Научная статья
Выпуск: № 4 (23), 2014

Шамрай Д.В.1, Гоголева М.А.2

1Магистрант, Институт сферы обслуживания и предпринимательства (филиал) ДГТУ (г. Шахты); 2Кандидат технических наук, доцент, Институт сферы обслуживания и предпринимательства (филиал) ДГТУ (г. Шахты)



В современном мире все находится в развитии. Это же касается и маркетинговой деятельности. Новые технологии предоставляют огромные возможности для развития маркетинга и предъявляют новые требования для маркетологов нового поколения.

Ключевые слова: маркетологи нового поколения, новые технологии, цифровой маркетинг.

Shamray D.V.1, Gogoleva M.A.2

1Undergraduate, The Institute of Service Sphere and Entrepreneurship (branch) of the Don State Technical University (Shachty); 2Ph.D, Associate Professor, The Institute of Service Sphere and Entrepreneurship (branch) of the Don State Technical University (Shachty)



In the modern world everything is in development. Same concerns also marketing activity. New technologies give huge opportunities for development of marketing and impose new requirements for marketing specialists of new generation.

Keywords: marketing specialists of the new generation, new technologies, digital marketing.

The field of marketing is dynamic. Marketing is developing faster than ever before. And it happens not because of technology itself, but because markets and customers and changing in their structures and priorities, expectations and aspirations are faster than any time in history. Marketers must maintain close contact with these changes through a steady stream of information [7].

While digital technologies give us fantastic new platforms on which one can reach and collaborate with billions of people, quickly and efficiently, marketing is still a human challenge. Nowadays it is with more competitors, and more opportunities, concentrated but imaginative, evolving the fundamental basics of marketing, at the same time embracing the best new ideas to inspire and engage people, enable and do more for them [1].

Obviously, the understanding of the important concepts discussed in the Principles of  Marketing Tutorials are at the center of a successful marketing career. But basic marketing knowledge is just the beginning for today’s marketers must possess much more qualities.

Marketers are first and foremost business people who must perform necessary tasks required for all successful business people. These basic skills include problem analysis and decision-making, oral and written communication, basic quantitative skills, and getting on well with others.

Marketers must know how their decisions will impact other areas of the company and other business partners. They must realize that marketing decisions are not made in isolation and that decisions made by the marketing team could lead to problems for others [7].

Modern marketers need tools that bring enterprise-class business processes and best practices to this fast-paced, constantly changing environment [3].

Today’s marketers must have a strong understanding of technology on two fronts. Firstly, marketers must be skilled in using technology as part of their everyday activities. They must understand not only how basic computer software is used to build spreadsheets or create slide presentations. But in a world where information excess is a problem marketers must investigate additional technologies that can improve their effectiveness and efficiency, such as multifunction smartphones, GPS navigation services and web-based productivity applications. IDC predicts that in 2014 more than half of all new hired marketers will have a technical background. Secondly, marketers must understand emerging technology and applications in order to find potential business opportunities as well as potential threats. For instance, the rapid growth of social media demands that marketers firmly understand how these fit within an overall marketing strategy [7].

Next-generation marketers are emerging today. They are all-round, proficient in a variety of core marketing activities, analytical, creative, competent in high-technologies. They push the limits of marketing and tie goods to the measurable results. According to the Marketing Agency Blueprint such hybrid professionals are trained to deliver services across search, mobile, social content, analysis, web, PR, and email marketing. They provide integrated solutions that used to require multiple agencies and consultants [4].

The days of marketing where creativity was valued above all else are gone. New technology offers modern marketers not only the ability to set up very creative marketing campaigns, but also ones that are carried out with performance tracking and deep analysis to understand the target audience better and improve conversions.

To achieve this balance between an artist and a scientist is not easy and it requires a special set of skills not previously seen or required in the marketing field before. It makes marketers use both the creative and analytical parts of their brains. The creative part is responsible for producing all the creative content, visual assets, engaging social media, and great email campaigns while the analytical part has to focus on all the important data, analytics, and overall campaign performance. It is certainly not easy to maintain balance by any means [5].

Google found out that an average shopper refers to 10.4 sources before making a purchasing decision.

In October 2012 global smartphone users rose to above one billion and the experts expect this number to reach two billion by 2015 [4].

Modern marketing depends on quality content. From the very first digital interactions with an unknown prospect to ongoing relationships with loyal customers, businesses must have digital content that informs and engages customers every step of the way. This is the essence of digital marketing [6].

The basic principles of development of digital marketing are:

  • Contents should have qualities and focus on humans as internet users. Focus means that information required by internet users is found in content or article. It clearly shows the relevance between content and needs of the internet users.
  • Establish cooperation or relationship with another corporate, such as another company, or other sites that have the same goal in digital marketing. It’s could be “share a link” beneficial for both.
  • Extension base of knowledge and visibility about search systems. Until now many new search systems are not potentially in digital marketing such as the App Store, Google Play, YouTube, etc. It happens because many platforms are growing in search systems in mobile devices followed by higher sales of mobile devices.
  • Add content functions not only as information, but also create content that makes visitors dependent with content to build a community, fans, or others. As an example, social networks are emerging Social networks can be used as a channel to expand content.
  • Continue to develop expertness, so to become a role model for the others. Your role makes it easy develop and expand business network.

In addition, analysis about visitor behavior when visitors come to website also should be prioritized. For this purpose the analytics methods such as ClickTale Tools, Web Analytics, CRO, Google Analytics, etc. are used. These methods will do the improvement in the future.

A 2012 report from Forrester and Heidrick & Struggles concluded that marketing is “moving from the outskirts to the core of the enterprise” in helping leadership teams develop and implement customer-centric strategies. In other words, marketing must become a force for visualizing and evangelizing the future.

In the 2011 IBM Global Chief Marketing Officer Study showed that 63% of respondents cited marketing ROI as the most important metric to measure marketing success, followed by customer experience (58%) and conversion rate/ new customers (48%).

Recession, the rise of digital and the emphasis on media neutrality are just some developments making new demands on marketers and changing marketing’s role in the company structure.


  1. Peter Fisk. New Trends in Marketing [Электронный ресурс]/ Peter Fisk. 2013. – Режим доступа: http://www.michelino.ru
  2. Denny Sindi. Pratama Trends development of the present in digital marketing [Электронный ресурс]/ Denny Sindi. – Режим доступа: http://www.inboundid.com
  3. John Foley. Oracle The CMO's Modern Marketing Toolset Combines Digital, Mobile, And Social [Электронный ресурс]/John Foley. – Режим доступа: http://www.forbes.com
  4. Dia Dalsky. 15 Skills of the Modern Marketing Team [Электронный ресурс]/ Dia Dalsky. – Режим доступа: http://www.pr2020.com
  5. Shay Wright. Modern Marketing In The Digital Age [Электронный ресурс]/ Shay Wright. – Режим доступа: http://www.seo.com
  6. Jonathan Becher. Welcome To The Future: Three Must-Do's For The Modern Marketer [Электронный ресурс]/ Jonathan Becher. – Режим доступа: http://www.forbes.com
  7. Characteristics of Modern Marketers [Электронный ресурс]/ – Режим доступа: http://www.knowthis.com