Научная статья
Выпуск: № 6 (120), 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2022.120.6.069


Научная статья

Вечканова Э.Ю.*

ORCID: 0000-0002-7019-0992,

Крымский федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского, Симферополь, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор(vechkanova22[at]mail.ru)


В данной статье рассматриваются языковые современные трансформации в германских языках. В данном труде проводится фрагментарное исследование двух феноменов, которые стали новыми вариантами германского языка: этнолекта и мультиэтнолекта. Стоит указать, что мультиэтнолект и этнолект отличаются, имеют свои лингвистические особенности, а так же их употребление зависит от национальности и территории.

В работе упоминается об отличии двух феноменов от диалекта в связи с тем, что некоторые лингвисты и авторы проводили исследования: мультиэтнолект и этнолект действительно ли новые варианты или просто диалекты.

В статье доказывается, что «этнолект» – это форма проявления языка, а не новый язык, возникающий в результате взаимоотношений между разными этносами, а «мультиэтнолект» – это объединение носителей языка: турецкого, арабского, курдского, немецкого и других языков.

Ключевые слова: мультикультурное пространство, этнолект, мультилект, германские языки, трансформации в лингвистике.


Research article

Vechkanova E.Yu.*

ORCID: 0000-0002-7019-0992,

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia

*Corresponding author(vechkanova22[at]mail.ru)


This article determines modern linguistic transformations in the Germanic languages. In this work a fragmentary study of two phenomena that have become new variants of the Germanic language is carried out: ethnolect and multiethnolect. It is worth pointing out that multiethnolect and ethnolect are different, have their own linguistic features, and also their use depends on nationality and territory.

The paper mentions the difference between the two phenomena from the dialect due to the fact that some linguists and authors have conducted research: whether multiethnolect and ethnolect are really new variants or just dialects.

This work proves that "ethnolect" is a form of the language manifestation, not a new language, which arises due to the relationship between different ethnic groups, but "multiethnolect" is an association of speakers: Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, German and other languages.

Keywords: multicultural space, ethnolect, multilect, Germanic languages, transformations in linguistics.

In the modern world language transformations are taking place in a multicultural space, this process is of great interest to foreign and domestic researchers in Russia and abroad. Language transformations in a multicultural space have an impact on the formation of the Germanic languages` new variants, which is confirmed by specialized sources and scientific literature.

In the 21st century, researchers note that the Germanic languages are subject to change due to the close interconnections of other cultures and the transformation of the indigenous language`s norms. The question arises about the ongoing changes: do the ongoing transformations enrich the Germanic languages or, on the contrary, change them beyond recognition?

Most linguists believe that the transformations have a positive effect on the Germanic languages, make a significant contribution to the country's linguistic heritage and contribute to future development.

On the other hand, researchers`opinions are divided: the interaction of Germanic languages with other languages negatively affects the language as a whole: the boundaries are erased, the origins disappear, transforming into a “new language”.

The problems of the topic under study point to detailed studies of language transformations, which draw attention to the creation of new multiethnolects that require a detailed analysis of the multicultural space and its ongoing changes. The above information proves the relevance of the topic under consideration and a large field for research, comparison and study of the modern German language's relationship with other cultures.

To understand and analyze this situation, it is worth analyzing the formation of new language variants, lexical features and transformations` specifics, which will visually represent the changes.

It should be noted that the ongoing transformations of the German language in a multicultural space can be traced on the example of several languages: Swedish, German, English and Dutch.

Studying the problems of this topic, domestic (N.S. Avdonina, A.V. Dorofeeva, A.M. Malakhova, V.V. Antropova, A.V. Grosheva, M.V. Zagidullina, E.S. Krasnopeeva), A.A. Morozova, A.A. Selyutin, E.Yu. Panova, V.V. Fedorov, O.I. Sharafutdinova, M.V. Zagidullina) and foreign scientific works (J. Androutsopoulos, G. Budach, M. Clyne, I. Dirim, H. Löffler, H. Wiese, W. Wölck) have been researched.

Analysis of the monograph by Russian authors A.M. Kalimullina, V.G. Zakirova, L.A. Kamalova points to the processes that influenced today's modern German language: structural changes began to occur and continue due to the immigration of Germans, Swedes, Dutch, English and others Europeans [3].

In the collective monograph of Russian researchers, attention is drawn to the influence of migrants, who influenced the formation and new vocabulary's formation and slang, which became the basis for the new German language [2].

A detailed study of the materials of one of the international conferences, the European multilingual space: education, society, law, provided an opportunity to isolate new variants of the German language, which differ significantly in Europe:

  • it is worth noting that in Germany the new version of the language began to be called Kiezdeutsch;
  • in the Netherlands it is called straattaal;
  • in Denmark – kobenhavnskmultietnolekt,
  • Sweden was also subject to change and multilingualism influenced the creation of rinkebysvenska, “new language”;
  • in Norway – byvankerslang or kebabnorsk;
  • and in the UK there were also changes, which not only had an impact on linguistics, but also reflected on the linguistic heritage of the whole country – Multicultural London English was formed [1].

