Research article
Issue: № 5 (5), 2012



Research Article

Voropaeva Y.P.

A lecturer in the department of the periodical press and journalism theory in Orenburg State University 


The article indicates the relevance of considering the ethics of human dignity in modern globalized world. Due to the fact that the basis of understanding of the new world is its recognition as a whole, there’s an important question of researching new supranational values where the fundamental value is the ethical category of «human dignity».

Key words: human dignity, globalization, non-violence, dialogue, tolerance.

A Man as an incomplete being, who tries to go beyond the boundaries of his own existence, to overcome the finiteness of life, is a moral being. The Explanation, whereby a person «lives» life, finds the meaning of existence, is the sphere of moral. The concept of morality and life are closely linked/connected, morality is theorized in ethics that gets expression in various ethical theories, each of which refers to a person as to a human who is capable to moral perfection, which is expressed through the concept of «human dignity». The Ethical category «human dignity» in today's globalized world becomes relevant in the sense that it is caused by the specific historical processes which are associated with the construction of a global society, and the necessity of theoretical understanding. Meaning by the globalization of natural historical process that occurs in the patterns of relationships between major socio-cultural communities and which affects the development of a holistic world space, we believe that the fundamental universal value, by which the interaction of people (cultural dialogue) proceeds successfully, the idea is realized of sustainable development, is a value of human dignity. The Important thing to examine in the modern world is the development of our holistic world space within the awareness of the responsibility of all to all. In a global society, each person becomes the main purpose of the existence of a social group, the society, the state of the world is determined by the moral value of the person. First of all Each ethical system, is caused due to the socio-historical development. Modern conditions of people who live together are so that there’s a necessity in searching universal, supranational values. One of this is the value of human dignity.

According to the notion of the moral values of a man, of human dignity, it’s possible to achieve changes in personal and social morality, to eliminate the difference between these concepts, to give unity, integrity and intelligence of the existence of the human race. The idea of consumption, individual good of a man in the modern world is being criticized by scientists. It’s possible to lend importance to each individual existence in the development of a «global ethos» (A.A. Guseinov), which is understood in the spirit of tolerance and solidarity. In the United Nations Millennium Declaration, adopted by General Assembly resolution 55/2 of the Assembly on 8 September 2000, says that a collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human dignity, equality and equity at the global level, particularly the most vulnerable people, and in particular, the children of the world who holds the future are among the main principles and values in the modern world to the heads of the state and the government stands apart from individual responsibility to individual private companies [1].

To achieve optimal development of socio-cultural, political and economic spaces in the modern globalized world are best principles, such as non-violence, which demand respect for each person recognizing him the opportunity to improve the moral and human dignity. In globalization conditions the human dignity is the main factor of the ethics of non-violence as a universal supranational value. In the major religious and ethical systems – in Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity - says that it’s impossible to fight with evil by evil itself, because with this method the quantity of evil is not decreasing, but increasing. Evil is bounded, closed, infinitely good, only good can get people into a new level of moral relations.

Thus, the ethics of human dignity is the key to the development of a new strategy and a new civilization type of rationality, which takes root in the dialogue. The value of human dignity is the defining achievement of a moral progress in the world of philosophical and ethical thought, and in the modern world a vital reality of a practical application increases and, in particular, education, public organizations and foundations.[box[


1. United Nations Millennium Declaration of 8 September 2000

2. http:www.val--s.narod.ru/summitec.html
