial production»
.Some authors pay attention to the need to distinguish between the concepts of «state regulation» and «state administration». According to P.M. Kurdyuk, by «state regulation» means «activity of the state in the person of its organs, directed at implementation of the state policy in the sphere of agricultural development»
.N.N. Kovaleva
draws attention to the fact that the pre-revolutionary Russian scientists-administratives wrote that the main goal of the state is «the realization of national prosperity, where the determining will be material well-being, wealth and strength» . The author notes that the tasks of the state in the field of business management have not changed since the beginning of the 20th century. In doing so, the State, in exercising its administrative influence over the object of administration, should provide all opportunities for the realization of private interests.N.N. Kovaleva allocates modern directions of state management in the sphere of entrepreneurship: development of the social state, base, private ownership, the basics of the economy; control, licensing, registration of business entities; assurance, social needs of society. Methods of influence of the state on entrepreneurial activity, the author points out: formation of subjects' business activities; planning and stimulation of individual, types of business activities; legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity; state control over entrepreneurial activity. According to the author, in connection with development of a market economy and involvement in business, the activity of a significant resource, including natural resources, in the state will constantly change the powers of state bodies' authorities in relation to business entities. According to A.V. Shestakov, government regulation of business as opposed to government management is aimed at the implementation of the state influence in. the relation of a certain business entity, in the purpose of preventing its insolvency or liquidation, termination of activities.
3. Discussion
The representatives of liberal economists are known to say about the negative attitude of entrepreneurs to the state regulation of the industry, as entrepreneurs do not like when their activities are controlled, especially as state regulation contradicts the principles of free enterprise .
However, even the founders of classical liberalism have subsequently been forced to recognize that the State must assume functions conducive to the viability and efficiency of the market economy . With the onset of the global economic crisis, there was more criticism of the ideas of individualism and non-interference .
Analyzing the above normative in the sphere of organization and establishment of powers of state executive bodies at the federal and regional level, it should be concluded that the bodies. Public administration and regulation of agriculture systematic improvement and modernization under conditions of progressive transition of the agricultural sector economy into the market.
Ju. M. Keynes and his followers developed a state concept – a theory of state regulation of the market economy, designed to address the significant flaws of an unregulated market, namely, unemployment, arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income. Ju. M. Keynes suggested that the State had more economic information than the individual, so the State needed to actively intervene in economic processes to achieve sustainable development. Main methodological approaches. J. M. Keynes concentrates on the following: the problem of extended reproduction needs to be addressed by looking at the demand side of the market; the market economy cannot self-regulate, and therefore state intervention is inevitable; overproduction crises are undesirable; the main instrument of state regulation is an effective budget policy capable of solving the problem of ensuring employment of population and production equipment .
4. Conclusion
The effectiveness of agricultural entrepreneurship has a direct impact on sustainable agriculture and rural development. There is a need to distinguish the concepts of «state regulation» and «state administration». The delineation of these concepts depends on the tasks facing the system of public administration and mechanisms of state regulation, as well as on the signs of direct and indirect influence of state authorities on business entities.
The legal problems of public administration in agrarian entrepreneurship include contradiction of the principles of free enterprise. At the same time, it is not always possible for the State to adopt regulations to overcome the imperfections, shortcomings and obstacles to the development of the agricultural market.
Objectively, there is a need to improve the system of public administration of agrarian entrepreneurship. Because the State is a tool for creating a market economy, the effectiveness of agrarian entrepreneurship depends on the management factor. The system of state management of agriculture should provide organizational and economic and legal mechanisms, have the characteristic of dynamism, characterized by systematic clarification of functions, The structure and methods of operation of the management system and the elimination of problems, taking into account the principles of management.