An analysis of the multicultural space made it possible to confirm the assumption that the relationship of one culture with another, the constant migration of people within the European space, served not only as changes in the language, but became the beginning for the formation of a multiethnolect and ethnolect.

Such a statement requires additional analysis and supporting linguistic facts, so you should figure out what ethnolect and multiethnolect really mean, is it really a new version of the Germanic language, what are the differences between these new concepts in linguistics, how do they differ and where are they found.

Turning to the time period, it is worth emphasizing that the ethnolect and multiethnolect appeared in the 20th century, but not in Germany. References to new varieties of the language, according to historical facts, were used to describe the variant of the English language, which was used by the descendants of European immigrants in Buffalo, New York.

  1. Carlock and W. Welk were among the first researchers who mentioned an ethnolect as a linguistic substratum of a certain ethnic group [10].

Exploring the problems of the topic under study; its methodology should be noted: the works of famous authors, linguists and linguists, who are devoted to detailed analysis and transformations in a multicultural space, namely ethnolect and multiethnolect. Authors such as: J. Androtsopoulos, P. Auer, J. Budach, W. Welk, H. Weiss, I. Dirim.E. Carlock, M. Klein, H. Löfler and others published their views and scientific research on the above topic.

  1. Budach in his work draws attention to the Kulturräume, multilingual cultural spaces where "real life" takes place, namely, relationships are established between cultures and German society itself, which contributes to the formation of that form of communication or language that will be understood by everyone, regardless of person's position or a nation [5, P. 58].

The author J. Budach confirms the fact that the above information, cultural, linguistic and people` social contacts of different ethnic groups provoked the formation of Kanak Sprak and Kiezdeutsch, a new version of the German language, which in linguistics is the linguistic concepts “ethnolect” and “multiethnolect”.

As for the ethnolect, J. Androtsopoulos, I. Dirim, M. Klein, H. Lofler mention it in their works:

  1. Androtsopoulos considers the ethnolect as one of the language's linguistic variants, compares it with other variants, analyzing the structural characteristics within the modern state's framework of the Germanic language [4, P. 140–145].
  2. Dirim emphasizes that the ethnolect is only a form of manifestation of the language, not a new language, which arises due to the relationship between different ethnic groups [7, P. 15].
  3. Klein identifies Kanak Sprak, a kind of ethnolect created by Turkish migrants, the younger generation who lived in the German territories in Germany [6, P. 7].
  4. Lofler points out that an ethnolect differs from a dialect in ethnicity, due to the fact that a dialect differs from another dialect within the boundaries of territories and social characteristics. The author notes that the ethnolnect once already existed in linguistics: it refers to Yiddish, in which one could trace elements of the Slavic language, German language, as well as Hebrew [8, P. 117].
  5. Klein draws attention to the fact that the multiethnolect arose quite recently. 30 years ago, the concept of “multiethnolect” was introduced by U. Kotsinas, which meant one of the variants of the Swedish language, which was actively used by young immigrants living in Sweden.

Studying the work of a foreign researcher H. Wiese, the author mentions the concept “multiethnolect”. It should be noted that he interprets this term as one of the language's variants that arose thanks to immigrants living in the country, as a result of close interaction with the indigenous population, which gave impetus to a new language's formation [9, P. 26].

The analysis of works and specialized works, where linguistic transformations were analyzed through the prism of a multicultural space, proves the difference between two phenomena: the “multiethnolect” (Kanak Sprak) and the “ethnolect” (Kiezdeuts). It should be emphasized that the ethnolect is used only by the Turkish population in Germany, and Kiezdeuts is interpreted as a “multi-ethnolect” due to the fact that speakers of Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, German and other languages are united here.

  1. Wiese identifies the following distinctive features that will help distinguish the two above-mentioned phenomena within the framework of a multicultural space:
  2. The author draws attention to the people` origin from the point of view of the particular country's ethnic group.
  3. Wiese separates the linguistic variants of the literary language, which makes it possible to analyze the linguistic difference in the territory.
  4. It is interesting to emphasize the fact that H. Wiese analyzes in his work the systematic relationships between languages or their variants, thus it is possible to trace their language system [9, P. 27].

So, summing up the study's results of the topic's problems under study, it is worth noting that within the framework of a fragmentary analysis, it was possible to identify modern transformations taking place in the German language.

The phenomena of “ethnolect” and «multiethnolect» can be interpreted as new variants of the language, form a new field and a new language space for the research of foreign and domestic linguists.

This work proves that “ethnolect” is a form of the language` manifestation, not a new language, which arises due to the relationship between different ethnic groups, but “multiethnolect” is an association of speakers: Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, German and other languages.

Referring to the study, the German language continues to develop, transform, presenting increased interest for linguists and new opportunities for linguistic discoveries, which will enrich the heritage of not only Germany, but the entire multicultural space in linguistics.

Конфликт интересов Не указан. Conflict of Interest None declared.

Списоклитературы / References in English

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Список литературы на английском языке / ReferencesinEnglish

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