Научная статья
Выпуск: № 5 (24), 2014

Жумабекова А.A.1, Нурлыбекова А.Б.2

1Магистрант, Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет; 2Д.п.н., профессор, Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет



В статье рассмотрены задачи которые появились с внедрением новых информационных технологий в систему образования. В связи c развитием общества, прогрессами в сфере научной техники, и некоторымы проблемами с которыми мы сталкиваемся каждый день системе образования требуется найти новые пути и типы обучения. Новые информационные технологии сильнейшее средство для развития интеллектуальных возможностей.

Ключевые слова: новая информационная технология, система образования, информатизация, научная революция.

Jumabekova A.A.1, Nurlibekova A.B.2

1MA student; 2Doctor of Pedagogy, South-Kazakh State University



It   requires to  search new ways and types of teaching in the system of education, according the development of society, progresses in the sphere of scientific techniques, and some cases that we are facing in everyday life. New information technology is a very strong source for developing intellectual abilities..In this article we   indicate the tasks that appeared in the Education System according to the implantation of new technologies.

Keywords: new information technology, Education System, informatization, science  revolution.

World education system, the foundations of which were laid down about 200 years ago, in the last decade comes in contradiction with the requirements of life in society demands. These differences are so sharpened that it is known  as the crisis of education.

One of the most important factors in the success and development of the education system is its integration into the global system,  which solution can only be a total computerization of the entire education system of the country.

As a result of the informatization of higher education must be achived global rationalization of intellectual activity in society through the use of new information technologies with a view to radical improving the efficiency and quality of training to the level of information culture achieved in developed countries, that is, training with a new type of thinking, the relevant requirements of the post-industrial society[1]

Ensuring reproduction of scientific knowledge, culture and the man himself, as the perceiving individual's high school has a distinctly expressed  down its own objectives, which ensure solidarity and joint activities of the academic community, it's ability to enrich the knowledge of new generation, rising to a higher level their common scientific, professional and information culture.

The transition to the market economy of  human capital knowledge shifts the emphasis in high school. Its vocational and occupational guidance, massive training in the spirit of the narrow "executors" has ceased to meet the needs of social production.

Requirements for scientific and creative potential has sharply increased. Instead of the large amount of narrow professional staff,  market economy requires frames with a broad education, information culture and flexible thinking.

Progress of information are not possible without the required level of information culture, both within society and the individual personality. This subject is not yet developed in global and domestic science.

There are different approaches to informatization and information culture of science fields  (bibliographers, information science, philosophers, philologists, historians, sociologists and others) and different conceptual orientations.

According to Russian scientists for further overall development need productive mutual  adaptation of society and education, without  the widening gap between them might be destroyable both to the educational system and society in general. The education system can no longer be sustained in a stormy maelstrom of social change.

The experience of countries implementing the breakthrough to the post-industrial civilization, shows that the factors in the system forming structure and organization of modern education, the critical role of information technology. The new education system is under the influence of economy, administrative structures, learning theories, philosophical ideas about the essence of education and all of these factors are closely interrelated and the interaction between the information   technology which plays a creative role in the field of education.

Under the influence of information technology is the development of new objectives, principles, methods of education.[3, p. 10].

Analyzing the crisis in education, F. Coombs wrote to colleagues with words which are still relevant: "we should make every effort to put an end to that situation, when everybody and everywhere  strongly encouraged the idea that everything new in education will certainly be in the second grade " [2, s. 19]. These words are especially important when it comes to new technologies in learning.

The development of new educational technologies is often equated as the use of machinery and equipment, machines in the learning process. But this understanding of the technology seemed too narrow.

The term "education technology " must be understood as the totality of methods, tools and systems that are involved in the learning process and contribute to the functioning of the education system.

Currently, the use and introduction of new information technologies allows to translate into reality the idea of education and  see this process as another educational revolution.

This is because the essence of modern information revolution is not technological development and a radical improvement of intellectual abilities of people.

 New information technologies provide powerful tools for the development of mental abilities. They allow to efficiently  handle large amounts of information, with the help of the desktop publishing systems to publish printed works quickly, store and retrieve information in databases, communicating through a temporary telecommunications, and this is very helpful in the learning process. However, the revolutionary changes in education are mainly related to the fact that new information technologies are changing the  nature of the thinking and the essence of the process of education.

