Научная статья
Выпуск: № 10 (17), 2013

Абазова З.К.1, Захоков Р.М.1, Кумюков В.К.2, Ефендиева М.К.3

1Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент; 2кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент; 3соискатель, Кабардино-балкарский государственный университет



Предложен простой и надежный метод тестирования щитовидной железы. Представлены результаты исследования щитовидной железы 246 пациентов.

 Ключевые слова: щитовидная железа, сухожилия-рефлекс, колено рывок.

Abazova Z.Kh.1, Zakhokhov R.M.1, Kumykov V.K.2, Efendieva M.K.3

1Candidate of medical sciences, associated professor; 2candidate of physical-mathematical sciences, associated professor; 3postgraduate researcher, Kabardin-Balkar state university,



A brief analysis of shortcomings of tendon-reflex timing as an index of thyroid function is carried out. A simple method for thyroid gland disorders testing which is also reliable in pregnancy is suggested. The results of scale examinations of thyroid gland condition of 246 patients are presented.

Keywords: thyroid gland, tendon-reflex, knee jerk.

There is a great need for a simple test of thyroid function state which can be used in clinical practice and in peripheral hospitals where other methods are not available. Tendon-reflex timing is the method which has been used increasingly in 70-s and 80-s of last century as an index of thyroid function [1,7,8]. In general, reflex times correlate well with hormone estimations.

It is generally accepted that the tendon reflexes are shortened in the majority of patients with hyperthyroidism and prolonged in the case of hypothyroidism. Chaney was the first who recorded the Achilles tendon reflex and proved what had previously detected clinically. Since then various techniques were developed for the ankle-jerk timing [3-6]. One of them was the method used by Lawson (1958), in which the ankle-jerk is timed with the use of a magnet attached to the sole, movement of which generates current in an inductive coil, recording directly on an electrocardiograph. The duration of tendon reflex is calculated indirectly by dividing the length of horizon part of the diagram to the paper speed of the electrocardiograph [2]. The method raised some conflict of opinions about the value of this test because of poor reproducibility and accuracy of times obtained. Most contradictions arise in the question of interpretation of complicated diagram and determining the real time of tendon reflex duration. This is a source of errors and divergence of data obtained by different authors.  Some of them measure the interval between maximal rate of contraction and maximal rate of relaxation. Others measure the time from the blow on the tendon to the point of half-relaxation, including the latent period [9].

High measuring error and significant spread of results are also due to the reflexmeter construction, when Achilles tendon reflex time is measured indirectly using the electrocardiograph. Therefore, this measurement is interfered with mechanical artifacts caused by hammer strike of the tendon. This reduces the reliability of results. In present work, a direct method for high-accuracy measurement of the reflex time of the knee jerk in norm and pathology described.

The method is based on the use of a reflexmeter consisting of three basic elements: an electronic stopwatch timer and devices for remote switch-on and switch-off of the timer. The electronic stopwatch timer provides the time measuring with an error not more than 1 millisecond.

The switch on device is a contact knob installed in neurological hammer. At the moment of hammer blow the knob switches the timer. The switch off device is the same kind of knob installed to a toe-cap attachment. Before the test starts the toecap attachment with the knob plants against barrier. After the blow due to the reflex movement the foot pushes the knob which stops the timer. The timer measures the reflex duration for the thyroid gland state estimation.

With the use of this method the scale examinations of thyroid gland condition were carried out on the group of 246 people [10-14].  After statistical processing of measurements data the randomization with the use of the criteria, established during the clinical tests of developed devices, was carried out. As a result of the investigations the number of patients, which according to the received data are possible to assume the existence of hypo function of a thyroid gland, was established. The part of such persons among those, who were examined, makes about 18 %. Hyperthyroid signs were established among insignificant part of examined persons. The part of them doesn't exceed 5 %. Patients with abnormal reflex times were recommended for hormone testing with consultation of endocrinologist [15-20]. After completing the diagnostic procedures examined patients got hypoxic therapy treatment [21-24], which showed good results.

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