Петрунина С.В.1, Хабарова С.М.2, Тихонова Ю.И.3, Кирюхина И.А.4, Орлова Л.М.5, Лузгина И.В.6
1,2 Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент 3,4,5,6 Доцент, Пензенский государственный университет
В статье раскрываются особенности социальной организации физкультурно-оздоровительной работы по гендерному аспекту и механизмы управления данными процессами. Кроме того, раскрыты вопросы социальной организация физкультурно-оздоровительной работы женщин в условиях становления новых социально-экономических отношений как фактор уровня и качества жизни. Проводился анализ основных субъектов физкультурно-оздоровительного процесса в современном российском социуме и социальных технологий его организации в гендерном аспекте. Приводятся итоги авторских социологических исследований.
Ключевые слова: социальная организация, физкультурно-оздоровительная работа, гендерный аспект, социальный механизм, социальные технологии
Petrunina S.V.1, Khabarova S.M.2, Tihonova Y.I.3, Kiryuhina I.A.4,
Orlova L.M.5, Luzgina I.V.6
1,2 PhD, assistant professor, 3,4,5,6assistant professor, Penza State University, Russia
The article describes the features of the social organization of sports and recreation activities on gender aspects and mechanisms of data management processes. In addition, the disclosure of matters of social organization of sports and recreation activities for women in the formation of new socio-economic relations as a factor in the level and quality of life. Analysis of the main subjects of the health and fitness of the process in the modern Russian society and social technologies of its organization from a gender perspective was conducted. Presented the results of a copyright case studies.
Keywords: social organization, sports and recreation activities, gender, social mechanism, social technologies.
In the context of the transformation of Russian society, new approaches to the social organization of sports and recreational activities on the principles of legal security of the social order of society and the mutual responsibility of the state and the individual citizen is needed. Social practice in terms of the quality of life as a result of this required theoretical development and substantial justification category of "social organization." Research has shown that in many regions in terms of cultural and community features in the first place it should be noted the negative attitude of the general population to the athletic activity of women, especially in rural areas.
Object of study - independent female population of modern Russia as a social group.
Subject of study - the social organization of sports and recreation activities of women in the formation of new socio-economic relations as a factor in the quality of life.
Aim and tasks of study - analysis of the main subjects of the health and fitness of the process in the modern Russian society and social technologies of its organization from a gender perspective.
In the period from 2005 to 2012 a series of opinion polls in accordance with the aims and objectives of the study was conducted. The results of the survey posleny basically confirmed the earlier results was queried reference group of more than two hundred and fifty people on the basis of the federation of the Penza region on fitness aerobics.
Among the factors influencing women's attitudes to sport and physical activity can be identified, such factors as:
- The lack of conditions for self-employment;
- The level of physical fitness and sports interests of women is due to the fact that in most cases, especially in conditions of regulated activities in the educational institutions of different types, orientation sports and physical culture largely correspond to the value orientations of men (strength, endurance, speed qualities).
In practice, this is not taken into account that women are inherently prefer these types of physical activity, they satisfy their needs for communication, entertainment and maintaining a good figure. In general, when considering the social problems of sports activity of women, it can be stated that in the scientific literature is not fully defined role and place of recreational and recreational activities in physical education as a sociocultural phenomenon.
Among the problems that are important for our study are the following: the relationship relationship to the values of physical education to factors such as education, especially labor and training activities, financial situation; relationship relationship to health with these factors; impact on the physical status of family relationships, career and social status of the individual.
In this regard, it is advisable to apply to the peculiarities of the current state of affairs and to review the situation in different ways. First of all, in our opinion, it is the physical features of the status of women at the present stage, sports and athletic activity and the factors causing it, formedness physical training of the person, and thus the value orientation in the field of physical culture and sports.
In this case, it is evident that in order to fix the characteristics of the two study groups of women:
- working in health and fitness clubs;
- not engaged in such form as a whole, highlighting where appropriate contingent of public employees, of which depends largely on the focus on harnessing the potential of physical training of women in everyday life - teachers for general care, medical and athletic training.
As for the relationship to unregulated forms of employment in terms of family life, ie, without external stimuli and external regulation, it is only one of the eight women (among those engaged in health clubs - one of six) treated with enthusiasm for such studies. However, we emphasize, most of them are clearly insufficient as a whole motor mode.
In order to make the best decisions in the organization of employment by improving the direction you want the differentiation approach from a gender perspective and in relation to the social context of a career.
In the development of new social technologies technologizing following features should be considered: the distinction, division, division of social process on interconnected stages, coordination and sequence of actions, uniqueness of operations and procedures, the possibility of reusable waste standard parameters of activity for solving typical problems of social management.
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