Research article
Issue: № 5 (36), 2015

Баишев Н.И.


Самарский государственный университет



В статье анализируется современное направление история спорта в качестве историографической проблемы. Собственно исторических работ, которые были бы посвящены истории советского спорта на сегодняшний день практически нет. А теме спортивной повседневности в СССР в 40-60-е гг. не посвящено ни одной специальной работы. Тем самым доказывается актуальность обращения к данной проблеме.

Ключевые слова: спорт, история, повседневность, историография, СССР, футбол, физическая культура, власть.

Baishev N.I.

Postgraduate student,

Samara State University



The article analyzes the history of sport as a historiographical problem. It is emphasized that the so-called sociology of sport covers a wide range of scholar lite- rature, including works on philosophy, cultural studies, pedagogy. Today there is no historical works on the history of Soviet sport. The sports routine in the USSR in the 1940-60-s is not studied at all. This fact determines the relevance of such a research.

Keywords: sports, history, daily routine, historiography, USSR, soccer, physical education, power.

The problem of studying the everyday life of the Soviet people in recent years more and more attracts domestic and foreign historians. The tone of the research is gradually changing from written in the key for the study of totalitarian society to emphasize the pros and dignity of the Soviet lifestyle. Moreover, among the various facets of everyday life such seemingly outstanding area of society like Soviet sport and its associated program of the party and the government on the involvement of the Soviet people in physical culture, to date, nothing is written. In this connection it is noteworthy historiographical situation connected with the sports theme of everyday life in the USSR in the 40-60-ies of XX century.

Feature a research path that is associated with the study not of the sport itself in the USSR, and sports everyday life of the Soviet people, led to two groups of literature used to achieve this goal. It works on Soviet everyday life 1940-1960-ies and on the history of Soviet sport. Moreover, the actual historical works on the history of the sport a bit. In this study, will be considered the second group.

The history of the sport as such in Soviet historiography was considered quite a lapidary and mainly in relation to the pre-revolutionary period. Since the late 40s begin to appear a dissertation on the history of different sports, and there are special works related to the narrow issues of sports specialization. The history of Soviet sport in the literature of the Soviet period was considered from the standpoint of the opposition of two systems: the Soviet and bourgeois. One cannot speak of historiographical interest connected with the history of the sport. Most likely, these works can be defined as nonfiction. Consideration in the literature of questions sporting life in the USSR was closely intertwined with the tasks of propaganda of the Soviet way of life and moral imperatives associated with the perfect image of a Soviet athlete. Stressed the positive aspiration of all citizens of the Soviet country to sporting achievements, victories, passion for physical culture in everyday life, as well as the need for educational work among the younger generation, focused on the spirit of competition and the pursuit of wins and better results. In addition, the authors analyze the role of party and trade Union organizations in the development of sport. The fact that the development of physical culture in the country by the party and the government has accorded highest priority which is reflected in the literature of the 50-ies of XX century [1; 2].

In modern literature, in the period after perestroika, intonation Patriotic journalism has shifted towards more objective coverage of issues of sporting life in postwar Soviet society. Were the first actual historical research on the development of sports. This dissertation research D. G. Efimova, S. S. Tolstoy, S. V. Butova, etc [3; 4; 5].

In the early twenty-first century out of the monograph is devoted to the interaction between the authorities and sports. This is primarily a study of the Y. M. Prozumenschikov [6], in which the author analyzes the complex relationship between the authorities and representatives of Soviet sport.

But, still, given the importance of sport in public policy, there remains a significant number of articles that perform a kind of government order and necessary for the operation of multiple structures and sports officials. On the other hand, part of the related topics connected with relations of power, ideology and everyday life in the USSR it should be noted the development of "cultural diplomacy", (to which, of course, should be attributed and sport), conducted by the authors of the collective monograph " Soviet looking glass. Foreign tourism in the USSR in 1930-1980-ies" [7]. The formation of the official Soviet patriotism and his group interpretations through the prism of military-Patriotic education, the monograph is devoted to O. Y. Nikonova "Education Patriots" [8]. Soviet tourism in the perspective of everyday life in the USSR RAS considered in the monograph by I. B. Orlova, E. V. Yurchikova " Mass tourism in the Stalinist daily " [9].

Sport in philosophical understanding is reflected in the articles authors, united in the journal "Logos" by common theme "Criticism of the mind sports". Directly related to the sports theme of everyday life in the USSR article about a Soviet football, Soviet sports physicality and opposition to football and hockey in the philosophical interpretation allow a deeper understanding of the existential aspects of sports everyday life [10]. Although in the monograph by A.Y. Rozhkov "In the circle of peers. The life world of a young man in the Soviet Russia of the 1920s." examines earlier times, the practice associated with "becoming a man" is analyzed in the chapter "The world of Red Army man", to help uncover methods of power for development of the sports of the citizen-soldier [11].

