Research article
Issue: № 7 (38), 2015

Шевченко И.В.1, Крюченко Н.Н.2

1Доктор экономических наук, профессор, декан экономического факультета Кубанский государственный университет, 2Кандидат экономических наук, доцент, Государственный морской университет имени адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова



В статье рассмотрены общие условия и формы финансирования экспедиторского обслуживания внешнеторговых перевозок в России. Авторами статьи определено изменение доли экспедиторских компаний за 2012-2014 гг. в частности в порту Новороссийск выявлено, что функционирует несколько стивидорных компаний, наибольшая доля рынка услуг по перевалке принадлежит ОАО “Новороссийский морской торговый порт” (ОАО “НМТП” - 94,5%). Затем идут ОАО “Новорослесэкспорт” (1,6%), ОАО “Новороссийский судоремонтный Завод” (1,4%), “Геопорт” (0,1%).

Ключевые слова: экспедиторское обслуживание, внешнеторговые перевозки, комплексные экспедиционные работы, границы рынка.

Shevchenko I.V.1, Kryuchenko N.N.2

1PhD in Economics, Professor, dean of economics department Kuban state university, 2PhD in Economics, Associate professor, State sea university of a name of the admiral F.F. Ushakov



In article the general conditions and forms of financing of forwarding service of the foreign trade transportations in Russia are considered. Authors of article defined change of a share of shipping companies for 2012-2014 in particular in the port of Novorossiysk is revealed that some stevedoring companies function, the greatest share of the market of services in transfer belongs to JSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (to JSC NMTP - 94,5%). Then there are JSC Novorosleseksport (1,6%), JSC Novorossiysk Ship-repair Plant (1,4%), "Geoport" (0,1%).

Keywords: forwarding service, foreign trade transportations, complex forwarding works, borders of the market.

Consignors, consignees and the transport organizations carry out a number of the operations connected with transportations: drawing up shipping requests of freight, its reduction in a transportable state, marking of freight, its reduction in a transportable state, registration of transportation documents, its loading on a rolling stock, delivery and maintenance, receiving and others.

These operations are called forwarding work. For its performance forwarding agents and transport and warehouse workers are required. To have to each establishment, the organization or transport enterprise staff of this category of workers and employees it is unprofitable as the contents them costs much. Therefore it is expedient to exempt consignors, consignees and other organizations from functions unusual for them or it is rational to distribute them between the transport organizations, consignors and consignees [1].

Forwarding operations subdivide on: the transport - transportation of goods; the loading and unloading - loading of freights on transport, unloading, integration of parties of delivery, subgroup of freight; the forwarding - reception, maintenance, ensuring safety of freight, paperwork, etc.

Depending on the sphere of forwarding service distinguish forwarding works complex and local.

Complex forwarding works cover all types of forwarding service from the moment of reception of freight before delivery it.

Operations belong to the complex: reception of freight to transportation in the sender's warehouse, his reduction in a transportable state, loading on vehicles, delivery by motor transport on cargo station of the railroad (port, pier), unloading from the car and loading on other vehicles (the car, the vessel), registration of documentation, shipment, unloading in points of destination of freight and delivery of freight to the recipient, delivery of freight and registration of necessary documentation, and also production of calculations for all types of service, etc.

Local forwarding works include: operations on departure of freight - reception of freight, marking and packing of freight, registration of documentation and others; operations on the arrival of freight - control of arrival of freight and information on its arrival, unloading of production and others; operations along the line freight - ensuring safety of freight in way, an overload in way and others.

Besides, carry information of cargo owners on a choice of a type of transport, short-term and long warehousing, production of payments, registration of commodity-transport documents and other operations to forwarding operations by agreement with the cargo owner [4].

Forwarding work is performed by the specialized forwarding enterprises or firms. Forwarding firms are engaged in operations on delivery of freight to the buyer, carrying out orders of industrial, trade and other enterprises. Functions of forwarding firms are very diverse. Here check of a condition of container, packing, marking, registration of shipping documents, payment of cost of transportation at the request of the cargo owner, implementation of loading and unloading works, storage, insurance of freight, selection and a complete set of small sendings, information of the consignee on arrival of freight, obtaining the commercial act (if the damage is caused to freight), implementation of customs formalities, the organization of container transportations, ensuring cargo sendings with documents of quarantine, sanitary and veterinary supervision, etc. enter.

Relationship of forwarding firms (organizations) with the served enterprises is made out by contracts in which obligations of the parties, types, volumes and nature of the performed forwarding works, conditions of calculations, and also responsibility for non-performance of the accepted obligations are established [5].

