Васяйчева В.А.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5472-937x, Кандидат экономических наук, Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика С.П. Королева
Вопрос повышения конкурентоспособности организации на основе совершенствования системы ее управления в настоящее время является весьма актуальным. В данной статье рассматривается одно из направлений повышения качества менеджмента на предприятии, основанное на формировании эффективной системы информатизации бизнес-процессов. Автором делается вывод, что система информатизации является незаменимым помощником для предпринимателя в реализации возможностей, создаваемых формулой конкуренции.
Ключевые слова: информатизация, бизнес-процессы, управление.Vasyaycheva V.A.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5472-937x, PhD in Economics, Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev
Today is very important to study the ways to increase the enterprises competitiveness by improving the management system. This article discusses one of the areas of quality management improvement based on the effective business process informatization systems formation. The author concludes that the informatization system is an indispensable tool that helps to create the competition opportunities.
Keywords: informatization, business processes, governance.How do the informatization systems are connected within the enterprise? The usual way for domestic mediumsized companies is to start the information technologies introduction in the automation of accounting, HR and workflow. The data and the processes of the systems are more formalized and easily automated. The software packages "1C: Bukhgalteriya", "Boss: Kadrovik", "LanDocs", "LanStaff","Salary" and others are well known. So they allow to build them in any application and integrate them into the general company IS. Modules interaction with each other you can see at the Fig. 1.
TPS module serves the main and support business processes. It is usually the main source for other information modules. ESS - the main recipient of the data of internal systems and external environment. The other systems communicate too. Determination of the optimal way for IS integration into business processes is one of the mostly significant challenges for the IT manager (Chief Information Office - CIO). Ideally the company's system has to be completely integrated. But this is a very expensive time and costs wise. Therefore it is necessary to compare the needs in the integrated systems putting it on the scales against the difficulties and high cost of the large-scale IS. There is no upper limit of integration or centralization. Each manager should make this decision by himself (or with the help of the consulting firm). [1]
The integration of heterogeneous and distributed data cannot solve all issues arise in the corporate management. The greatest value for user is not the data itself but the ability to use the information in different business processes (in accordance with the process approach). In the most modern informatization systems is usually considered as the "elementary" unit the service that correspond to some elementary business process and it can easily generate some data.
At present, during the formation, design and implementation of enterprise's information infrastructure the service-oriented architecture (SOA) applies increasingly. It is such an architecture of IS in which the system is constructed from the set of loosely coupled heterogeneous components (services). SOA is understood as a paradigm of the organization and the use of a specific set of functions that can be controlled by different owners. The basic concepts in this architecture are the "information service" and "composite application". [2]
Information service is a function of an elementary application of the automated system. It suitable for use in developing the applications that implement the application logic in automated processes in the system itself and in some other applications.
Composite application is a software for the specific tasks that ties the application logic of the process with data sources and information services that are stored on a heterogeneous sets of the basic information systems. This applications are usually associated with the business process and may combine different activities of the process, presenting them to the user through a single interface.
The need of coding new programs decreases during the simplifying of the management tools. The repeat using of services reduces the time for software development. The unification of frequently used activities helps to reduce the total number of activities which are required the exclusive control methods. The labor costs for the applications support are significantly reduced through the using of simple protocols.
The use of the single infrastructure of service description (the repository of services), the allowed access of protocols and messaging, the message formats are the required conditions for constructing and implementing the architecture of system based on SOA. This infrastructure forms the so-called integration bus (Enterprise Service Bus - ESB), which is one of the central components of the system. It establishes the uniform rules for entire services, control functions and information exchange between the applications of different systems that are part of the integrated system. This simplifies the application service management (ASM) and support and also reduces the risk of the applications fragmentation.
Change management of the business processes in companies take a lot of time. According to the research agency Gartner Group the cost of supporting the informatization systems is about 80% of the IT budget (35% is the cost of the integration the applications, 60% of the cost of implementation the corporate IS is the costs of integration, 50% of the IT budget is spent on maintenance of the system's interfaces). Using the SOA architecture allows to effectively organize the rapid adaptation of IT systems to the requirements of the new business strategy that giving the company a strategic advantage consisting in: increasing the adaptation speed of business to the rapidly changing market demands (agility); expansion of interaction the heterogeneous enterprise information systems with fixed investments; reducing of the IT system expences based on the reuse of some functional components; increasing the overall productivity of system clients (based on the architecture of Web 2.0). [3]
The main business targets of SOA implementation are to eliminate: the fragmentation and duplication of data; the duplication of the business functions or procedures of nonflexible architecture.
The leaders of software development market offer the consolidated package that include not only the specific tools to develop and deploy the integrated business applications initially but they implement the integrated environment of developing such applications.
The ability to increase production efficiency for any company is primarily determined by the effectiveness of the quality management system (QMS) performance. Coordinated interaction (team work) between all units at the company, quick processing and data analysis, long-term planning and market forecasting - this is not a complete list of issues which the introduction of modern automated management system allows to solve.
All enterprises can be divided into two classes (from the perspective introduction of information technology):
- the companies with a discrete type of production;
- the companies with continuous production.
Introducing CAD / CAM for continuous production means the introduction of the multi-platform systems (CAD/CAM/CAE).
The role of project management and major part of production start up reparation – “pre-production stage” is increasing at the same time. The main tasks supported by IT are greatly enlarged in the direction of technological calculations and modeling of technological processes. The systems of computer aided engineering (CAE) begin to play a decisive role in the modeling of the production workflow.
The implementation of the supervisory control and data acquisition systems is extremely necessary in continuous production cycle. The efficiency of production directly depends from the performed systems efficiency. The bases of the majority of SCADA are some software components (real-time database, input-output device and history of accidents, etc.) and administrators (access, control, messages).
- Vasyaycheva V.A., Sakhabieva G.A., Sakhabiev V.A. The organization management improvement // Vestnik Samara Municipal Management Institute. 2012. №4 (23). P. 22-30.
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