Overall, it should be noted that the scope of literature, which could be defined as the science of the sport (more often used the term "sociology of sport") is quite broad and touches on many subject field, both scientific and humanitarian disciplines. It works on philosophical and cultural, pedagogical, and sociocultural components of physical culture and sports. And, despite some specific works of this group for historical research, they are useful in the analysis of problems of international sport, sport domestically and development of physical culture among the population.

Special historical works devoted to sports, to date, a little. In this respect, of particular interest is the article by K. Eisenberg "the Opening sport of modern historical science", devoted to the choice of research directions in historiography. The author rightly observes that "academic history for a long time did not perceive the historical research conducted by sports historians... the historical reception of works associated with the sport, occurs only in exceptional cases" [12, 82].

General works on the history of physical culture and sports also help to recreate some facets of everyday life in sports of the USSR in the postwar period. Moreover, since the 90-ies of XX century is changing ideological orientation of the work of this order. They are already starting to raise the topics of physical culture and sports within the boundaries of totalitarian systems [13].

Individual sports during the period under review, in particular, volleyball in "the Soviet megaculture", dedicated to the work of S. S. Ermakov and I. V. Zborovets. The authors examine the complex process of building a "man – athlete" during mass propagation of physical culture in the USSR through the role and importance of volleyball in everyday life. Note the value of the amateur competitions in the popularity of volleyball among the population, arguing that "in the USSR volleyball was included in the municipal macrocosm, became an element of the social organism, took place on the atlas collective body and ended up in the same row as that of Stalin's skyscrapers, the subway, the apartment-communal, ENEA, the system of the Gulag, the queues in shops" [14]. At the regional level were considered private matters of the sporting life of the city.

History of spectacular sports in the USSR devoted to the monograph of Professor of Russian history and the history of sport of the University of California at San Diego R. Edelman "Serious fun. The history of spectacular sports in the USSR". The book was written towards the end of the era of "Sovietology", as recognized by the author himself, in those days, when most of the archives have been over-covered for an overseas researcher. The book is interesting for the fact that with-holds reflections of an American historian about the relation of historical science to the history of sport [15].

The area of visual culture related to the development of Soviet dispute is the one studied in the work of British researcher M. O’Mahoney "Sport in the USSR. Physical culture – visual culture" [16].

Thus, the analysis of the literature showed that there is no specific research on sports everyday life of the postwar era. And more, the scope of literature devoted to the history of sport in the USSR is very small, moreover, a considerable proportion of the not so much research, how much journalistic work. There is a whole branch of literature, which can be described as "sociology of sport", which includes psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, etc. Can confidently state that the niche of historical works devoted to the sport in the USSR – still remains unoccupied, and that led to a research interest in this subject.


  1. Sinitsyn S. D. Status and tasks of research and teaching on the history of physical training // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. – 1953. - Vol. XVI, issue 8. - P. 545-552.
  2. Stolbov V. V. Development of physical culture and sports in the USSR in the post-war Stalinist five-year plan (1946-1950). PhD thesis. Moscow, 1953.
  3. Efimov D. G. Formation and development of physical culture and sports in the state institutions of Russia (1861-1917). PhD thesis. St. Petersburg, 2000.
  4. Tolstoy S. S. Power and mass sport in the Soviet Union (for example, the history of Soviet football in the 1930-1950-ies). PhD thesis. Moscow, 2009.
  5. Butov S. V. The development of Soviet football in the 1921-1941. PhD thesis. Krasnoyarsk, 2007.
  6. Prozumenschikov M. Y. Great sports and politics. Moscow, 2004.
  7. Bagdasarian, V. E. Soviet looking glass. Foreign tourism in the USSR in 1930-1980-ies. Moscow, 2013.
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  12. Eisenberg K. Sports Outdoor modern historical science // Logos. – 2009 - № 6 (73). - P. 82-98.
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  14. Ermakov S. S. Volleyball in the Soviet megaculture 30-50-ies of XX century // Physical education students. – 2010. - № 2. - P. 76-80. Retrieved 22 April 2015, <>.
  15. Edelman R. Serious fun. The history of spectacular sports in the USSR. Moscow, 2008.
  16. O'Mahouni M. Sport in the USSR. Physical culture - visual culture. Moscow, 2010.