Depending on a type of transport the forwarding enterprises at the conclusion of the contract are guided by the Charter of the corresponding type of transport.

As show experiment and calculations, the organization of forwarding service promotes improvement of use of different types of transport in the foreign trade transportations, reduction of costs of 1 ton of the transported freight.

The order and the organization of forwarding operations depending on a type of transport can be different.

At direct automobile transportation the forwarding enterprise assumes delivery of freight to the destination and full responsibility for safety of production. Thus it carries out a number of operations: accepts freight in the consignor's warehouse, brings him to the consignee, carries out all operations on arrival and returns to the consignor commodity-transport documents with the receipt of the consignee on reception of freight.

By the mixed automobile rail transportation there can be two options:

1) the forwarding enterprise accompanies freight from the consignor's warehouse to railway cargo station. In this case the enterprise carries out the operations connected with delivery and maintenance of freight to cargo station, departure of freight to the consignee, production of payment for transportation of freight by rail. The document testifying to performance of forwarding operations is the receipt of the waybill.

2) the forwarding enterprise assumes all operations connected with delivery of freight from the consignor's warehouse on a warehouse of the consignee. Thus the enterprise sends production on its own behalf from cargo railway station and sends documents to the forwarding enterprise of the destination with an assignment to receive freight and to bring him to the consignee.

The payment for the forwarding operations which are carried out by the motor transportation enterprise is included in tariffs for transportation of goods. For forwarding of freight by special forwarding agents the payment is raised of 20% of a standard rate. Loading and unloading works are paid for ton operation. In addition to expenses on transportation there are also expenses on insurance of the goods which are en route. These expenses are paid by either the consignor, or the consignee according to terms of the contract.

We will consider forms of transport-forwarding service. When forwarding operations are carried out not by senders or recipients, and on their assignment the specialized organization, such organization carries the name of the forwarding. In transportation process the forwarding organizations act as the intermediary between the cargo owner and a carrier.

The forwarding organization carries out a role of the organizer of production of all auxiliary transport operations on uniform progressive technology, about timeliness and qualities of performance of auxiliary operations the work regularity about transport in general depends. The centralized performance of forwarding service by forces of the specialized organization of auxiliary works considerably reduces the cost of these operations.

Forwarding service is a necessary link of the transport conveyor without which normal functioning it is impossible to carry out transportation process in the optimum mode. It provides acceleration of delivery and increase of degree of safety of freights, promotes the organization of rhythm of transportations and a regularity of deliveries of production, the most intensive use of transport vehicles, growth of labor productivity on auxiliary forwarding operations on butt points and, eventually, to considerable reduction of transport expenses.

Forwarding activity can be partial or full. Partial service takes place when forwarding operations only at departure and arrival or transfer of freights are carried out or only transport operations. Full forwarding service provides performance of all complex of operations without participation of the owner of freight. Thus the organization takes the responsibility for delivery of freight from the sender's warehouse to the recipient's warehouse. Full forwarding service is carried out by the railway organizations. Other organizations serve the owner of freight partially. Thus between it and the railroads there is an intermediary which activity demands additional expenses because of duplication of staff at stations and causes a delay of freights. Such forwarding service call still local. In this case the organization - the intermediary who is carrying out forwarding operations with freight in a point of departure doesn't bear responsibility for its delivery to destination. In a point of destination of freight or other organization works, or these operations are carried out by the recipient.

Forwarding service can be carried out both at transportation of goods within the country, and in the international message.

Forwarding service can be carried out depending on volume and nature of operations by means of the specialized and unspecialized enterprises and organizations. The station, the mechanized distances of loading and unloading works, settlement offices, offices of roads, nodal settlement offices and others are among the unspecialized organizations of railway transport. These organizations can assume performance of all or parts of forwarding operations. For example, stations and the mechanized distances of loading and unloading works carry out a full complex of forwarding service of senders and recipients, including the centralized delivery and export of freights: settlement offices of offices and nodal settlement offices - only registration of transportation documents and settlement operations for transportation of goods, and also additional operations. Application of the most perfect form of the organization of forwarding activity promotes improvement of quality and cultures of the cargo and commercial work of transport directed on the fullest satisfaction of inquiries of consumers in transportations, insurance of freights, control of their movement, modern loading, unloading and delivery.

The volume of the Russian market of transport-forwarding services makes about 2 bln. dollars. Growth rates of the forwarding market make about 7% a year.