New information technologies are radically changing the ways implementation of mental operations. First, they alter the ways of submission information, that is the perception of the problem; secondly, they change the methods of analysis, studies; thirdly, as they affect the performance and methods of the research problem so they could change the way a decision.[4]

Thus, new information technologies appear as new intellectual tools,affecting the  essence of education.

New technologies offer tremendous opportunities for the introduction of elements of games, fun in the learning process that can greatly raise its effectiveness

The most important characteristic of the new technologies, their impact on revolutionizing education, is a way of presenting information.

The imagery is new language of temporary information technology. Presenting information not in the form of text, in the form of images, new technologies are revolutionizing the field of education.

This is due to the fact that the images have a greater impact on people, their feelings and emotions than text, which means that information is better absorbed. Visualization of information as an image is more efficiently way than in the case of a text tracking for ideas and tendencies of development. And it teaches the comprehensive consideration of phenomena and processes, brings up  more global approach to life, which is so necessary  in the temporary world.

Imagery is a powerful sense of thinking, and its radical improvements, contribute the modern information technologies. Perhaps that lack of imagery in thinking is the cause of failures in addressing the complex challenges of our interrelated and interdependent world, especially the global challenges of our time. Imagery helps visualize the connection between different parts of the problem, so it contributes to creative thinking. No wonder the imagery is typical of the mindset of famous scientists.

Let's select the tasks confronting the education system with the introduction of new technologies.[5]

In the first place, it is necessary to pay attention to the need of study the effect of ways of presenting information to the learning process. It is important to teach students to master the new methods of creation the forecasts. Particular attention should be paid to the creation of a student's overall view on the studied reality, that would become a kind of framework for mastering the enormous mass of information assigned the educational context of the processing the information. Questions about the need for a new aesthetic education are actual. It is important to develop guidelines based on new technologies, among which stands out the need of game elements in the learning process.

Development of methodological principles of a new system of education affects the underlying basis of the learning process, content, objectives, methods.

One of the most urgent tasks now is to help students to master the figurative thinking. A figurative representation of the problem can be very effective and without the use of the text, that the imagery is characteristic for creative scientific thinking, the development of which is one of the fundamental objectives of education.

To realize these goals and objectives can only be assessed on the basis of new information related to computer and communications technologies.

New information technologies make it possible to reflect in the learning of such deep characteristics of the modern world, as humanization of science, the close relationship of science professional activity  with a broad socio-cultural context. [6]

Therefore significant and specific objectives stand before the education systems, media and communications, self-educational activity of each socially responsible person.

  • For higher educational institutions of social order, the information society should be regarded as a decision problem of structuring and management
  • level of information culture of the student is required to work in a specific field of activity.

Informatization of the society is a global social process, a feature of which is that the dominant activity in education is the collection, accumulation, production, processing, storage, transfer and use of information through modern means of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as on the basis of the various means of information exchange. Informatization of the society provides:

  • the active use of the ever-expanding expertise, concentrated in the paper, and scientific, production and other activities of its members;
  • integration of information technology with academic, industrial, triggered development of all spheres of social production, intellectualization of employment;
  • high level of information services, the availability of any member of the public to sources of reliable information, visualization , reporting , materiality of used data.

As the domestic, Russian and foreign experience shows  the application of information technologies implementing the above possibilities allows to provide:

-providing the student with tool of research , the formalization of knowledge on the subject world and at the same time, the active component of the material world, tool measurement, display and effects on the subject world;

-expand the scope of independent activity of trainees through the Organization of various kinds of training (experimental research, educational, games, information and training activities, as well as the activities of the information processing, in particular, and audiovisual), including individual, in every workplace, group, collective;

-individualization and differentiation of the learning process through the implementation of interactive dialogue, choose mode of training activities and institutional forms of education;

-adopt the trainee's learning strategy or solving a specific class through the implementation of systems of artificial intelligence;

-formation of information culture,  components of individual culture, a member of the information society, through information and educational activities, work with object-oriented software tools and systems;

-increased motivation of learning through computer visualization objects, phenomena,  managing the studied objects,independent choice of forms and methods of teaching, blotches of game situations.

Study of the application of new information technologies in education  showed that most effectively use in the teaching of foreign languages and this is explained by the following.

First, today  a huge number of computer programs of foreign language study is offered. New programs or fresh versions of famous courses, with bright colors and subtle patterns are based not on home-grown techniques and proven linguistic courses.

