Мельников В.Ю.
Доктор юридических наук, доцент Южного федерального Университета
Обеспечение прав участников уголовного процесса должны соответствовать идеи человека и его прав и свобод высшей ценностью и соответствовать международным стандартам в области прав человека, которые являются неотъемлемой частью российской правовой системы. Конституция России признает права человека и свободу высшей ценностью, а их соблюдение и защиту - ответственность государства.
Ключевые слова: свобода человека, права личности, меры процессуального принуждения, следователя, прокурора.
Melnikov V.Yu.
PhD in Jurisprudence, Associate Professor, Southern Federal UniversityOPPORTUNITY OF ADHERING TO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS IN THE MODERN STATE
Ensuring the rights of participants in criminal proceedings must meet the ideas of man and his rights and freedoms as the supreme value and comply with international standards of human rights, which are an integral part of the Russian legal system. The Russian Constitution recognizes human rights and freedom of the highest value, and their respect for and protection - State responsibility.
Keywords: human freedom, the rights of personality, measures of procedural coercion, investigator, prosecutor.
The idea of a priority in the criminal justice protection from crime, rights and lawful interests of individuals, society and the state, to protect the individual from unlawful and unreasonable charges, restrictions on rights and freedoms as the basis for the concept of criminal procedural law. Along with crime detection and exposure of persons who committed them, for which the law enforcement system and operates a modern reformed criminal procedure law, the purpose of criminal proceedings is in creating a proper mechanism for legal security and protecting the rights and freedoms of participants in criminal proceedings. Code of Criminal Procedure is intended to be the guarantor of human rights and freedoms of the abuses committed by the authorities of the preliminary investigation. Improving the efficiency of the legal regulation of the rights and freedoms of the individual in criminal proceedings requires improvement, primarily - in the pre-trial proceedings, the application of procedural enforcement.
Analysis and study of the problems of legal regulation of the rights and freedoms of the individual in criminal proceedings permitted the formulation of the author's concept of security and protection of individual rights in the application of coercive measures, scientific and theoretical propositions and conclusions about the nature of security and protection of human rights, based on these proposals to improve legislation and practice enforcement to ensure the rights of subjects of criminal procedure relations.
Key provisions for the defense.
1. Quality and effectiveness of criminal justice should primarily be determined by how effectively protect the legitimate interests of society and the state guaranteed the rights and freedoms of the individual, any damage caused by crime.
2. Under the provision of human rights when they apply the procedural enforcement, in accordance with the purpose of criminal proceedings, the author understands and primarily considers the following participants in criminal proceedings: the suspect, accused, victim or witness. Ensuring human rights and freedoms in criminal proceedings - an activity, investigator, prosecutor, court, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the implementation of the procedural rights and obligations of participants in criminal proceedings.
3. Under the legal guarantees of legality and validity of restrictions on human rights, in the application of measures of procedural coercion, it should be understood set of conditions, means and methods established by the rules of international, constitutional, criminal procedural law and other laws, as well as carried out on the basis of their procedural activities, ensuring the protection of the human physical, moral and mental integrity, individual freedom and personal security against arbitrary encroachments in criminal proceedings.
4. For proper observance of human rights in accordance with the purpose of criminal proceedings developed and discusses the concept of «security mechanism, implementation and protection of human rights.» «This mechanism during pre-trial proceedings is defined as a structured set of procedural and legal means and methods, as well as a certain sequence of realization of human rights [1, 460].
The notion of participant status in criminal proceedings should include not only certain legal rights and duties assigned to it, but the responsibility for their failure or improper execution. «The basis of liability shall be a violation of the criminal procedure law and, in particular, illegal or unjustified use of coercive procedural measures [2, 120].
Theoretically considered and justified questions concepts, content and classification of human rights and freedoms in the context of criminal procedure on the use of coercive measures, principles of due process and the problems of their implementation in a criminal prosecution. Based on analysis of the investigative and judicial practice to study the main provisions of international law in the field of human rights and the legal regulation of the preliminary investigation, prosecution, court, to ensure the rights and freedoms of the individual in criminal proceedings.
Formulate regulations defining responsibilities investigator, prosecutor, judge, aimed at the promotion of human rights, as well as their responsibilities and the consequences of improper performance of their duties.
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