Сахабиева Г.А.
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева
Совершенствование процесса управления в организации должно начинаться с формирования общего информационного пространства, в основе которого лежит использование системного подхода и инфокоммуникационных технологий. По мнению автора, система информатизации является фундаментом формирования структуры управления бизнес-процессами. В статье рассмотрены системы информатизации нового поколения, на базе которых обеспечивается устойчивое функционирование и развитие предприятий, а также эффективное принятие управленческих решений в современных экономических условиях.
Ключевые слова: информатизация, бизнес-процессы, управление.Sakhabieva G.A.
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Samara National Research University
The improvement of the corporate governance should start from the formation of a common information space, which is based on information and communication technologies. The informatization in this case should be the basis for the formation of the architecture of the business processes. The article describes a new generation of information systems, which are provided the sustainable grow and further development of the enterprises and corporate decision-making effectiveness in current economical situation.
Keywords: informatization, business processes, governance.The sustainable grow and further development of the enterprises in current economical situation are generally predetermined by the corporate decision-making effectiveness. These are carried out in a competitive environment and are directly linked to the development of new style of management. The creation of it should be based on the extensive usage of new technologies in the business processes informatization.
The corporate management uses a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) way and informatization is a link, which helps to implement it in day to day practice.
The improvement of the corporate governance should start from the formation of a common information space, which is based on information and communication technologies. The informatization in this case should be the basis for the formation of the architecture of the business processes and DSS (Decision Support System).
By the end of the XX century the economic globalization, the erasing of national borders, the free trade of goods, an increasing competition and the emergence of legislative framework in the field of product's quality led to the satisfaction of demand and implementation of the required quality. The new key issues are faced before a business: new purchasing value; forming new relationships focused on the customers (not the products); the use of open source technologies.
The dynamics of modern business, the growing supply in the market and the "exactingness" of consumers led the company's managers to understand the need to increase the customer value of the product at the expense of a significant reduction of non-operating costs. In addition, the experience of mathematical modeling of the business processes shown that a real reserve in reducing of the total costs is the optimal organization the movement of raw materials and components for the processing and assembly. [1]
In this regard, the traditional logistics and administrative operations of the order, delivery, storage, release to manufacturing (supplemented by the requirements of the technologies "Order In Time" and "Kanban") formed the basis of methodology "Just In Time".
The informatization systems that manage business processes are called SCM-systems (Supply Chain Management). The deliveries linked in complex chains of several times increase production costs, but increases and customer value of products. The SCM-strategy is bi-directional in this regard. It covers as the supply of raw materials and components to the enterprise as the delivery of the finished products to the market "Just In Time".
The SCM-system (as well as the CRM and CSRP) "continues" the standard corporate ERP-system into the external environment, forming an extended modified of enhanced enterprise management system - ERP II (fig. 1).
Fig. 1 – The extended enterprise management system based on ERP-II
CRM - Customer Relationship Management. CSRP - Customer Synchronized Resource Planning.This integrated system allows you to implement the basic provisions of SCM-strategy: "deliver the right product to the right place, just in time, with the low costs and with the qualitative service for the customer". The technology and software of SCM-solutions are very diverse. The integrated solutions, built on the principle of open systems to interface with the standard ERP-core, are the most popular nowadays.
The SCM-system based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Axapta) is a set of integrated applications (in the warehouse management, distribution, manufacturing, etc) and has the functionality associated with pricing and e-commerce. [2]
An effective SCM-system can increase the profits by maintaining a stock of goods at the appropriate level to meet the demand (increased sales, reduced need for write-down of goods). So through the optimal planning of the operating facilities and stocks it also reduces the transport costs, the costs of storage the goods and additional labor costs.
The proper SCM - system is the savings and the possibility of additional investments. It helps us to reduce the amount of working capital (that is in reserve) and improve the level of provided service.
The tools of demand forecasting and planning the chains of internal and external supplies provide a required level of reserves, take into account the presence of the turnover goods, justify the advertising activity, a seasonal increase / decrease in demand, calculate the optimal time of deliveries, and etc. Finally, they allow using better the assets of enterprises through the optimal planning and products' placement in the available space of warehouses and stores. [3]
The selection of a turnkey solution is always difficult and risk exercise. The intention of the company to purchase and information system implement depends on many factors: from the internal readiness to make the reengineering of business processes till the price and time of information system implementation.
Ready-made solutions can be conditionally divided into local, medium and large integrated systems. The company should decide what king of system will be suitable and how much time will be needed to put the system into commissioning (depending on the size of the business, the main objectives and the tasks, and a budget).
When you are selecting the ERP-system it is necessary to understand that automation just for the automation does not make sense. You should know that the best ERP-system in the world cannot solve all the issues in the enterprise.
Each ERP-system is primarily a tool for corporate management efficiency increasing, taking the right strategic and tactical decisions with a help of automated processing of updated and correct information. At the same time the ERP-systems is not only a business control tool but also the technology of its performance.
The now Russian systems show quite good development dynamic but the Western systems are still more functionally advanced. The peculiarity bases on fact that it are designing (or modifying) during the several decades in accordance with the universal principles of effective business management (without tax violations, maintaining the double bookkeeping, etc.). Thus so-called the "right" ("civilized") business model is much better implemented in the Western systems. This advantage is a disadvantage at the same time (in the Russian conditions) because the Western ERP-systems are worse adapted to dealing with complex, illogical and not holistic Russian business reality. The high prices of the Western systems are its disadvantage too. But there are some Russian software systems that are already catching them up.
If the company decided to implement the Russian, let’s call it “local”, enterprise management software then we cannot assess immediately how easy adopted this system is. It should be considered in specific conditions of its acquisition and implementation.
The sustainable grow and further development of the enterprises in current economical situation are generally predetermined by the corporate decision-making effectiveness. These are carried out in a competitive environment and are directly linked to the development of new style of management. The creation of it should be based on the extensive usage of new technologies in the business processes informatization.
- Vasyaycheva V.A., Sakhabieva G.A., Sakhabiev V.A. The organization management improvement // Vestnik Samara Municipal Management Institute. 2012. №4 (23). P. 22-30.
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