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Strategic planning of budgetary provision of economic accessibility of products

Table 3 - Methods for planning food support


The essence

Author's rating

Project for the creation and implementation of a system of targeted food assistance to needy citizens of the Russian Federation, developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade

The volume of food assistance to the population is determined based on the estimated value of food subsidies per 1 household member per year (taking into account the dietary deficit) and the number of poor people eligible for food certificates

The calculation algorithm is not related to the types of products consumed by the population specified in the Doctrine

VNIIESKH (Borkhunov N.A., Rodionova O.A.)

At the first stage, an assessment is made of the total volume of food aid by decile groups of the population, and at the second, a determination is made per capita. The point is to increase the level of consumption of the first and second groups to the level of the third group

Rational norms of food consumption and territorial characteristics of regions are not taken into account

RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (Shagaida N.I.)

The group of people in need is determined through their actual consumption and the degree of its compliance with rational consumption standards. The assessment is carried out in the context of population groups according to available resources. The correspondence of the costs of the actual and rational set of products is compared with the prices at which families buy them (each group buys products at different prices). It is proposed to increase the first and second groups of the population to the third

Not every group of products is evaluated; the natural and economic characteristics of the regions where the population lives are not taken into account.

Institute of Agrarian Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Reshetnikova E.G., Iosipenko V.D.)

To estimate the volume of domestic food aid, it is proposed to use the input-output method. The justification for the amount of targeted food assistance to low-income groups of the population is carried out on the basis of a modified intersectoral balance model. This methodological approach allows us to coordinate indicators of consumption of basic food products, the level of income of the population, the volume of national food production and complementary imports

Rational standards for food consumption and the natural and economic characteristics of the regions where the population lives are not taken into account.