Research article
Issue: № 6 (48), 2016

 Уразбахтина Ю.О., Малкова З.Р. 

Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет



Статья посвящена  обоснованию необходимости разработки интеллектуального сервиса для мониторинга здоровья и уровня физического развития  студентов УГАТУ. Приводится анализ существующих критериев оценки показателей состояния здоровья и уровня физического развития студентов. Дается описание основных функций интеллектуального сервиса.

Ключевые слова: критерии оценки, физические возможности, индекс Руфье, работоспособность.

Urazbakhtina Yu.O., Malkova Z.R.

Ufa state aviation technical university, Ufa, Russia



Article is devoted to justification of need of development of intellectual service for monitoring of health and level of physical development of students of USATU. The analysis of the existing criteria of an assessment of indicators of a state of health and level of physical development of students is provided. The description of the main functions of intellectual service is given.

Keywords: criteria of an assessment, physical ability, Rufe index, efficiency.


      Interest in an assessment of a state of health of the student is caused by need of methodically competent choice of dispensing of physical activities for each concrete occupation according to observance of requirements of the program for physical training. Effective management of process of physical training in many respects depends on experience, the volume of knowledge and qualification of the teacher giving classes with this contingent.

      In the eighties the XX centuries in special literature appeared the development concerning systems of an assessment of level of health and physical capacities of a human body for use in system of mass inspections of the population.

    Physical capacities are directly connected with prospect of disclosure of specific physical features of the person, in them - the potential and prospects of a human body. Diagnostics of physical capacities of the person - one of the basic links making complex process of improvement.

     Development of the system of an assessment of physical capacities of an organism of students of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION is now an actual problem of physical training of this contingent as allows to improve functioning of those bodies and systems of an organism which have a reserve for development, and, therefore, influence improvement of a state of health of an organism.

     Students of educational institutions are exposed to considerable and sometimes not controlled physical activities. Control of a state of health of students either is absent, or is limited by the small number of tests. At the same time, are known a large number of the functional tests allowing to estimate parameters of physical health of the person (PWC 170, a Harvard step test, Rufye's test, the maximum consumption of oxygen, an assessment of variability of a warm rhythm, etc.). Stirs introduction of regular complex control of physical health of students some factors:

  1. Full implementation of all tests requires rather big time since different techniques demand to execute a certain type of loading.
  2. A little, the executed in a row physical activities, can distort result of tests.
  3. Some techniques estimate the same parameter (for example, working capacity) though include various mathematical apparatus and a set of physiological parameters.

      As the solution of this problem creation of uniform system of quantitative objective methods the express of an assessment of physical health of the students who aren't duplicating and not competing with each other, having the uniform, unified loading, and also the demanding minimum of available gages of physiological parameters can serve. Therefore the problem of development of the system of effective express methods and means of a condition of physical health of students is actual.

      For the solution of an objective it was required to collect group of the methods meeting the following requirements:

  1. The objective quantitative assessment of physical health of the person has to be made.
  2. Gages have to be available in living conditions since the system has to be used further as means for self-checking of students at home.
  3. Methods have to provide the greatest information on various parameters of physical health of the person and not duplicate each other.

      The carried-out analysis of methods of an asses-sment of physical health of the person, allows to conclude that a large number of methods estimate so-called operability of a human body. Such tests as PWC170 (physical working capacity concern to them at pulse 170 beats per minute), the Harvard Step Test (HST) and the Intensity of Accumulation of a Pulse Debt (IAPD), etc. Working capacity is understood here as ability of the person to execute loading with a certain power in a definite time. Thus the heart rate (pulse) at rest, after the dosed loading is usually measured and during rest. But different techniques have the approach to a working capacity assessment, for example, estimate a difference between loading and rest, the speed of regulation of pulse or compare pulse at rest to pulse after rest. Therefore it is impossible to expel them from system, it is necessary to concretize determination of that parameter of physical health which they receive at the exit.

     Other group of methods estimates the organism adaptation to loading, adaptation and functional reserves. Here such tests as Rufye's test, "20 knee-bends in 30 seconds", ortostatichesky test, etc. enter. Here both physical, and gravitational loadings (change of position of a body) are applied. Thus pulse and arterial pressure that allows to estimate regulation of nervous and cardiovascular systems are measured.

        Methods with a breath delay will help to estimate an oxygen exchange: tests to the Bar and Genchi. But thus it is necessary to define a threshold of the beginning of oxygen starvation as much as possible precisely.

