Research article
Issue: № 5 (47), 2016

Богдашев И.В.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6076-2205, Кандидат экономических наук, Кубанский государственный университет



В статье исследованы различные концепции устойчивого развития, на основе которых определены ориентиры дальнейшего формирования разумного поведения для государства и общества. Предлагается в центр внимания поместить систему образования, благодаря развитию которой можно воспитать и подготовить квалифицированных и талантливых людей, способных стать интеллектуальной элитой общества, выступающей основной движущей силой в условиях экономической неопределенности и непредсказуемости.

Ключевые слова: устойчивое развитие, система образования, социально-этичный маркетинг, бизнес-сообщество, приоритеты развития человеческого потенциала, социальные инвестиции, корпоративная социальная ответственность.

 Bogdashev I.V.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6076-2205, PhD in Economics, Kuban State University



The article examines the various concepts of sustainable development, which are determined on the basis of guidelines for further formation of intelligent behavior for government and society. We offer to place the system of education into the center of attention. Due to its development we can bring up and prepare the quasi-skilled and talented people who are able to become the intellectual elite of society, whom we can consider as a major driving force in terms of economic uncertainty and unpredictability.

Keywords: sustainable development; educational system, social and ethical marketing, business community, human development priorities, social investments, corporate social responsibility.

For a long time ideas of harmonious interaction of such spheres as nature, human life and economics agitated the minds of progressive mankind. Now these ideas are combined in theories of sustainable development that can be understood as a process of convergence of the priorities of human development, the maintenance of natural ecosystems with the objectives of the development of production, profit and capital accumulation. The main principle of all theories of sustainable development advocates a concept aimed at the harmonious combination of the interests of the participants and the processes occurring in the economy, society and ecology.

The management and marketing philosophy in the 80-es of XX century, first in the US, then in other developed countries, the term “social-ethical marketing”, directing the business community to take care not only about making a profit by satisfying the needs and requirements of the buyer, but also consider the interests of society such as environmental protection, promotion of employment, the fight against hunger and poverty.

As soon as the concept of “green marketing” and “social investments” from year to year is gaining increasing popularity, many companies have become involved in various charity projects such as the financing of the development of vaccines against serious diseases, financial support of orphanages, the maintenance of animal shelters. At some point it became fashionable when companies and individuals began to engage in charity, especially the well-known actors, politicians and businessmen.

We developed and evolved the idea of ​​sustainable development over time. Today the theory of sustainable development poses to society the following priorities and goals: reduction of poverty; eradication of hunger; maintaining the health and well-being; high-quality education for population; harmonization of gender relations; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; stable work and economic growth; promoting production, innovation and infrastructure; reduction of all forms of inequality; sustainable cities and communities; responsible production and consumption; maintaining climate and atmosphere (the ozone layer, clean air); protection of water resources (sea and river inhabitants, glaciers, ocean currents); stop soil contamination; evolution of world orderliness and development of law-making institutions; institutional development of public-private partnerships and corporate social responsibility [1, p. 94].

To date, the higher degree of social and ethical company is not just a funding of some charitable projects and organizations, but also such things as the production of natural products without genetically modified ingredients, the release of harmless products for health, the refusal to cooperate with companies that destroy nature, or producers of alcohol, tobacco and even meat products, promotion of healthy lifestyles, vegetarian diet, prevalence of spiritual values ​​and morals, the protection of family institution, the interests of mothers and children [8, p.5].

At these appetites of what humanity now lives, it is no longer possible to live. It is necessary to transform of consciousness and come to clear understanding of the fact that irrational activity of each of us as a consumer and as a producer of every day increases the resonance, bringing humanity to the environmental and humanitarian catastrophe [5, p.19].

First of all it needs to shift from mindless consumption and harmful production to the wise use of resources. In December 2015 the famous actor and former governor of the US state of California Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke at the Paris climate conference with the idea to reduce meat consumption. According to him, the abundance of meat products in the diet of modern man is a serious threat to the entire planet and its ecology. According to statistics, 28 % of greenhouse gases - a result of the activities of livestock farms. Furthermore, producing of each kilogram of meat requires incomparably more grain, fuel, water and other resources [7, p.227].

Another problem is the fight for oil, which in the history of mankind has made a lot of problems, including wars, environmental pollution (such as in the Gulf of Mexico), the destruction of companies and poor countries due to fluctuations in market prices.

The alternative sources of energy that can replace oil due to higher production and environmental production, lower cost and high replenishment has long been invented. But for some reason, all of these projects and business plans for unknown reasons hide, procrastinate or destroyed. It's amazing how the US innovative start-up company has been developed and put into production the car Tesla, its electric motor is many times superior to most modern internal combustion engines [6, p.23].

It is obvious that all of the world's 17 global goals that humanity will have to deal within the framework of sustainable development concepts are relevant for Russia. It is also easy to see that these problems are closely interrelated with each other, and deciding at least one of them, it will be seen the marked improvements in other areas.

Today often we can hear about the need for a client-oriented approach in business, about the building of relationship marketing, that companies should offer direct efforts on the study and monitoring of the client's needs, and then try to meet them with high quality as much as possible. This philosophy also involves the construction of close, long-term and even friendly relationships with his client [3, p.55].

We believe that in Russia the key institution and a tool through which you can break the deadlock is the system of education. Educational institutions lay the foundation of human mentality in early childhood. From kind of people that are engaged in education, from qualities, spiritual guidance and moral values that they have, it depends on the color of the Russian nation and its future [2, p.120].

In the era of intellectual capital to maintain social parity of all layers of society, government needs a set of tools and levers are not power and military suppression of popular unrest, but in a combination of economic and legal mechanisms to eliminate social inequality in order to improve the level and quality of life [4, p. 50].

At the same time sustainable development and national wealth will be measured not in tons of barrels of oil and cubic meters of gas, which can pump out from the depths and to sell, but in the quantity and quality of the knowledge, experience and skills possessed by citizens.

To achieve success in growth of quality of education as it seems possible under the following conditions:

  1. Reduction of the degree of bureaucracy in science and education.
  2. Consideration of the student as the main customer of educational services.
  3. Stimulating the attraction of bright teachers to science and education, who are being leaders and talented persons are able to “light new stars” and create a talent [9, p.268].

The world is not still standing and it is constantly moving on the path of progress. We now live in era of information capital, where money does not play such importance as before. Due to one’s own intelligence each person can reach and secure prosperity and welfare. Money without knowledge can not bring to person a favor and, at best, wasted. But through the mental and spiritual abilities each person can provide himself and his family with all the necessary tangible and intangible weal.

It is hoped that people who have knowledge and ability to apply their intelligence where it is more likely to be in demand will become more and more.


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