Карцева Е.В.1, Фомина А.М.2
1Кандидат педагогических наук, 2Студент, Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
В данной статье рассматриваются аспекты формирования и развития коммуникативной компетентности в современном мире. Приведены статистические данные, которые позволяют оценить динамику рынков труда, влияющую на значение навыков коммуникации в наше время. Так же представлены методы совершенствования коммуникативных способностей, результаты исследований о выявлении типов коммуникативной компетентности студентов и эффективности изучения иностранного языка как одного из способов развития навыков взаимодействия.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетентность, навыки коммуникации, методы совершенствования коммуникативных способностей, эффективность изучения иностранного языка.
Kartseva E.V.1, Fomina A.M.2
1PhD in Pedagogy, 2Student, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The article considers the main aspects of communication expertise formation and development in the modern world. The statistic data are given, that allow evaluating the dynamic of the labor market which in its turn has an impact on the significance of the communication skills at present times. The methods of communication skills improvement are given, the results of the research how to sort out the types of communication expertise among the students are shown and the efficiency of a foreign language studying as one of the ways of cooperation skills development is demonstrated.
Keywords: communicative expertise, communication skills, methods of communication skills improvement, efficiency of a foreign language studying.
Communication expertise has been a well known term. However, at the time of the rapidly growing significance of socially economic relationships, the issue of formation and development of communication skills has been of great current interest. The high level of communication expertise as an indicator of human social maturity is not just preferable but has become the required factor in the life of a person.
Nowadays a lot of attention is paid to the efficient communication in the comparison with the period 15-20 years ago. Then a question arises: what is the reason of these changes? The fact is that in the 21st century due to the development of the world economy the employment structure of the economically active population has changed greatly all over the world. The main reason of this change is the significant expansion of the service sphere. The following figures can prove it. In 2000 the share of the economically active population in the developed countries (including the USA) occupied in the sphere of service was 70.7%. By the year of 2014 this ratio increased up to 81%. In the developing countries (including some of EU countries this growth amounts 30.7%, from 43.4% to 74%. If we consider the Russian Federation this figure increases by 8.1%, from 56.9% in 2000 to 65% in 2014[1] .
This trend is in the close connection with the growing interest in the communicatively competent population. People used to interact with each other in the past but they did not depend so much on benefits they get now. Nowadays the skill to create mutually beneficial relations is not the addition to the positive traits of a person but a must for a successful career and for a happy life in general.
Speaking about the communication expertise, we should start with its generally excepted definition. It is the knowledge of the complicated communicative skills and abilities, of the cultural norms and restraints in the society, the observance of the proprieties, good manners, and orientation in the communication facilities, characterized by national, class mentality and expressed within a particular profession[2].
The sociologists sort out some necessary skills a communicative person has to possess. They are divided into three groups: perceptive, interactive and communicative skills [3] .
The perceptive skills are the basic constituent part of each person. Within the researched aspect it is defined as an ability to evaluate the psychological description of another person correctly, and also to respond to the emotional changes of an interlocutor and to the general atmosphere of a talk sufficiently. Talking about the perceptive skills their reflex subconscious features should be noted.
If the perceptive skills are responsible for the competent evaluation of the situation when communicating, the developed interactive skills embody the person’s behavior or respond to what is going on. They influence the ability to manage the roles during communication process, to form tactics and strategy of the further behavior. That is the reason why the interactive skills are called the behavioral ones or the skills of relations.
The set of the first and second categories is the communication skills.
The communication skills are formed while a person grows up. The basic ones are obtained during the processes of interaction and communication. However, it is not sufficient.
Nowadays there are a lot of methods a person can use to develop those skills and abilities that forms his social and communication competences. These methods are divided into two categories: theoretical and practical ones. At present time the courses and seminars in such spheres as oratory, efficient communication, and leadership are becoming more and more actual and significant. However, the practical constituent part of development should be paid more attention to, so long as the theoretical skills cannot be considered to be adopted within these activities without practical application.
The most productive practical methods to improve communication expertise skills are thought to be such kind of activities as participation in discussions and disputes, holding of presentations of various subjects and standards, including the so called self-presentations, solving of case studies and the use of foreign languages. Each of these methods suggests applying not only literate speech, but also the operative psychological analysis, that allows forming interpersonal mutual relations in the way a person needs to form them. It should be noted that the practical application of communicative skills can be the part of everyday life and the part of training as well.
In most cases a person starts to apply the above mentioned methods during his studies at university, when it is essential not only to adopt different subjects but also to learn how to form the positive impression, to define his role in the group, to work in a team and to be able to present his activity in front of the audience.
In order to make sure all these methods have a positive influence on the communication expertise development, a survey was carried out in which 50 students of different specialties had a Michelson test[4] . The goal of the test was to sort out the general level and to define the type of the communication expertise (dependent, competent and aggressive).
Absolutely all the students are considered to be the type of socially competent people. According to the test all the surveyed are communicatively competent.
However, having analyzed all the responds we came to the conclusion that the results are not so precise. None of the surveyed is 100% communicatively competent. Nevertheless, the level of the communication expertise is rather high – 88.9%. A few of the respondents have a tendency to be another type of the communication expertise. The minimal level of the expertise is rather low – 37.4%.
Speaking about the average figures of the test, the amount of the answers which define the dependent respondents is 22%, the competent respondents – 69%, the aggressive ones – 9%. Therefore, the given survey allows concluding: the level of the communication expertise is higher than its alternatives in both absolute and relative indices.

It should be noted that despite of the high level of communicative expertise each person has an opportunity to improve it. One of the most effective ways is to study foreign languages. It is obvious that the studying of a foreign language has a considerable influence not only on the educational level and mental outlook of each person, but on his general social communication expertise as well. It stimulates brain development, improvement of memory and concentration, enhancement of abilities to multitasking and prompt adaptation, listening skills improvement and grammatical correctness of the native language.
Due to the fact, that the practical application of a foreign language, especially at the initial stage causes some difficulties and demands concentration not only on the information speech content but on the intonation, the body language and the emotional state of the companion as well, a person does not only obtain invaluable experience in cooperation with the people of other cultures, but also improves his communicative expertise owing to the skill to evaluate the situation correctly and work out the most efficient communication strategy.
The efficiency of the method of communication expertise improvement has been marked by the students during the survey about the role and importance of a foreign language in their life. 94, 3% of the respondents apply their communication skills when speaking a foreign language. Frequently they do it during the lessons of foreign languages, during online communication in social nets, during presentations (of a product or a company) and when training abroad.
Despite the different faculties and specialties, the level of foreign language knowledge and plans for the future all the respondents declared about their further plans to improve their foreign language skills. This fact shows how important it is for the students to develop the communication skills. Especially it is evident in the period of the world globalization, when the process of integration into the world space has become one of the main targets of each country as a whole and of each person particularly, and the communication expertise is the required tool to achieve this target.
Therefore, when it is crucial nowadays to understand and to be understood, the communication expertise development has to become the indispensible part in the life of each person.
- Federal State Statistics Service// Economically active population http://www.gks.ru
- Kunitsina V.N, Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. Interpersonal communication // Publishing house "Piter". – 2001. – P.330.
- Humanitarian and legal portal Psyera// Communication expertise http://psyera.ru/kommunikativnaya-kompetentnost-1690.htm
- Michelson’s communicative skills test. - Translation and adaptation of Yu. Z. Gilbuh