In 2014 in Russia the number of the enterprises which are engaged in a cargo transportation is estimated approximately at 4 thousand companies. From them only about 7% render transport-forwarding services, that is are engaged in work on forwarding maintenance and temporary storage of freight of the customer [8].

More than 3 thousand companies position themselves only cargo carriers, acting by the principle "accepted – brought – handed over – good-bye". And the number of the companies having the bases to be called as 3PL-providers, that is the organizations which are thinking over process of a cargo transportation at all its stages including routes, means of transport, loading unloading, temporary storage of freight is at all estimated in two tens.

The modern market of forwarding services can be divided into three main sectors: transportations and forwarding of freights different types of transport; warehouse services; services in integration and management of chains of deliveries.

In fig. 1 the share of the shipping and agency companies in the general structure of the logistic companies is shown.

For obtaining the full status of 3PL-provider the shipping company has to have park of the vehicles prepared for transportation of various freights in various conditions on any distances. Add to it the requirement of existence of a large number of branches in the territory of Russia by means of which it would be possible to exercise a constant control behind location and a condition of freight.

Apparently from fig. 1 share of the shipping and agency companies increased from 36% in 2012 to 44% in 2014. In the majority the shipping companies rendering highly skilled services in express cargo delivery are concentrated in regions of the highest concentration of cargo streams – in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the centers of regions and seaports.

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Fig. 1. Change of a share of shipping companies for 2012-2014, %

The largest foreign players in the Russian market of a cargo transportation are: DHL (the leader in the sphere of express cargo delivery in our country, has more than 100 branches and 400 units of vehicles), UPS, FedEx, TNT. Pony Express, "EMS of Garantpost", "SPSR-Express" are distinguished from the Russian companies of this direction. The special place in the forwarding market of our country is taken by "Russian Post". Thanks to the state status "Russian Post" has considerable advantage before the privately owned competitors: as it is known, registration of a cargo transportation through customs barriers takes a lot of time and demands registration of a large number of various documentation.

In this situation "Russian Post" as the state enterprise has the right for the accelerated passing of customs procedures. And, though experts consider that individuals will be the main client base of "Russian Post", and the most favorable clients, that is various legal entities, will remain in a field of activity of private shipping companies, it isn't necessary to hurry with conclusions. The specified customs advantage, and also structural transformation for which, according to some information, the state is ready to allocate about 2,5 billion rubles, is capable to make "Russian Post" by one of leaders in the field of express cargo delivery.

Geographical boundaries of the market of forwarding services are defined by borders of the Russian Federation. That is clients of the companies can receive forwarding services in all territory of the country, and also beyond its limits [6]. For 2010 Central federal district won first place, its share made 61%, it follow Northwest and Ural respectively on 14%. Volga occupies 5%, the Southern only 2%.

The share of young shipping companies is small for 2012 made only 16%, most of all occupy the companies from 11 to 15 years, their share of 34%, the companies from 6 to 10 years – 23%, less all the companies over 15 years, their share of 9% further follow.

By number of employees shipping companies can be broken into 5 types: from 1 to 50 people; from 51 to 250 people; from 251 to 500 people; from 501 to 1000 people; more than 1000 people.

Level of competence of the companies substantially is defined by existence of the certificate of quality of ISO. In many companies work on creation of a control system of quality is conducted.

Absolute values of an annual turnover of logistic operators for 2013 and on average grew 2014 more than by 40% (for the transport-forwarding companies – for 44%, and warehouse operators – about 35%). Therefore fierce competition in the market isn't present so far. However high growth rates of market size attract new competitors and can change a situation.

According to experts, in short-term and medium-term term the market of logistic services isn't threatened by falling of growth rates. But if it happens, the competition will have more aggressive character.

Average value of profitability on branch for 2014 made about 7,5% (a rupture of values – from 0,2% to 38%). The tendency of decrease in profitability will stimulate in the long term more aggressive behavior of the companies and growth of the competition in the market.

The economy caused by growth of ranges of services (an experience curve) increases competitiveness of participants of the market. The large companies have competitive advantages. Level of their expenses depends on the size of volumes of services or on an experience curve. The it is more than a range of services, the expenses are lower, the it is more than opportunities for reduction of prices, so, and for the further growth of volume of services. In the growing market what the Russian market of logistic services is, the large-scale volume of services allows the companies to dominate and be ahead of competitors.

