Research article
Issue: № 8 (15), 2013

Володина О.В.

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Карельская государственная педагогическая академия



В статье рассматривается полифункциональность искусства, его объекты, цели и возможности. Искусство отражает реальность, акцентируя социальные и гуманистические идеи, чувства и эстетику. Искусство обогащает и совершенствует человека, оно наполняет жизнь особым содержанием и открывает невидимую духовную связь с миром.

Ключевые слова: полифункциональность искусства, эстетика, художник и зритель.

Volodina O.V.

PhD, Associate ProfessorKarelian State Pedagogical Academy



The article considers the polyfunctionary of art, its objects, purposes and possibilities. Art reflects the reality signifying social and humanistic ideas, senses and aesthetics. Art enriches and refines the human; it fills life with a special content and opens the invisible spiritual connection with the world.

Keywords: polyfunctionary of art, aesthetics, the artist and the viewer.

The historical aim of art is to perceive the world in its entirety and to preserve culture and experience of the humanity. The object and the purpose of art are united. The whole world is the object of artistic development. The creator of art comes to reality with his own peculiar artistic view on the world. Art exists in the name of the humankind; its ultimate goal is humanism and a happy life of the individual.

Art creates artistic tastes, abilities and needs of the individual. It forms a value-oriented person. Art teaches to observe life through imagery. It awakens the creative spirit of the personality, desire and ability to create according to the laws of beauty. The aesthetic function of art is the first essential purpose. It provides creative activity and socialization of people.

 Art gives people pleasure. It is the second essential function of art. It permeates all the other functions of art as well as the aesthetic function. Hedonic function of art is based on the idea of self-value of an individual. Art brings joy to a definite man. It is valuable for a person. The essential value of the individual is a basic aspect of socialization and the factor of creative activity.

 Art transforms reality through the ideological and aesthetic impact on people. It includes human activities in the value-oriented sensitivity. Art brings people from the reality into the world of aesthetic pleasure.

The life of a modern man is full of conflicts, stress, unrealized hopes and disappointments. Art comforts and leads into a dream world.  Art influences the internal harmony of the individual. It helps to preserve and to restore psychic equilibrium of the person.

 Educational opportunities of art are enormous. Art contains an immense amount of information. It returns the viewer to the pristine beauty of the world. It sharpens our senses. Art teaches a human being to experience the life. Art forms human sensibility. It is the vision of the world. Art is a means of self-identity and understanding the world.

Art contains a lot of information transmitted in the language of dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, crafts and decorative arts. It is more understandable than verbal information. It does not require translation. Informative features of art are broad, clear, expressive, and flexible. Art is full of original information. It is emotionally saturated, paradoxical, and aesthetically rich. Its language is allegorically allusive.

 Art forms the system of feelings and thoughts of people. Art affects the mind and the heart of an individual. The educational function is the most important aspect of social values of art. The impact of art has nothing to do with the didactic lecturing. The work of art let people live many lives as their own. Art enriches the experience of a person and makes it part of the individuality. This experience is artistically arranged and selected, generalized and concentrated, meaningful and valued by the artist.

 Art is a means of artistic communication. It is a system of signs with its own historical and national code. Artistic communication allows people to exchange ideas and experiences. Art brings people together. It provides mutual understanding. Art is an instrument of peaceful coexistence and cooperation of people.

The artist transforms his own impressions of life creating an artistic conception. Artistic reality is conceptually loaded.

Art has the ability to predict the future. The artist is able to foresee the future clearly and accurately, resulting in a fantastic, utopian, social prediction works of art. Literature often anticipates technical future of humanity trying to predict the fate of society and the individual.

Art is an instilling of a certain system of thought and feeling. It is always dominated by suggestion. The work of art is mesmerizing. Implication was typical for prehistoric art. The main impact of folk charms, incantations and laments is suggestion. The Gothic church architecture inspires fear to the viewers standing in front of the godly splendor. Inspiring role of art is manifested clearly in marches intended to instill courage in marching columns of soldiers.

The polyfunctionality of art explains much of its nature. The practice of art is multifaceted. Nevertheless, its essential purpose is socialization of the individual and the declaration of self-worth of the artist and the viewer. Art is a reality signifying humanistic ideas, social senses and aesthetic richness of the world.



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