Research article
Issue: № 6 (132), 2023


According to the results of the analysis of the state of production and consumer trade in maternity clothing, mainly imports without stamps and branded clothing of the foreign middle class were imported into the domestic trade. The countries filling the clothing market of Kazakhstan, mainly China (40-45%), Turkey (11%) and Russia (9%), are more and more manufacturers of maternity clothing. But they do not satisfy consumer demand. Foreign models (England, Italy, USA) are beautiful, fashionable, exclusive, but their prices do not raise the position of moderately well-off women.

The design of clothing for pregnant women is studied in many fields, such as obstetrics, physiology, demography, design, anthropology, marketing, etc.

This article discusses research and work aimed at improving the effectiveness of marketing work with distribution of clothing for pregnant women. Expectant should promote the production and design of appropriate (relevant) types of goods during the production period without prejudice to orders (consumers and producers). And also, the factors affecting the competitiveness of the product are considered to increase the competitiveness of clothes for expectant mothers.

1. Introduction

In order to increase the pace of preparation and introduce the range of clothes for pregnant women adapted to the market demand into the general production, it is important to carry out work on improving the activity of marketing work. It is necessary to organize production and formation of a rational (effective) assortment of clothes for pregnant women in a cost-free and harmless way for interested parties (consumers and producers).

To effectively solve these tasks, according to previous studies: L.M. Tukhbatullina, L.N. Andreeva, M.A. Suteeva, M.S. Kurgambekov, men's suits, children's clothes according to Central Asian conditions, women's outerwear and light clothes for young people, pregnant women's clothes


Currently, extensive research and rational (effective) wardrobe design has been carried out. The preliminary conditions of the design process of the assortment construction of the art trade collection have been studied, the method and composition of the basic information collection based on marketing has been determined.

The uniqueness and variety of clothing for pregnant women requires further development and improvement by researching the consumer market on a marketing basis. And it requires the formation of a stage of development based on the specifics of its use by pregnant women and the specifics of its use in different situations.

2. Research methods and principles

Most of the respondents are middle-aged women. It shows that the women who give birth are younger, and they are psychologically ready for the birth of a child.
Diagram of the age composition of the surveyed women

Figure 1 - Diagram of the age composition of the surveyed women

Based on the results of the study, we can see some of the difficulties that arise when buying clothes. About 4% of women can afford to have clothes made to order in different ateliers, but the majority try to buy ready-made clothes in shops and markets (about 37% and 26%). And also there are women who want to adapt to their usual clothes and sew them themselves. On picture 1 shows a diagram of the youth composition of the women in question

While more than half of the women surveyed prefer bright and vibrant colored clothes, the rest have difficulty looking for bright and different clothes in stores. When choosing clothes, women first of all pay attention to how comfortable and functional (63 %) and beautiful (20 %) the clothes are, and then look at how much (9%) and what fabric they are made of. Such a situation, from the first, is interpreted as a priority of convenient requirements arising from the functional dedication of clothing. Secondly, it determines a certain shortage of goods in the same trade segments. In this way, the consumer is ready to receive all the item at a price that costs several times more than its value


The analysis of consumer clothing showed that the collections that the consumer is most interested in are: the combination of blouses and jackets with trousers (26%), overalls (24%), sundresses (23%), dresses (21%), the least used skirts (6%).

Diagram of the distribution of responses about the style of clothing

Figure 2 - Diagram of the distribution of responses about the style of clothing

Thus, analyzing the results of answers to the question about which style they would prefer, one can notice the similarity of the distribution pattern in all age groups: many women believe that classic-style clothes look best during pregnancy. With age, the number of women who agree with this opinion increases from 55% in the young age group to 65% in the older one. Sports style lovers are represented evenly in all ages (31%, 36%, 33%). And also about 15% of women choose clothes that correspond to fashion trends and believe that it is necessary to have things of a graceful style in their wardrobe. The graceful style is used more in the middle and younger age groups than in the older one. Between 5% and 8% of women think that being pregnant is not a reason to change their style, and consider wearing sharply fashionable, avant-garde things is the norm. And there are such women in all age groups. Picture 2 shows a diagram of the distribution of responses about the style of clothing

An interesting result of the answers is the question about the silhouette of clothing. For young groups, the silhouette of clothing is not particularly important. You can also see that with age, women tend to dress in a looser silhouette (from 35% to 63%). Picture 3 shows a diagram of the results of the silhouette of clothing.