On the basis of the above follows, for the Russian market of forwarding and agency services the following tendencies are characteristic: relationship in a chain of deliveries even more often has long-term character (contracts consist for 3-5 years); competence of the companies grows, there is a shift from possession of assets to possession of information; "transparency" of shipping companies increases, they are ready to provide necessary information which allows to build cooperation and partnership; interregional access to sales markets; the value of the companies for clients due to decrease in expenses at expansion of geography and opportunities increases; there are processes of cooperation, formation of the unions and various associations [7].

Thus, for successful activity of the shipping and agency companies in modern conditions of the competition it is necessary or to have advantages in production area (for example, due to decrease in expenses), or to achieve that the offered goods or services differed from goods and services of the competitor.

Further it is necessary to consider the market of forwarding services in Novorossiysk.

One of the major for foreign trade of Russia is the Novorossiysk transport knot formed on the basis of Novorossiysk sea port. Pass powerful freght traffics to the Mediterranean Sea through Novorossiysk port, to Africa and the Indian Ocean. In the opposite direction streams of freights follow from Turkey, the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, America.

In Novorossiysk transport knot freights are overloaded from one type of transport on another as follows: with railway, avtomokbilny and pipeline on sea and with sea on railway and automobile. These operations are carried out by the stevedoring companies specialized by the transport-forwarding companies, predstaviktel of cargo owners in interaction with sea agents as representatives of shipowners (charterers) [1].

The transport enterprises functioning in this area generally serve the freght traffic passing through seaport. The current market capacity of transport-forwarding services can be determined in naturalkny expression as the volume of goods turnover of Novorossiysk port for some period. Goods turnover of port during 2009-2014 considerably increased. And growth happened at the expense of increase in volumes of both bulk, and dry freights.

The big share of bulk freights in goods turnover of port (76,54%) is explained by its specialization, long time existing in the USSR. Now in port big freght traffics general and the navaklochnykh of freights are also processed. But at the same time shortage of the complexes specialized the pekregruzochnykh for separate types of freights is felt.

In the port of Novorossiysk some stevedoring companies function, the Greatest share of the market of services in transfer belongs to JSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (to JSC NCSP - 94,5%). Then there are JSC Novorosleseksport (1,6%), JSC Novorossiysk Ship-repair Plant (1,4%), "Geoport" (0,1%) [2,3].

The Novorossiysk port is in the region of the Russian Federation of the North Caucasus. It is possible to carry the Central Chernozem region, the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Central Asia to the internal areas adjoining transport knot. Acts as the primary economic activity of these regions: oil production (Central Asia); oil processing (Volga region); production cargo and cars (Volga region); heavy mechanical engineering (North Caucasus); rural production (Central Chernozem region, North Caucasus).

The geographical proximity of the enterprises of the above-named branches is the defining factor in formation of the nomenclature of freights, the obrabatyvayekmykh by port, the transport-forwarding and agency companies of Novorossiysk export knot.

Dynamics of development of size of the market of transport-forwarding services in Novorossiysk transport knot (see fig. 2).

For the last three years the size of the market of transport-forwarding and agency services grew by 11,8%. Increase in volumes of processing of bulk freights, mainly, svyazakno from the beginning of transportation of oil of the Azerbaijani international operational consortium (AMOK) through the pipeline of Baku - Novorossiysk. The main representative of AMOK in port – "Luktransoil". The JSC Luktransoil company won the tender for an obsluzhikvaniye of the Azerbaijani oil in which many ekspediktorsky companies of Novorossiysk took part.

The greatest share among dry freights is occupied by general freights which grukzopotok increased during the considered period with 7500 to 12800 thousand tons. The increase occurred, generally due to growth of a gruzopoktok of metals, freights in containers and freights on ferries.

Recently export of metals considerably increased because of a big gap between the capacity of this branch and size of domestic demand. In this regard the number of the companies, специализи¬рующихся on service of this sort of freight increased.

In the last 10 years continuous, steady growth of a gruzopoktok of containers is observed. In the Soviet Union containers were overloaded through moshchkny container complexes in Odessa and Ilyichevsk. After collapse of the USSR on transfer of this freght traffic Ukraine got modern terminals. Meanwhile, at Russia need for the container terminal on the Black Sea everything increases as transit of the Russian freights through the ports of Ukraine trebukt big expenses.

Among mass inward cargoes freght traffic of raw sugar - in 2013 4,9% of the general goods turnover of port is in the lead. As the main forwarding agent of sugar JSC Delo acts (2854 thousand tons in 2013). Other part shares between JSC Skat-F and energy industry of JSC NCSP. In the short term growth of volumes of raw sugar is expected. However the experts predicting for the long period conclude that production of sugar beet in Russia can be restored and import can stop. In this case in more advantageous position there are JSC Delo and energy industries of JSC NCSP specializing on forwarding service of several types of freights [4].

