Research article
Issue: № 3 (34), 2015

Апраксина Н.Д.

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент,

Альметьевский государственный нефтяной институт



В статье раскрываются понятия «сознание», «многомерное сознание», его уровни. Большое внимание уделяется самопознанию, саморазвитию и личному поиску Бога. Для расширения сознания разработаны рекомендации для практического применения.

Ключевые слова: многомерное сознание, принятие, микрокосмос, самопознание, пробуждение, Богочеловек.

Apraksina N.D.

PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor,

Almetyevsk State Oil Institute



In the article we reveal the concept “consciousness”, “multidimensional consciousness”, its levels. A great attention is paid to self-knowledge, self-development and a personal search for the God. To expand consciousness some recommendations are developed for the practical use.

Keywords: multidimensional consciousness, adoption, microcosm, self-knowledge, awakening, God-man.

Everyone has the access to a higher level of consciousness leading to the altered and infinite reality. The human consciousness is constantly developed or recovered, varying from one generation to another, which is deeply aware of the limitations in direct experiences (pain, joy, anxiety, anger, fatigue, etc.). In this regard there is revealed the hidden meaning of the earth's problems, which could successfully be viewed from a spiritual perspective. This eliminates fears of the unknown, associated primarily with metaphysical entities, and allows to obtain pure pleasure of self-knowledge, understanding what is beyond this world and within a multidimensional person.

It should be noted that the meaning of the same word is revealed deeper, learning it in other languages. In English the word "consciousness" is connected with the following words: recognition, acknowledgement, admission, confession, self-awareness. The word “admission” means access, acceptance and confession. Thus, one can be assumed that “consciousness” is not only a collective knowledge of the human existence, but also a constant recognition, acceptance and confirmation of the true knowledge about oneself and the world, due to a strong aspiration of self-development. In German the word "consciousness" additionally includes the following concepts: clear understanding, memory and sense. So, we can also assume that “consciousness” is a clear understanding and a sense of ourselves in this reality, which constantly awakens a deep memory about the divine origin of one world.

From the word "consciousness" there are formed a lot of cognate words, for example, a conscious human, who is a clear understanding person and obviously feels every life situation and behaves wisely, without judgment, denial and resentment, accepting things as they are, with respect and love to others. People are divided into conscious and unconscious in our world. And it is no coincidence that some people live in joy, love and harmony, as conscious creators, builders of their lives, while others are constantly experiencing life's difficulties. Causes and consequences of these events are disclosed in the acceptance or rejection of the multidimensionality of the human consciousness. The conscious man has a big responsibility for his thoughts, words and actions towards himself and others. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the proper construction of the thought, based on a common sense and a logical chain of thought-forms. The main essence of the ternary principle in the process of creation is in the correct creation of the thought, right speech and right action (deed), i.e. the thoughts should be positive, productive and constructive, respectively, attached to words and actions. As a result, we can clearly define that the desires of the matter are different from the desires of the mind, leading to a healthy lifestyle [2].

One of the authors of the books on body healing, Louise Hay considers mental causes of the physical ailments and offers a metaphysical way of healing: a multiple pronunciation or mental repetition of certain affirmations – the intention of the healthy, positive thinking - promoting change in own life and self-healing, resulting in the balance of the body, mind and spirit; a deep awakening consciousness [4].

The modern science has accumulated much knowledge that is a prerequisite for the resolution of the research problem. A. I. Klisowsky, Russian philosopher, defines every human life as a part of life of all creation as the microcosm, i.e. all the forces of the cosmos are in a potential state of each person. L. N. Solovyova, a well-known Ayurvedic physician, confirms that the human body is a model of the Universe and the Universe is a big man]. D. Melkhisedek, a physicist, examines 5 levels of the consciousness with different DNA, 2 levels are beyond the reach (higher levels) [1]. Z. Gruichich and M. Gruichich, biophysiologists, consider consciousness as an essential process of self-recognition inherent in a comprehensive process of self-recognition of the only Creator [3].