       The assessment of a vestibular mechanism is pos-sible by means of tests for coordination of movements (Romberg's test, etc.)

      Among other things for an assessment of speed of processes of aging it is necessary to use the technique of definition of biological age of the person developed by Institute of Gerontology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The biological age is an integrated indicator of "wear" of an organism in general.

      The given a number of authors, our researches and practical experience testify that among simple and easily available indicators at students the most informative and closely correlating with the size of the maximum consumption of oxygen (MCO) are: "double work" - Double product; Сardiac power index (Rufye's index); Quetelet index; Skibinsky's index and power index of Shapovalova. These indexes are closely interconnected not only with MPK, but also a number of indicators of physical fitness (first of all with results of run on 1500 meters) and sharp respiratory incidence (feedback). As we see, the complex consists of five morphological and functional indicators having the most advanced stage of interrelation with installed power per employee of an organism and the level of the general endurance and it is offered by us for inclusion in system of an assessment of physical health of students of a different floor and age.

      As, the offered five indicators are measured in different units, we applied by the principle of other authors (Rufye, M. A. Godik, G. A. Apanasenko, A.P. Shapovalova) the formalized assessment of each indicator in points

  1. Quetelet index = Body weight (g)/ body height (sm)
  2. Double product = (Heart rate (beats per minute) x Arteriotony) /100 (c.u.)
  3. Skibinsky's index = (VC (ml) x Timed inspiratory capacity (sec)) / Heart rate (beats per minute)
  4. Power index of Shapavalova = (Body weight (g)/ body height (sm)) x (quantity of inclinations in 1 min / 60) (c.u.)
  5. Сardiac power index (Rufye's index) = ((4 x (Р1 x P2 x P3)) – 200) / 10 (c.u.)

     Except the general assessment of level of physical health, it is necessary to consider also estimates of each indicator as it gives the chance of definition of "weak places" of an organism of each student.

     So low estimate of an Quetelet index can testify to insufficient food of the student or a poor development of muscles, or, on the contrary, to threat of obesity or obesity.

      The low estimate of an index of Robinson (Double product) testifies to violation of regulation of activity of cardiovascular system.

      At a low estimate of an index of Skibinsky it is possible to speak about insufficiency functionality of respiratory organs and blood circulation and the reduced resistance to a hypoxia.

     Low estimate of the power index of Shapovalova, except a poor development of motive qualities - forces, speed and endurance, testifies to insufficient functionality of cardiorespiratory system.

     Low estimates of an index of Rufye say about the insufficient level of adaptation reserves of cardiovascular and respiratory systems that limits physical capacities of an organism of the student.

      The accounting of these data will allow the teacher of physical culture or the trainer to select the rational individually dosed improving and training motive mode that will give the chance to optimize processes of growth and development of an organism of the student, with great success to level negative influence of the high school mode and the organization of educational process and other negatively influencing environment factors.

       The integrated characteristic of a state of health is the level of adaptation opportunities of an organism which considers both a homeostasis and functional reserves, and degree of tension of regulatory mechanisms. Therefore the level of adaptation opportunities of an organism can be quite used as criterion for an assessment of amount of health on this interval of time (health power) at primary screening.

       The general resistance which is an indicator of its resistance to various influences which studying and definition of degree and levels of adaptation of an organism to conditions of environment allows to reveal a state of health in a transition period from norm to an illness is among the most important integrated functional characteristics of an organism and in due time to begin purposeful preventive actions.

      Working capacity, and finally and health of the person is defined by his adaptation reserves which opportunities are closely connected with tension of physiological mechanisms and depend at most the operating factor and duration of influence (N. A. Agadzhanyan, I.V. Ruzhenkova, Yu.P. Starshinov with coauthors, 1997).

     As a result of physiological researches of adults possibility of use of measurements of set of functional indicators of cardiovascular system as indicator of adaptive reactions of a complete organism of an indicator of risk of development of a disease at them is proved. Such approach is natural as the blood circulatory system is a link between all bodies and systems, between "the operating centers and the operated elements" (V. V. Parin, R. M. Bayevsky, M. D. Yemelyanov, etc., 1967; R. M. Bayevsky, A.P. Berse-neva, V. K. Vakulin, etc., 1987; R. M. Bayevsky, A.P. Berseneva, 1997).