Besides, in 2012-2014 freght traffic of grain freights sharply increased. The main ekspediktorsky companies in this segment of the market are JSC Ekonomu International Shipping Edzhensiz Limited, JSC Alleksenat, JSC Delo.

Following in size - the freght traffic of chemical fertilizers (1283,5 thousand tons) processed by JSC NCSP. Soon the port can nakrastit volumes of this freght traffic. The specialized terminal on transfer of nitric and complex fertilizers with power up to 2 million t a year acts on East area of port. It is expected that the gruzopoktok of fertilizers of Ilyichevsky port will go through Novorossiysk owing to reorientation of the specialized terminal on service of dry fertilizers of port to the terminal on transfer of chemical fertilizers in bulk [5].

Passes also large freght traffic of the cement exported by Proletary cement works, JSC Novoroscement and Verkhnebakansky cement works through Novorossiysk port. These enterprises are located in Nokvorossiysk and carry out transport-forwarding service on shipment of this freght traffic independently in this connection the considered company doesn't take part in transport-forwarding service of freght traffic of cement.

Rates of the forwarding commission are differentiated on childbirth of freights. Service of bigger freght traffic with a smaller rate of forwarding and nekbolshy with a bigger rate bring in to the company the identical income. Therefore more objectively the size of the market of transport-forwarding services can be reflected in value terms:

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where Vr - size of the market of transport-forwarding services or a segment in stoikmostny expression, a dale.;

Qi - the volume of i-ro of freght traffic, t;

Fi - a rate of the forwarding commission of i-ro of a sort of freight, a dale/t

n - quantity of types of the freights forwarded by the enterprises in the market or on a segment. Results of calculations are presented in figure 3.

It is possible to notice that the market capacity of transport-forwarding services of bulk cargoes in terms of money is 3,4 times less than a market size of general freights. It is explained by a difference in a rate of processing of general and bulk cargoes, and also the volume of freght traffics. It was for the same reason reduced; a gap between size of the market of TEU bulk and general, freights.

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Fig. 2. Change of size of the market of transport-forwarding services in Novorossiysk for 2012-2014, thousand dollars.

Studying of practice of forwarding showed that many companies spektsializirutsya on service of streams of certain types of freights. It is connected with specifics of technology of service of different types of freights. Thus the most intensively competitive fight is shown between kompaniyakm; serving the identical sort of freight or freght traffics similar on technology of processing.

About 50 companies operate on the market. From them 18 largest which control about 93% of the market.

First place (a share in the market of 30%) is won by JSC Novorosleseksport which renders services in processing and storage of freights for containers and forest products, such as the crude wood, plywood, DVP and a chipboard. Unlike other stevedoring companies around Black and the Sea of Azov, JSC Novorosleseksport is concentrated on processing of the processed wood tariffs on which provide big profit, than the crude wood. Besides, JSC Novorosleseksport provides to the clients a wide range of additional services, including services in storage and forwarding services, and also carries out loading and unloading of ferrous metals and perishable freights.

The group "Business" takes the second place, the share makes 24%. At the moment the company "Business" is leading company by quantity of the served vessel calls - the vessels coming for loading metal, raw sugar, konteynekrovoz. Growth rates of the income are provided with good relations with the port authorities and strong horizontal integration. A primary activity for DELO group of companies is forwarding of freights. One of new and perspective the direction is chartering and broker activity.

JSC Antares Trading specializes on forwarding of containers and occupies 1,5% of a share of the market of the city of Novorossiysk.

Over 800 sudovlakdelcheskikh of the companies, freight offices and agencies use the market of agency services of the port of Novorossiysk. About 60% from them constantly work through Novorossiysk port. Market capacity as of 01.01.2014 makes about 3 million ам. dollars.

Thus, in the market of complex transport service in Novorossiysk there is a fierce competition. In its conditions each of the companies pursues policy of expansion of the market, improvement of quality of production (in this case services) and decrease in expenses.

As it is possible to notice, all above described enterprises provide also services of transport forwarding, and service of sea agency service in total. That is, they provide complex transport service in the port of Novorossiysk. JSC Antares Trading is the typical enterprise in the considered market of services and on the example of the analysis of activity of this enterprise tendencies, characteristic for any operator of this services sector are traced. For definition of the problems, general for all similar enterprises, in the following section of the diploma the main indicators of activity of the considered enterprise from the point of view of the analysis of quality of management process will be considered.


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