The analysis of the current scientific literature leads to the conclusion that a human nature can have a certain level of consciousness: individual, collective, cosmic, Divine or Higher (infinite). The individual consciousness is able to be expanded together with the collective consciousness, which has a positive impact on human development. For example, most people do not want the war, it means that there will be no war and it is really happening and will happen. At present all the problems can be solved keeping the peace among people and countries. The cosmic consciousness, the consciousness of unity with all life forms is considered as the only thread that connects everyone and everything outside of time and space. The man with this consciousness lives for the others and helps by means of the spiritual healing. The Supreme consciousness is possessed by those who have the ability to obtain the true knowledge about the Universe and pass it the aspiring to self-knowledge. The life on the Earth is a science lab with different forms of life in this reality and other realities that people of three-dimensional measurement with the limited consciousness cannot notice people of four-dimensional measurement of the cosmic consciousness.

 The man lives in a huge world, but the life exists not only on the Earth but also in the Space. Therefore, it is possible to identify the limited consciousness and the expanded, multidimensional consciousness (the sum of all levels of the consciousness). Basing on the personal spiritual experience, visits to Places of Power, reading hundreds of the books, it is noticed that the lower life forms (minerals, plants, insects, birds, fish, animals) and higher life forms (humans, saints, angels, archangels, extraterrestrial beings) possess the consciousness. The adoption of the multidimensionality of the universe expands the consciousness of the man to the God-man. We agree with the Scripture that the man is created in the image and likeness of the God. Indeed, people have so many untapped abilities and can uncover by themselves, doing things with love, joy and inspiration, freely picking up the keys to mastering a particular sphere of the activity, developing multidimensional consciousness, i.e. restoring the relationship with the divine. The awakened consciousness gives the man the opportunity to take care of the planet, all living beings on it, natural resources, and use new technologies with good intentions for the sake of all beings.

The universal law of analogy: as above, so below suggests that the person is multidimensional as the Highest Essence. Therefore, in the man there are all the levels of the consciousness that throughout his life he always awakens in himself and there is no limit, so the aim of his life becomes self-knowledge, self-development and a personal search for the God. Everything in the Universe (including the man) consists of elementary particles, wave vibrations, subtle elements, consisting of a clean energy. Thus, the man has never been a hardened being; he always remains a moving particle of everything. The man takes the energy of the Earth and the Space, constantly transforming it to purify the consciousness.

The man is the microcosm, a creation of the God. The people know little about them and do not have the right to govern themselves to a certain stage of time. For example, the process of fetal development of the child in the female body occurs without the intervention of the future mother; she does not know how each part of the body of a baby grows. There are many such examples. But the seeker, spiritually a seeking man will always find "the way home", the way to oneself traveling in oneself. For this purpose there are many different spiritual practices, Places of Power, spiritual mentors. Using all this, life is changed dramatically and filled with the true knowledge, peace, harmony, causeless joy, unconditional love, health and clear understanding of causes and consequences of all events. Getting to know oneself, one knows the others, so it becomes easier to live, helping the others to understand personal problems. The awareness to be useful to people gives the highest joy of life, a sense of youth and beauty. Not in vain one says that the soul is always young, perhaps soon, the physical body will not grow old. Half a century ago the women looked older in 50-55 years. Nowadays this age is the wisest, most beautiful, independent, with much life experience and available skills to continue the development of the consciousness.

Due to the multidimensionality of the consciousness one can reveal superpowers. For example, to see and hear what cannot be done with the limited consciousness; to see a multicolored aura around the person, energy centers, in colors of which one can learn the state of the physical and spiritual bodies of the man. Developed intuition helps to be where one needs to be at the right moment and take a certain action, developing creative talents and engaging the others. The subtly sensual perception (clairvoyance) is in individual personalities, among which the children of Indigo with brilliant abilities, evolved intelligence, to teach them the education system is not always ready.

Thus, for the expansion of the consciousness, we propose the following recommendations:

  1. Adoption of the human dependence on energy impact of the Space.
  2. Adoption of the multidimensional Universe.
  3. Adoption of the infinite human existence by developing awareness of the God-man.
  4. Self-knowledge, self-development, a personal search for the God.
  5. Use of spiritual practices, visits to the Places of Power, communication with spirit guides.
  6. Change of the perception. Negative words of some people should not control emotions and feelings of the others.
  7. Positivity, productivity and creativity in the thoughts, words and actions.
  8. Adoption of the affirmations for a healthy lifestyle to liberate from old stereo types.
  9. Adoption of the super abilities of the man as expanded consciousness.


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