    Adaptive opportunities of an organism is one of its main properties, it is a stock of functional reserves which, being spent, support interaction between an organism and Wednesday (V.P. Kaznacheev, 1980; R. M. Bayevsky, A.P. Berseneva, 1997).

     For determination of level of features of functioning of the blood circulatory system and adaptation opportunities of a complete organism it is accepted to count sizes of the adaptative potential (AP) in conventional units - points.

    Now for definition of adaptation opportunities vario-us methods of a quality and quantitative standard are offered (R. M. Bayevsky, A.P. Berseneva, V. K. Vakulin, etc., 1987). The most wide recognition was gained by the principles and V.P. Kaznacheev's (1980) approaches, both V. I. Svetlichna and S.G. Tusupbekova (1990) which cornerstone the concept about cardiovascular system, as the indicator of the general adaptive reactions and about anthropometrical indicators is as indicators of the physical status of an organism.

       Authors entered concept of levels of adaptation which are the indirect characteristic of a condition of adaptation opportunities of an organism.

    Distinguish "satisfactory adaptation", "adaptation tension", "unsatisfactory adaptation" and "adaptation failure".

     Level of adaptation is estimated on value of the adaptation indicator (AI) which calculation is made on R. M. Bayevsky's method in A.P. Berseneva's modification, etc. (1987) on the following formula:

AP (in points) = 0,011 (HR) + 0,014 (SAP) + 0,008 (DAP) + 0,014 (age, years) + 0,009 (body weight, kg) - 0,009 (length of a body, cm) - 0,27,

where HR - heart rate (beats per minute);

SAP - systolic arterial pressure (in mm of mercury)

DAP - diastolic arterial pressure (in mm of mercury)

Individual sizes AP are distributed on four degrees established for adults on the basis of criteria of efficiency.

       It is quite easy to transform the system of diagnostics including all set of the offered criteria for an assessment of a condition of an organism to the computer program and to carry out the forecast of a condition of physical health individually for each student and on this basis to plan and choose the relevant activities for their improvement as non-drug means and to select training programs.

       Current trend of development of methods of physical training of students are works on computer support of physical training of students of higher education institutions. Results of this work take root and used in higher education institutions of the Russian Federation [1], including as cloudy services. One of the directions of this work – automation of monitoring of a state of health and level of physical development of the studying youth.

     It is planned to create system with the following main functions: carrying out complex testing of a state of health and level of physical development; quantitative and quality standard; issue of the general report on personal indicators of testing and recommendations about the program of their adjustment and development; delivery of results of testing of all examinees on separate tests; statistical processing of results of monitoring with issue of final reports in a graphic look; differentiation of access rights to system (administrator of system, user researcher, user examinee).

   In system a number of the well-known techniques allowing to estimate an organism adaptation energy potential, biological age, level of the maximum consumption of oxygen and some other indicators of health and physical development of the person [2] will be realized. The form of the integrated questionnaire considering the main aspects and features of activity of the studying youth will be developed for complex research of a state of health and level of physical development of students of higher education institutions by authors of work together with teachers of chair of physical training of USATU.

    For carrying out the statistical analysis of a database of the integrated questionnaire the correlation matrix allowing to mark out the most significant two-dimensional dependences for the subsequent more detailed research will be used.


     Summing up the result told, it is possible to sum-marize that the system will allow to solve two main objectives.

  1. To give opportunity to any person quickly and anonymously (that it is very essential) to estimate a condition of the health and level of physical development, to receive recommendations about their improvement. Why it is important for youth? Experience shows that his attitude towards own health has no the expressed need to its preservation and strengthening youth when the person is full of strength also energy. However over the years the similar desire appears and increases. Overdue understanding of value of own health is dictated by the low level of awareness of the person on criteria of an assessment of the health and methods of its strengthening.
  2. The system will allow to create and accumulate an extensive database on various aspects of a state of health and level of physical development, a way of life of the studying youth, to carry out the statistical multidimensional analysis of the saved-up data allowing to plan and correct reasonably programs of physical training, improvement and physical development of students.


  1. Bogdanov V. M., Ponomarev V. S., Solovov A.V., Kislitsyn Yu.L. Educational multimedia complex on fundamentals of physical culture in higher education institution: manual. – Samara: Publishing house of STAU, 2007. – 328 pages.
  2. Apanasenko G. L., Popova L.A. Medical valueology / Series "Hippocrates". – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000. – 248 pages.