Research article
Issue: № 4 (4), 2012


Research article

Chuhareva N.V.¹, Afanasyev K.Y.²

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

Abstract In this article is described the most common ways of associated petroleum gas utilization, is conducted a brief analysis, is selected method of disposal when using gas turbines and is suggested ways to improve their efficiency.

Key words: associated petroleum gas, natural gas pipeline, gas turbine, combustion chamber, compression ratio.

For years the oil and gas producing company utilization of associated petroleum gas, not only by putting the chemical processing plants, but also by burning a large amount of valuable hydrocarbons. This was due to the fact that the construction of new pipeline systems and preparation of associated gas was considered by many experts as unprofitable. It is not addressed a number of issues related to environmental issues, problems to save energy and the introduction of new modern and innovative technologies to make full use of mined materials. To present the problem of efficient utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG) is an important issue.

The legal regulation at the state level will direct the company to search for alternative solutions to the issue, finding new partners, technology and investment. This confirms published in 2009, and entered into a legal action with January 1, 2012 government resolution "On measures to encourage the reduction of air pollution products flaring gas in flares" [1], which states:

  • indicators of APG flares to no more than 5 percent of the amount recovered;
  • a serious crackdown on the incineration and penalties for excessive amounts of burning it (the amount of fines for exceeding a specified share of combustion increased by 100 times, and in the absence of gas meters - in 1000).

At present, already some regions of the world community (for example, Euro zone countries) are deficient in energy. Program of economic and Resource Development Ministry aims to expand markets for energy. It follows that the rational use of associated gas - an integral part of the program. Thus, the question of making better use of associated gas can be considered as a priority direction of the state's economy.

Conducted a literature review [2..4] can distinguish different methods of utilization of associated gas, the main of which are gas-processing to petrochemical structure, the use of gas turbines to generate power for their own needs and obtain independent alternative energy resources for commercial exploitation of gas compressor units and gas pipelines.

APG processing involves the construction of large gas processing plants or significant upgrading of existing, together with an extensive network of pipelines for the collection and delivery of gas. Chemical plants APG processed or dry gas, or in a broad fraction of light hydrocarbons (NGL), which enter the gas pipelines are an important raw material for the petrochemical industry (eg, natural gas liquids - the basic raw material for the production of liquefied petroleum gas [3]).

It should be noted that the implementation of the proposed technology requires significant financial and time costs. Therefore, its use is cost-effective only in fields with high flow rate and volume of extract more hydrocarbons.

Major losses of associated gas, that is, its flaring, are formed mainly in the micro, small and medium-sized fields that are remote from each other over long distances can be in regions with poor infrastructure, or their geographical location indicates the presence of unstable ground (marshland). Today, most new fields being developed in the northern regions and are characterized by the above features by location, the bearing capacity of soil, etc. Therefore the organization of the collection of gas from these fields by the schemes proposed for the construction of large gas-processing plants, is highly capital intensive and inefficient activities.

As a consequence, it is necessary to use other alternative and efficient technologies, which include gas turbine technology. Gas turbine units (GTU) low power use on oil and gas companies of different countries. In Russia, this technology is just developing, as opposed to gas turbines of medium and high power (gas compressor units with gas turbines in the system of gas mains and gas turbines used in power).

Many of the new oil and gas companies, in the northern regions maximum proximity to the trunk pipeline system "Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean", which leads to a direct interaction with the oil transportation enterprise. Thus, viewed the possible interaction of these systems for co-production and the use of potential energy burned in the combustion chambers of gas turbines associated gas in order to obtain an independent source of heat and electricity.

Thus, the use of gas turbine technology with high efficiency for the utilization rate of small and medium-sized fields will be the most effective method and will provide strategic independence from other energy suppliers, improve infrastructure and living conditions in the oil fields.

References in English

  1. RF Government Decree of 08.01.2009 "On measures to encourage the reduction of air pollution products flaring gas in flares."
  2. Novikov A.A., Chuhareva N.V. Analysis of the effectiveness of associated petroleum gas transport fishing downhole production / / Oil and gas technology. 2007. # C. 2 - 6.
  3. Feigin V.I. Investigation of trends and prospects of oil and gas, petrochemicals and gas in Russia. - Moscow: Econ-inform, 2011. - 806 p.
  4. Antipyev V.N. Utilization of gas. - Moscow: Nedra, 1983. - 160 p.