Diagram of the silhouette of the dress comfortable results

Figure 3 - Diagram of the silhouette of the dress comfortable results

According to the analysis of consumer preferences, when determining the external artistic and prefabricated nature of clothing, it was found that unbuttoned clothing is highly valued. There is a different opinion in the processing of the model. But many consider unfashionable clothing during pregnancy to be very appropriate. Therefore, the luxury of the model can be achieved by various colors and material texture
. Nowadays, due to modern fashion trends, fittings (30%) are of great importance. Lace processing, weaving lacing and embroidery are episodic. The question of the length of women's clothing was answered as follows: young mothers wear "mini" and "maxi". Only 46% of older age groups have the courage to wear short dresses. The length "mid-calf" and "maxi" are preferred by many (54%). According to the results of the study of demand, it was found that the greatest importance is attached to clothing and its material

Women's tastes were divided as follows: in the 1st place, the comfort indicator of clothes was placed higher, as shown in Picture 4. It turned out that it is also important to maintain the durability of washing and fashionable posture. But these two requirements are opposed to each other. The fact is that fabrics made of natural fiber quickly wrinkle and do not retain their aesthetic appearance


In the opinion of those who were asked, the clothes should be comfortable to wear, high-quality, dance to the changeable figure of a woman.
Вiagram of the distribution of the question of the importance of customer requirements

Figure 4 - Вiagram of the distribution of the question of the importance of customer requirements

3. Main results

Thus, according to the results of Marketing Research, the importance of artistic construction and the requirements of all consumers in creating an effective wardrobe are taken into account


The main part of the preparation of a rational range of clothes for pregnant women of the industrial Rank is the determination of the parameter of the rational wardrobe of consumers

. To do this, it is necessary to create a systematic segmentation of the consumer market.

The following signs of variability are obtained: age group and periodic (seasonal). When systematized by these signs, according to the results of studies, it was found that the second and third stages of pregnancy depend on what time of year they correspond to.

Thus, the difference between groups of consumers of different ages depends on the season in which their pregnancy occurs


According to the analysis of the conducted research, it is necessary to draw up a classification of consumers based on their availability.

According to the results of the reports, Season consumers were identified for each age group. It is shown in Figure 2-3. Thus, the first age group includes from 17 to 23 years old, the second from 23 to 29 years old, and the third from 29 years old


Histogram of the number unit of the rational wardrobe assortment of the younger age group

Figure 5 - Histogram of the number unit of the rational wardrobe assortment of the younger age group

Тumber Unit histogram of the rational wardrobe range of the middle age group

Figure 6 - Тumber Unit histogram of the rational wardrobe range of the middle age group

Determined by the reports: two season wardrobe types. Most of the consumers were included in the second age group.

It is important for an institution that develops its own assortment policy to know about the structure of a rational wardrobe. This is very important for an institution that pays attention to each segment of the consumer market (age group of consumers)


4. Conclusion

Thus, the considered principles of designing multifunctional clothing for pregnant women and the proposed artistic-decorative and constructive and technological solutions for three transformable products, characterized by the possibility of changing their appearance and functional purpose, allow, in principle, to meet the needs of the assortment of a suit and coat of a pregnant woman in outerwear and the solution of the problem of optimizing her wardrobe.

Based on the marketing research of consumer preferences, the main artistic and design features of pregnant women's clothing were installed. These are considered in the development of a constructive and technological solution.

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