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Таблица 1 - Фрейм номинативного поля концепта MULTIPOLAR WORD ORDER

​Poles (potential brokers)

‘Plus’ factors (amounts of power)

‘Minus’ factors (weakness)

​The United States

The dominant world power; defense budget; unrivaled innovative prowess; English as the world’s lingua franca; the American dollar with its unlimited seigniorage

​Not stated

Other Anglo-Saxon countries (the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

Tightly interconnected; cohesion; AUKUS alliance; sticking together

​Not stated


Intensifying nuclear deterrence efforts; economy is likely to peak; impressive research and development (R&D) capabilities

Environmental degradation; water scarcity; demographic decline; shortage of labor, innovation minds and solders


The most populous country; economic growth rate

Social gaps; caste division; inadequate education system; environmental degradation; lack of job creation; weak soft power; energy resource deficit


Produces remarkable scientists; military strength

Problems with quality control; underperforming economically and in R&D; inept in turning innovation into profitable business; civilian weakness

​The Euro-pean Union

The AUKUS alliance

Not enough military capability and strategic purpose; no access control to the Atlantic and the Bosporus; no strong leader; is not unified

​Arab world

A considerable financial clout; a significant presence in natural gas; flexing its muscles on international stage

​Not stated