For example, English language courses "English Gold", "Think and Talk", "Learn to speak English", English Platinum" and many others. These courses contain dialogues and texts with a certain storyline, which user can generate this plot himself, there is a good deal of materials and permanent control of its assessment.

In the course "Professor Higgins.English without an accent! ", made by Istrasoft firm teaching phonetics and a grammar, the graphical display of the sound system on a computer screen enables attendees to compare their pronunciation with the benchmark not only listening, but also visually. The combination of listening with visual image increases the effectiveness of the training. Multimedia systems encompassing increases in integrated use of  COMPUTERS by embedding into a unified system of different exercises, functions, Hypertext and hypermedia information processing methods.

It allows to consolidate training tasks and teach writing, reading and other forms of speech activity.

Secondly, when learning a foreign language it is important to possess the knowledge and development of skills brought to the level of their skills. This can be achieved only repetitive. In this case, the computer can act as infinitely patient tutor, considered individual features of student. Therefore the introduction of multimedia technology in teaching foreign languages  expands the range of opportunities for exercise.

Thirdly, the leading role of the communicative functions of language is undeniable, as all its other functions (expression and forming thoughts, storing  information and so on) are meaningless if there is no objective need in the transfer of any information.

Major electronic language learning tool by far is the Internet. It became one of the recognized tools in learning foreign languages, mainly English. Method of the use of its resources is designed specifically for English language [7, s. 27-23].

The nature of the Internet affects the process of learning a foreign language, transforms it into other training, more dynamic and more efficient. This is due to the fact that, first, contains a limitless and inexhaustible number of sources for learning a foreign language, and secondly, provides students, almost without limits communicate in this language in the virtual space (email, chat rooms, forums, blogs, etc.). Its appeal is that it creates an environment that fosters creative and cognitive abilities of students, formation of unconventional thinking, flexibility, originality, clarity, and accuracy.

Nowawsys the presence in the Internet automatically determines the state image in the global information and cultural space.

As a rule, the Internet is seen as an educational tool and object of study. In the first case, the network is a source of information and knowledge, communication and debate, a means of modeling and environmental research, check for a solution.

In the second case, the student studies the history of the emergence and development of the Internet, Its structure, hardware and software, the possibilities and limits of use. In the process of learning a foreign language can be used in the following cases: find information in preparation for exercises both students and teachers (the Internet accelerates the process, saves time and enables to reach a greater number of sources);  synchronous (on-line) or asynchronous (off-line) communication, including native speakers, by means of communication in discussion forums, chat rooms, distance learning is becoming a common form of learning, gives the opportunity to become certified at the international level [8].

An integral part of the teaching of foreign languages is the use of special computer programs. This group of technologies include such specialized programs as: computer courses (Reward The Business) electronic dictionaries and translators (Macmillan English Dictionary, Prompt) professional software (Power Point program, which is used to prepare presentations, slideshows) test, which allow the teacher to create own tests.

Computer programs allow for individual attention to students,  you can work with a computer as much as you like. Latest computer technologies have other benefits: is a source of information, encourage self-education, form the skills of independent activity, increase information density, density, efficiency, promote the use of gaming and high-speed train, motivate learning.

Considering the modern computer as equipment that can perform pedagogical functions, contain specific knowledge and give this knowledge to students during the dialogue with them, you can select the following options for use in the learning process: 1) the computer as a teaching assistant, 2) computer as a teacher, 3) your computer as source of knowledge and "evaluator" of students ' knowledge.

Using the computer, in particular multimedia tools give you the opportunity to realize the principle of visibility by displaying on a computer screen not only animated text,also sound, and illustrations, video series, etc.

Through a combination of audio, graphics, animation, and text effects can be quite accurately simulate the effect of immersion in an active language environment by implementing modern linguistic, technological, methodological and pedagogical technologies.

In addition,  learning a foreign language through such programs fulfill all the aspects of the language: phonetic, grammatical, lexical and communicative, that allows to  learn the language better, acquire language skills. Multimedia tools allow the teacher to adapt curricula, based on the interests and abilities of individual students. The richer and more varied Bank of curricula, the more you can spend interesting and informative sessions with the computer [9].

Therefore, the study of linguistic disciplines (English) through the Internet and other forms of distance learning is one of means of information culture.

Multimedia technology and CDs have made it possible to create a new generation of educational programs, and network technology have made accessible  databases, providing acceleration the achievement of the higher school the information culture of highly developed countries.


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