Научная статья
Истомина Е.Е.1, *, Хаташкеев А.В.2
1 ORCID: 0000-0002-1243-4434;
2 ORCID: 0000-0003-0304-6162;
1, 2 Иркутский государственный университет, Иркутск, Россия
* Корреспондирующий автор (gamlet421[at]yandex.ru)
АннотацияВ статье рассмотрены методы определения содержания золота в продуктах ГОК «Невский» ООО «Друза». Проведено исследование деятельности по определению содержанию золота в золотосодержащих продуктах. Рассмотрены методы определения содержания золота в продуктах на базе ПАЛ и ЗИФ компании. В работе описаны методы определения содержания золота в продуктах: атомно-абсорбционный метод, титриметрический метод и пробирно-гравиметрический метод. Определен более эффективный метод определения содержания золота в продуктах золотодобывающей компании.
Ключевые слова: золотоизвлекательная фабрика (ЗИФ), пробирно-аналитическая лаборатория (ПАЛ), слиток золота, проба, золотосодержащая руда, методы определения содержания золота: пробирно-гравиметрический.
Research article
Istomina Е.Е.1, *, Shataschkeev А.V.2
1 ORCID: 0000-0002-1243-4434;
2 ORCID: 0000-0003-0304-6162;
1, 2 Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
* Corresponding author (gamlet421[at]yandex.ru)
AbstractThe article deals with the processes of determining the gold content in the products of the "Nevsky" mining and processing plant of "Druza" LLC. The activity of AAL to determine the content of gold in gold-containing products was investigated. The composition and structure of AAL GOK "Nevsky" LLC "Druza" is considered. The paper describes methods for determination of gold such as atomic absorption, titrimetric analysis and gravimetric method. The principles of internal and external laboratory control in the AAL of a gold mining company are defined.
Keywords: gold recovery factory (GRF), assay and analytical laboratory (AAL), gold bar, sample, gold-containing ore, methods for determination of gold content: gravimetric.
IntroductionWhen developing precious metal deposits in East Siberia, there is an urgent need to apply methods that made it possible to carry out the quantitative determination of gold. Using other methods, researchers were faced with a problem of unrepresentative suspension and the ability to conduct only a semi-personal analysis of the gold content in ore [1, P. 7-8], [10]
The methods are used to determine the gold content of Nevsky products:
- Test tube smelting of enlarged ore suspension is used for analiz ores with coarse gold in the plant of Nevsky.
- The method of cyanidation of enlarged ore canopies is used in plant.
- The method is used by mining and processing plant of Nevsky, but the weight of the suspension for sieve analysis is limited to 1kg, which is insufficient for gold-bearing ores of no objects. [2], [6]
- The most promising is the extraction of free gold particles by gravitational methods with the production of gold-containing concentrate and tailings. Collection, crushing, mixing and reduction of initial samples to cereals - 2 mm [2], [3].
- The mass of the sample representative for analysis depends on the size of gold and its content in the ore. It is recommended to take a sample mass of at least 4 kg after crushing the ore to a size of - 2 mm. Reduction of samples during crushing is carried out in accordance with the Richards-Chechott formula

6.It is recommended to crush samples in cheek crushers with glade cheeks. After crushing to a size of - 2 mm, a sample weighing 4 kg goes to crushing to a size of 50-60% of the class - 0.1 mm. After the first stage of grinding, the sample is reduced to 1 kg and then is trimmed to a size of 95-98% of the class - 0.1 mm.
- Reduction of material at all stages of sample processing is preferably carried out with the help of mechanical abbreviators, which ensure uniform supply of material and sampling by transverse intersection of the whole jet by a sampling device with a number of cuts of at least 40 minutes.
- During sampling and processing it is necessary to ensure safety conditions in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14180-80.
- The mass of the ground sample supplied to the control screening on the screen 0.007 (0.1) mm must be not less than 1 kg (OST 48-276-86). Screening is carried out in a wet manner, which is preferable to screening dry.Screens after screening shall be cleaned in ultrasonic baths.
- Desirably, the weight of the resulting oversize products does not exceed 50 g, i.e., the weight of the single test tube slurry. The oversize product containing the free gold particles is weighed and sent in its entirety to a test tube. In case the whole concentrate mass cannot be melted by one test tube, several melts are carried out.
- After weighing the sub-sieve product, samples (50 g) are taken from it to determine the gold content by test tube analysis.
The gold content of the concentrate is determined by the test method. The total mass of concentrate (about 50 g) is fed to the test tube smelting. Provided that a higher mass concentrate is obtained, several test tubes are required. Then the average-weighted gold content in the concentrate is calculated.

Table 1 – Results of calculation of gold content in samples with large metal emissions in ore of Nevsky deposit
Sample number | Oversized product (0.1 mm) | Sub-sieve product (-0.1 0mm) | Calculated content in initial sample g/t | ||||
substance yield | Au content, g/t | substance yield | Au content, g/t | ||||
G | % | g | % | ||||
1 | 1,430 | 0,144 | 1497 | 976,2 | 99,87 | 2,04 | 4,81 |
2 | 2,625 | 0,263 | 854 | 956,5 | 99,76 | 3,8 | 5,62 |
3 | 0,867 | 0,087 | 91,3 | 998,9 | 99,79 | 1,63 | 1,77 |
4 | 2,247 | 0,236 | 76,2 | 1098,9 | 99,98 | 1,89 | 1,98 |
5 | 5,782 | 0,582 | 25,3 | 956,8 | 99,87 | 0,97 | 1,08 |
6 | 5,760 | 0,579 | 38,1 | 1001,2 | 99,34 | 1,33 | 1,64 |
7 | 7,521 | 0,755 | 472 | 1056,6 | 99,67 | 2,31 | 5,89 |
8 | 3,102 | 0,323 | 781 | 1105,7 | 99,77 | 3,89 | 5,88 |
9 | 2,846 | 0,293 | 2198 | 1001,8 | 99,71 | 6,81 | 11,9 |
10 | 3,706 | 0,397 | 187 | 998,5 | 99,65 | 3,32 | 3,89 |
In the table 1 shows the weights of gold oversized products when screening on a 0.1 mm sieve, from which two 40 g weights were allocated for analysis, respectively. The estimated gold content in the initial ore is determined based on the results of calculation of the substance balance. Analysis of the results indicates that the gold concentration is several times higher in the oversized product of the grinding of the ground sample than in the undersized product.
In the oversized product, native gold can be observed in the form of cha-stems with a size of 0.5-0.6 mm, at 45-60% of the gold content of the total metal in the samples. Extraction of metal into oversize product up to 10%.
The methodology of gravitational concentration showed its effectiveness in the search, exploration and technological assessment of ores of many objects, including deposits.
Конфликт интересов Не указан. | Conflict of Interest None declared. |
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