Скарюпина М.Б.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2933-9326, Старший преподаватель, Кемеровский государственный сельскохозяйственный институт
В данной статье описывается необходимость и проблемы мониторинга эффективности государственных программ, разработана концептуальная модель проведения мониторинга при реализации государственной программы. Также в работе автор представил программный модуль мониторинга реализации государственных программ и дал характеристику основных элементов системы эффективного мониторинга реализации государственной программы.
Ключевые слова: мониторинг, реализация государственных программ, элементы системы мониторинга, программный модуль.
Skaryupina M.B.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2933-9326, Senior Lector, Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute
This article describes the problem and the need for monitoring of the government program effectiveness, conceptual model of monitoring during the implementation of the state program. Also the author presented a software module for monitoring of implementation of the government programs and gave a description of the main elements of an effective monitoring system of implementation of the government program.
Keywords: monitoring, implementation of the government programs, the monitoring system elements, a software module.
We agree with the statement by Denisova I.P. that one of the directions related to improving the effectiveness of the government programs is the monitoring of the indicators characterizing the optimum solution to the problems of their formation, financing and implementation [1]. The primary purpose of the monitoring of government programs effectiveness seem to develop an optimal structure of budgetary expenditures for the implementation of the state social and economic policy at the justification stage on the spending of the budget proposals at designing of the regional state programs and the regional budget of the Kemerovo region.
It is necessary to have the certain criteria for evaluating of the effectiveness of the state regional programs. They will help to carry out rationally and controllably implementation of the subprogrammes accepted to financing allowing more efficient use of the available budgetary resources and also to give reason for correctness of the made administrative decisions. Nevertheless the assessment of both efficiency and productivity of government programs in a systems approach is rational because the expected indicators of the budgetary, social and economic efficiency of the program will be verifiable and reliable. Comparison of these indicators will allow to make decisions on the priority directions of the budgetary expenses and to carry out monitoring of achievement of the stated purposes and results. The scheme clearly presents monitoring system of the implementation of the formation and realization mechanism of the state program of the agro-industrial complex in the Kemerovo region.
The proposed approach eliminates the problem of objectivity and absolute accuracy of the program assessment connected with the appearance of conjugate and indirect results which assessment and account will involve costs maybe inefficient, incommensurable to advantage of this information.
It is also important to apply traditional assessment procedures to determination the efficiency of programs with a long term of achievement of the result. It refers to innovation and fundamental research activities in the field of conservation and restoration of soil fertility of agriculturally used areas and cultivated land, provision of the scientific and production activities and training for agriculture namely aimed at solving the strategic goals and objectives the results of which can only be seen in the future.

Fig. 1 - Illustration of the conceptual model and methodology for monitoring of the implementation of the formation and realization mechanism of the government program
Also difficult to predict factors can be influenced on the final effectiveness of the government program. They are related to macroeconomic changes in the international, intercountry and interregional levels and are the result of the implementation of the state policy in the related industries management. So it is important to carry out a risk assessment.
The following problems which we distinguish can be described as basic in monitoring of the government programs:
– the insufficient internal regional control;
- the weak introduction of control methods of the effectiveness of budget expenditures;
- a lack of standards for the qualification of violations budget legislation and appropriate sanctions;
- a lack of cost justification procedures and establishing a system of target indicators;
– the insufficient level of independence and objectivity of bodies of external state financial control.
Also Denisova I.P., Rukina S.N. denote the given problems in their article [1].
All above confirms the effectiveness of the use of the proposed monitoring mechanism to assess the effectiveness of the program used at the subnational and municipal levels.
A software module should use for the most complete and objective assessment of the progress and results of the specific subprogramme and the whole program. This module must be an integral part of the overall monitoring and evaluation system.
The module is required in order to separate the results achieved by these sub-programs, contributing to the ultimate objective of the realized program[2].
So the software monitoring and evaluation module should provide program staff and decision makers, operational evaluation tools used in the planning and implementation stages, especially in comparing the achieved results with the objectives, as well as correcting the implementation of activities during the process.
The software monitoring and evaluation module is an integral part of the overall monitoring and evaluation system of the main the government program.
There are many reasons for the creation of an effective software monitoring system module. Some of them are given below:
- to systematically monitor the results of the individual program projects; to analyze the data at the process level and the subprograms result, to achieve specific program objectives; to prepare a report to financing organizations. If the program monitoring and evaluation system is functioning properly, it will help program implementers to identify problems in the implementation of activities and correct them in a timely manner;
- to determine specific goals and objectives at the program level results achieved by the various actors; to determine the real achievement of the objectives; to analyze the data and use the information to improve the process of policy making;
- to define gaps and inconsistencies at the level of access and coverage of certain events of subprogrammes as well as to raise additional funds to address the problems of subprogramme realization;
- to analyze the cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of specific subprogrammes and interferences;
- in order to create basis for the decision-making and strategic planning based on real facts and data;
- to prepare accurate and reliable reports on the implementation of the program, etc. [1].
The monitoring system should include key components to be effective. The basic elements present at tabular form 1.
Table 1 - Basic elements monitoring system of implementation of the government program

After creating a monitoring and evaluation system, the entire process of monitoring and evaluation functions as a closed cycle which integrates the general program objectives, planning, implementation, program monitoring, internal and external program evaluation
Summing up the result of the conducted researches of it can be said that the results to be obtained during monitoring of performance evaluation of the program need to make public, to discuss with the program participants and use it to reprogram or correction of the subprogrammes and the programs in general.
- Denisova I.P., Rukina S.N. Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the targeted programs during the transition to a "program budget // Fundamental Research. -2013. -№ 8-2. - P. 399-404. Retrieved on February 15, 2016 from[In Russian]
- Monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects. Practical Manual // O.S. Morozova, O.V. Varetskaya, D. Jones, P. Chikukva, T.A. Salyuk - // Oranta. - 2008.-142p. [In Russian]